What's next for Elektron?

Will they? It might be a good time to reconsider our lifestyles. Of course, for the best.


If you know me you’ll know I’m always extremely optimistic. We’ve dealt with these things before and we will again. When the proper summer kicks in it will be under control, that’s what I think. Anyway, I come on here and deliberately avoid that virus thread because it’s an escape from the constant doom and gloom in the media and on Facebook. Anyway, off topic!


In an uncertain economic scenario one coste effective action would be improving softwares of existing machines, adding new features, maybe finalize overbridge/ improving the existing products assets.

Releasing a new physical product It is not a piece of cake, lots of markets research and require good P&L modelling to make sure the new product will generate good profit.


What about an Elektron Tracker…


Hold my hexadecimal


:thinking: All elektron boxen are essentially advanced trackers.

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Advanced step sequencers, surely? Unless you turn your box by 90 degrees :hugs:

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Exactly, they are the perfect candidate to make a truly awesome hardware tracker as they are build from the tracker ideology.
I would love an Elektron tracker with a vertical workflow…


Elektron boxen ! Is my new collective noun for multiple Electron units in the wild…


A marriage of machinedrum , monomachine, vocoder
And it makes you sandwiches

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It would be safer to call Behringer, ask Polyend to add a synth engine or wait for XOR Electronics to release their synth cartridges for the Nerdseq.

A UX question, how would you fit 20 p-locks on a step while maintaining a good overview of all tracks? Thats when you understand that Elektrons current solution is quite neat


select current track, expand fx rows to fill screen :man_shrugging:
it would need a 7IN screen or larger of course

also only create a column for attributes that are plocked

The current elektron system is great, it is a tracker basically, its the viewing and overview that gets complicated.

So keep the per step plock and button.
Just add a vertical representation of the sequencer and a song mode.
have a shift button that switches from all track overview to selected track detailed view with all plocked values represented with a column

While this sound reasonable, it isn’t. The most significant difference between the Elektron sequencer and a tracker is that on Elektron machines you can plock tons of parameters on each step and track. This simply doesn’t fit into the central tracker UI paradigm to have everything in one view.

Would it be beneficial if the Elektron sequencer could provide more visibility? Of course. The small screen and stepping through multiple menus to see what’s really plocked per step is cumbersome. But IMHO there are better ways to provide that visibility than retrofitting it into a tracker workflow.

I’m not pushing for this, was just an out loud thought :laughing:
Just a thing I think Elektron would do an awesome job on, and I’m sure they would come up with a way better idea than my random off the cuff thoughts


2 things.
an extended elektron polyphonic hardware sequencer with midi and a lots of cv outs. (a cirklon with elektron heart) with envelopes and lfos and other modulators as add on for the rest of the elektron family. - and a lots of knobs and buttons for direct access with an “monome-style” extension. and additional cv-breakout boxes"

a analoge elektron stereo/mono mixer. 8 - 2 or 16 - 2. fully modulateable. etc etc … :wink:


I dont know at this point if I need more from Elektron.

Overbridge 2 comes at a great time to finish / tidy things up in the DAW and focus on using Elektron hardware as instruments rather that jamstruments.

It’s been long time overdue. It cant come at a better time. Take that quarantine !

Having DT/DN/AR/A4/MS/MC, I dont think that I need more at this point.
Got all the creative tools I need.

Only a couple Power Handles lol.


Next week is Superbooth. And Elektron releases Overbridge 2.0 this week. Is this so they can release a new product next week without getting all the usual complaints about broken promises? hehe.

I realise you’re joking but I don’t think so given the current circumstances. OB final release came out of nowhere tho, so maybe some lovely updates for our current boxes are in the offing? Who knows? (Superbooth is cancelled btw, as I’m sure you know already)

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