What's next for Elektron?

I’ve been thinking about this in terms of their main product lines: the “Analog” series, the “Digi” series, the “Model” series, and the effects line.

I’m not sure what they would add to the Analog line that fits with that ethos.

However, I could easily see an expansion on the “Digi” series with a DigiSid or MnM off-shoot, or even a DigiDrum/MachineDrum off-shoot, with Overbridge and the modern sequencer. That seems like a no-brainer. A wavetable sounds like a good idea but I think that’s too close to what the DN does, at least in terms of character.

Another no-brainer I think would be a Delay and Reverb effects unit, and/or chorus and other modulation effects.

I don’t know where they go with the Model series, maybe a bass synth? But I don’t see how that gets to be more than one or two tracks… Maybe paraphonic? A Model:Strings seems too esoteric. Maybe it just stays a one-product line.

Other than that, I’m not sure where they go unless it’s something totally new. A mixer or sequencer just doesn’t seem to be the kind of thing they would do. Maybe a keyboard-centric synth, not a groove box with a keyboard attached, but a keyboard built from he ground up, but that seems unlikely.

I don’t see them jumping into Eurorack, though I imagine their sequencer in a Euro format with some bells and whistles would probably clean up.

Anyway, that’s what’s been on my mind recently when I’ve been daydreaming.

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I feel like we’re more likely to be surprised with something completely new from Elektron vs. a rehash / mk3 / Digi-version-of-a-classic. Though, I don’t think we, the public, see anything till Messe or Superbooth.


hopefully the next in the model: series will have audio in.

I wish the m:s had. m:s & a li’l acid box would be a great mini setup but without audio in you need a mixer n there’s no washing the input in reverb on the fly kinda thing like on the DN and bigger boxes.

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Nice ideas. I don’t think you’re too far off, or maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part. To chip in, I think an Analog Eight Keys would be amazing if made in the MKII Style, but it might be prohibitively expensive and not sell well because of that. A DigiBass, DigiDrum or DigiMono would all be excellent additions to the Digi line too. And regarding the Mixer – this is something Cenk has been hinting at wanting for a long time if I remember rightly. Imagine 8 inputs, the ‘Best of Elektron’ effects/filters per channel, a master compressor/distortion and the sequencer for morphing/changing FX per step. And if they threw in a looper function as well, then it’d be truly :exploding_head:


I reckon what you describe could be a worthy successor to the OT if mk3 ain’t gonna happen.

similar in ways, tho a new thing, and with them loopers would be mint :ok_hand:t4:

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Sooo what’s up with Elektron; new hybrid synth perhaps?

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whatever it is I hope it has a separate fill channel running at the same time as the main sequence

Why only granular???:hugs:
An easy wavtable☄️ with Many VC0 and sampl user should ne nice.
An heavy synth for tone design.
With linear fader to Switch Gear like a mixer😘Also be good ✓Elektron touch
Boom 🙅
Elektron mâke goal
Leadership for E.

Like king Korg :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

3x3x3 mod matrix

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Nevermind. Please don’t release anything I want Elektron. I just spent all my money preordering the new Sequential synth.


Jeremy of Red Means Recording knows what’s next and teased these little tidbits:

Given that and the trademarks, I’m gonna wildly guess it’s a digital synth in the format of the model: devices


its surely gonna be a crap model thing, people will be happy they made another digital synth and wounded that it wont hold a candle to MnM. he’s got the uncertainty of the game of thrones cast talking about the final season before it ended



crap model thing?

The Model Samples rocks dude. I’ve made so much music with mine and I’ve only had it for a couple weeks.



Sold mine to upgrade to DT but sorely tempted to get another m:s. It’s got its failings, but something about the immediacy and portability is so nice. The same format for a digi synth (minimachine!) would be :fire:

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its not so much that its bad as its own thing other than being fugly, its just that the people want a MnM2. remember before model:samples dropped and someone in the know was saying ‘octatrack users will be very happy’, same thing. many people want an OT2. im just speaking comparatively


Whatever it is, I’m guessing the DT and DN form factor.

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Whoa some juicy info! Simple and powerful, very nice.

As a former OT MK2 user and happy Model Samples user, I remember it very well.

As am I. Especially when comparing a $299 instrument to a $1399 instrument.

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299 for the samples is such a massive bargain, I’ve been watching a bunch of YT vids with it lately even though I have a DT and am probably not a buyer, people are DESTROYING on that thing. Total performance box. Not sure why it gets the hate from people here sometimes, I think you can chalk it up purely to the users who were following the teases and announcement and felt disappointed. For people out there in the world not following things on elektronauts, not seeing the “octatrack users will be pumped” type stuff, I’m pretty sure that shitty mentality about the samples doesn’t really exist because all I see on YT and instagram are people using and enjoying it!