What's next for Elektron?

No filter per channel? I’m out :sweat_smile:

Sorry, forgot to mention,
In SHIFT the hi eq acts as freq, mid as rez and lo as non resonant hpf. More specific options are available through the touchscreen.

and now I am out. :sweat_smile:


Toying with the idea of a mixer with a sequencer…
Bringing the song mode to the little ones, recording long multitrack playing for further tweaking à la OP-1.
So that you can assemble and retouch the audio.
Maybe even with a multi PSU out.

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They need to come out with a wind controller instrument like Yamaha and Roland have done, asap. I don’t know how they will p-lock that, but that’s what they went to school for. #keepingupwiththejoneses

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The one thing I wonder about with the mixer we all seem to want elektron to make is what kind of price range would we be looking at… mixers made by smaller companies often have price tags that can be around 2k even if they have an 8th of the features that everyone wants. How many of elektrons current customers would run out and drop 2-5k on a performance mixer? There is definitely a market for it but I wonder if there is some sort of price ceiling consumer base problem where making super advanced mixers more or less means making stuff for proffesional studios because that is the market that spends real money on mixers.

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I wanted to say something clever about the debate between touch screens, small screens, and no screens, which one to pack in with ALL the other bells and whistles, but I got nothing.

I’ve definitely contributed a couple hours thinking about how cool such a mixer would be. If I really dive in, I start to understand the complexity, even in the beginning, just making broad choices.
The cost would probably amount to the most expensive offering Elektron had.
There is a void in the market, but instead of wanting Elektron to provide everything I ever wanted in one box, I’d be pleasantly surprised to see anyone make anything of the such.

Digimix - 800 Eur
That’s what I want

What I had in mind wasn’t actually aimed at the Elaktron user base (if that category hasn’t grown too large to charechterize). I was thinking of an expensive flagship unit that would compete with both Pioneer V10($3200) and A&H QU24/Yamaha O1V(ca. $2500), neither of which have an electronic music performance in mind. This would be aimed at touring acts, rental shops, music venues and serious producers/musicians. The mini-version for the wider user base can then follow.

I definitely see your point, but I have thought about this quite a bit.

Playing a touchscreen really sucks, even on instruments made for touch screens (I even use a Faderfox to control Animoog). But as a utility for setup, configuration, file management and for visual feedback the 2-line text screens just can’t compete. Implementation is key. The new MPC’s are a great example of how not to do it. In the mixer world, however, all the big-boys have touch screens.

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I prefer the no touch
but a wee bit more than whats currently available


I have had and use a few bits of gear with touchscreen, whilst I don’t have a problem with them I do find that they can make for an inconsistent UI, I think I prefer non touch but with softkeys/encoders myself. I do think I’d like the screens to be a little bigger now that my eyesight isn’t as good though :laughing:

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The text on the MPC Live screen was probably designed with younger bucks than myself in mind :sunglasses:

Now here is a touch screen thought experiment:
One can design an interface to be as tactile as one wants it to be, with key-combos for everything and a nice color screen just for visualization. Now add touch functionality to the screen and use it only for what you want: naming tracks, samples, projects; those once in a blue moon functions that you haven’t memorized the f*&% shortcut for, etc. Would rather not have it now?

The touchscreen is by no means an excuse for poor interface design, just a flexible element within your UI which is good for certain tasks. It is considered not-cool in some parts but beyond a certain complexityof device it is just really practical.

And another question, how many devices have you used that had no touchscreen but made you yearn for a software editor?
I am too old to be cool and I prefer touchscreens, big ones please.

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This would be fantastic!!

Incl. Total recall in that box that can store and recall all settings for overbridge enabled devices. And a wifi connection to download sample packs and songs from others with Elektron only gear.

I still believe @umonox is hired by Elektron and working on this :blush:

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Yea, and I’m sure your design is great.
But my hatred of touchscreens is infinite. Was a deciding factor in letting go of my Qu-Pac, though it was still a great product.
It’s entirely just a my own taste thing.

i’m not suggesting they strip any existing product down. the boxes they have are great.

machines that ‘do everything’ like you’re talking about are great…sometimes…for some people. occasionally i like this sorta thing, but often i don’t these days.

of course, yes.

i’m not suggesting they ‘gut’ anything.
i don’t know, i’m not in marketing.
i don’t know, i don’t look at their profits.
me. :slight_smile:

don’t care who they’re appealing to. never suggested they go ‘more budget’ or anything of the sort. removing or modifying the sequencer options doesn’t automatically equal ‘budget’

that’s correct. most business try and diversify. Elektron has done exactly that over the last few years since their investors kicked things up a gear…effects boxes, smaller/cheaper boxes, etc. great! i’m simply saying i hope they also diversify in a different way as well, try and focus a box towards something a little different than what’s obviously their bread and butter…because from my perspective, that core is getting pretty same-y.

not saying they should be like ‘everyone else’ at all, never said anything of the sort. i’m saying they should do something different than what they’ve done and have been doing…i’m sure they’d approach it from their own perspective and perhaps open up some new and interesting paths for themselves (and of course for us) going forward. they’ve approached every single machine slightly differently, i can’t imagine they’d suddenly stop doing that just because they did something drastic like take away/modify the machine’s sequencer.


interesting. definitely on team no touch screen too.

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You didn’t. And I didn’t say you did.

I’m the one saying that this move would be a watering down of the brand and make them more like everyone else.


remember this one day when Elektron releases another synth with a weird/no sequencer. :poop:

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This looks great.
I am using a Xone96 now but would prefer something like this.

Having auxillary send/returns fir effects on each channel would be needed🙂