What's next for Elektron?

Yeah. Im just joking. Its been weeks since anyone had a “wild speculation” thread, so i just tried to get something going. hehe.

Curious what gear will be released next week. Superbooth is ofthen a place companies show off new stuff, but with the corona situation maybe alot of projects are delayed. But pretty shure there will be new gear showed off next week. Not nesecarily from Elektron though.

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I wonder why many call it a “final” release. It is, of course, the first official release, but there are no indications that this one is “final” (which would imply that no further 2.0.x releases are coming).


In a way, I think it’s given companies license to do releases and hype online instead of waiting for a major show. So, maybe we’ll see some surprises in the next few weeks and months. Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Semantics. Everyone knows it’s meant as non-beta, stable, official, etc etc. But agreed, words are important and we should use the correct terms where possible :slight_smile:


Please Elektron, I would love another machine in the digi format to satisfy my GAS :money_mouth_face:

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Manufacturers don’t even have to make promises to get whinging on the internet about promises they never made.


How about an Elektron Rompler? Might be tough to compete with the bang for the buck Wavestate though.

Yes something like a wavestation or D50 in a digi format would be great.

Less complicated than the Wavestate and with samples transfer please.

Kind of amusing to hear some people saying Elektron machines are complex after watching Wavestate reviews.

something more modular focused. A sequencer/mixer with plenty of CV, midi, and audio IO that’s Overbridge compatible

something that’s a cross between a Cirklon and a Tascam model 12, but with an Elektron soul.


It’s funny but this virus has actually enabled certain advances. Maybe Overbridge got nailed because they were all working from home and all other things were halted? At least at my work, since all face to face stuff got canned my team was able to shift focus to a 3D app we’d been meaning to move to. The whole situation gave us the opportunity to just do training videos for 2 weeks (it’s a deep app) - we would never have had that chance with the ordinary levels of business.

That said, when the OB2 announcement dropped, it seemed like a round off to their entire line. The icing on the current Elektron cake. Updates will come across the board, but it’s fair to say their entire line is done with. Where to from here is anyone’s guess, but my feeling is whatever it is will be a departure.

I personally wouldn’t mind seeing the FM stuff done at the analog style / OT box level. Bump up the track count, mix in some Cycles machines, maybe an extra couple voices, along with some 1kpf layout.

I do think whatever they do next would, generationally, need to be a leap forward, or sideways, in some respects. Or maybe not, maybe another Model box yet until it’s all done.

Otherwise, easy sells would be an OT3 with OB, and modern remakes of the MD and MnM.

I’m not really a fan of the Roland Boutique stuff, but if they did a Boutique version of the JV1080 with all of the sound cards included, I’d be first in line for one of those.


Superbooth is running in streaming next week


A remake of the MD and MnM could be possible since the new wave of digital gear, but let’s see how economy is moving on, just like always - the successful are the first (most of the time)
remember the introduction of the OT - i guess this was an awesome step forward for Elektron - a bridge to future devices

Only thing I need is a sampler, I wish Elektron made a mini/simpler OT in DT form with its x-fader, loopers and updated GUI/FX. Even if it had half the audio/midi tracks. I would buy that as soon as it got anounced.


-Eelektron hard drive with template Project manager and sample manager-
. adapted (external) hard drive is recognized by
all Elektron instruments, provided with a usb port.
Also designed for transport


Or iOS/Android support.


Great idea

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Digitone sound engine on a Machinedrum ! No more no less :slight_smile:


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Elelktron Soundcard. with analogs and USB inputs for OB machines. Can be a USB midi host + USB to analog converter (to split the track independently from DT/DN to analog out)
And why not a DAW.