What's next for Elektron?

Buff, only took a look to the new specifications and didn´t think about it so concretely.


MPE for every track.

There has to be something similar on the market? Regardless, if Elektron offered it - instant buy!

I swear, every bird I’ve seen today I’ve been thinking it’s a sign from Elektron.


I’ve looked. I own quite a few power blocks from a few different companies, but I’ve never seen anything that will work.

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A multiplayer premium Model with multiplayer functionality.

At the beginning of each Song “match” a number of composers select their synthesis method in an Overwatch style selection menu.

This hardware device is similar to the Model: products but differs in that the parameter knobs update depending on the synthesis method selected by the composer.

Each Composer has dedicated hardware control for each other device in the “mix”

Sequences could be predetermined or reshapes/live material.

Composers search for others based on numerous criteria(genre,tempo,freq?)


sorry, elektrons. i love your gear - but stop that overbridge.
create gear. maybe a “big solo sequencer” or a “new old monomachine.”. or go to MIDI 2.0. or else …

but let this overbridge go to heaven. this is, where that instable piece of software belongs to …

deinstalled and no - ill never give it try number 73 …

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I do not agree. I bought my devices for that I have Analog Heat Analog Keys Analog Rytm Octatrack and the single machine. where I agree it’s really not stable you abuse a little since the time



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Hi guys, I was dreaming about a new box. A box where we could connect via USB Digitakt and digitone. This box could access to internal audio channels of Digis and treat it with sequenced audio FXs. In this box, you could be able to affect Digis parameters in order to control all that you want in one box including midi channels. Of course because of some limitations this will not be possible to control parameters at a same time but I see it like that : a control panel with x pages where we could choose 4 cc of Digis on one knob (as pitch bend, velocity, aftertouch mod in Digitone). The format of the box will be the same as Digis and this box will inclus a usb hub that let you use your favorite controler. This is my dream. Could we make it real?? :grin: :grin: :grin:

It’s what we hope each year before a new release, an Overbridge-enabled Elektron Mixer.


So Could we make it real ? Could we push together Elektron in this way? Or do you think elektronjust wanna do something else?

I feel like there has to be a way for someone to build one of these in tiny NUC PC type thing. Rasberry Pi size or something . Then you’d just need 12 audio outputs, 4 audio inputs, and a few USB. Then you could set the PC to immediately boot to a preconfigured OB and be off running. Maybe I’m just being crazy, though.


Yes it’s possible but a hardware version would be way more efficient (without OS, dedicated processing, etc).
I’m guessing Elektron knows already several users hope for this kind of device. Really not sure there will be one. Maybe one day, once Overbridge is stable who knows…

If elektron made a roland MX-1 like mixer with multitracking capabilities I think I would completely jump into elektron gear and get rid of the computer

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I think we might see a new line of two boxes next, judging by their past history. Everything seems to come in pairs of complementary boxes (MD&MnM, AR&A4, DT&DN, M:S&M:C). Only outliers were master boxes to rule them all (OT, AH), plus the Keys versions of the synths and the SidStation (but that was them just getting started). So, I think new stuff is coming that we haven’t thought of before (maybe even flagship boxes to reclaim some of the more expensive end of the market) or a single box as complicated as the OT but heavily focused on performance mixing duties - one ultimate outlier to rule them all.

But given the current time and economic crisis due to this pandemic I don’ t think there will be new products launch for at least a year or more.

Economy will slow down, there will be less money and less investments everywhere.


Yes, you’re right. I didn’t say when. But once things are back to normal. It might even give them time to really perfect something special this time

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You’re right. I’d imagine there might still be some design + programming work going on behind the scenes though, assuming they’re all healthy and not too stressed [All the best, guys!]

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yeah, it looks like they released the M:C right in time, now we can all wait a year or so in quarantine and finally get some well deserved studio time :slight_smile:

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