What's next for Elektron?

Those are very sensible points.

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Do you?

I mean do what YOU want to do, sink or swim. At least you can say you tried and had your own vision. And weren’t forced into something your not entirely happy about doing.

I remember hearing about MnM and MD and how they were “so hard” to use. Why would you make em that way. Then the sentiment shows up with the OT…all three now hailed as SICK ASS boxes. Glad they didn’t cater to the public and made what they wanted to make. I think they have their own vision.

…Analog Solutions - Colossus. :wink:

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God wouldn’t Elektron’s own version of such a project be awesome !!!

What would the $30,000 Elektron synth be ?

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Let’s start the thread – What do you want on Elektron’s $30,000 Synth ?

ADDED: Can’t you just see Cenk playing that thing !!!

Midi retrig :slight_smile:
And CC for retrig values.

I’m gonna ask for that forever. :slight_smile:


What’s the most expensive synth Elektron has done ? How much was that ?

I think the most expensive thing Elektron has ever done in development cost, and they didn’t intend it to be, was Overbridge. And they give that away for free. Some business plan. (I know there is a good reason for that too.)

ADDED: Answering my own question. The most expensive Elektron synth ever is, i think, the RYTM Mk II, at $1600 USD. So we don’t even have to think about a $30,000 synth from Elektron. Even a $5000 one, Moog money that is (or a high end Yamaha), would be extravagant for Elektron. What are the features on a $5000 Elektron synth ?

PWM a mile wide.

I don’t really think they did just what they wanted. It’s product, not a work of art, and it’s intended to be sold in considerably large quantities. So, in some level, they may have to think about what people would like to see in a new product. That doesn’t mean they dislike what they have done. I think they are happy doing things that other people will be happy about too.

Please, don’t get me wrong. I do respect Elektron because they put a lot of effort in creativity. They are not like many companies out there. And I believe that’s why they are so successful.

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phase distortion synth machine. with any reverb machine (Shimmer/Convolver)



Oh boy…that’s yer opinion. To me the MnM and MD are werks of mechanical and aural art. Period.

They look SO SICK. sound amazing.
[i was an art director for a time too :wink: before I animated]

Mark Ryden paints awesome pieces, then makes prints to sell to the masses :thinking:

To each his own.

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You’re completely right in everything you said:

  • My opinion ✓

  • They look sick ✓

  • And sound amazing ✓

I think Elektron gear and Mark Ryden pieces are not made for the same reason and with the same purposes.

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I really hope they are doing a serious Octatrack update. Not only a new case tbh.
It could see some more tracks and midi fixes.


Where did you hear about a new case. Also, i don’t think they will update the OT. I was told by Elektron that the OT is maxed out. They would have to create a Octatrack + or something. God how I wish that was a reality

With a new case I meant octactrack mk1 vs mk2.
The differences between mk1 and mk2 are not really obvious.

I also don’t think, that a new OT will come, but it would be a good thing.

I thought you meant like a new exterior for the OT :stuck_out_tongue:

The longer Elektron does not release a new OT and does not communicate anything about it, sales might drop, because people don’t want to buy hardware that gets an update for the same price right after it.
I really don’t understand, why companies are not communicating better in that regard.


There are various reasons:

  1. your competition don’t needs a head start
  2. managing this kind of communications is very delicate and requires additional resources
  3. development is never a linear process, so until it is almost finished you cannot communicate dates (or take in the shitstorm coming at you which does more harm than being silent)
  4. without any dates there is no benefit for customers (just because they are looking into or started with something doesn’t mean it will ever be delivered)

About the OT: Elektron employees have stated over and over again that there are no plans what-so-ever to redo (old) machines. You can expect Mark models which are hardware refinements (when parts become unavailable), but that’s it.

Personally I really like the (new) Elektron way: when they announces something, it is already available in numbers. No release date in the future, no waiting queues, just order and get it.


They are made for the same reason.
To put food on the table and maintain a life style.