What's next for Elektron?

Scandinavian fika was know and practiced in ancient China and India and later in Arab world, and after that it came to Europe but was soon forgotten until recently. Thank god Scandinavians brought it back to life again!

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Talk about dreamjob, shame they donā€™t have offices in vƤrmland :slight_smile: (and also quite a shame i donā€™t have all the required skills haha)


At least some of the blurry code on that screen is from gfx-rs, a low-level graphics library that seems pretty capable but apparently targeted at those working close to the hardware.

Iā€™d like to imagine it implies some richer UI elements in future devices but Iā€™d be drawing a long bow.

In any case, Rust FTW!

Further reading: https://github.com/gfx-rs/gfx/blob/master/README.md


Considering the omission of line in on the models S and C, I would think the next elektron would be Model FX.
Effects box mixer with 6 inputs, 6 effects sequencer machines and 6 outputs- and looper/ram machine.


I canā€™t divulge a lot of information, but a couple nights ago I had a dream of a Model Samples mk2- and you might want to have some money stashed away for that.

Mk1 I wasnā€™t impressed with. But the mk2- woah- perfect middle ground between Digitakt and octatrack. The different pad colors were also, surprisingly, a nice touch.


TIL about fika

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Second best thing in Sweden.


Havreflarn :horse:

Octatrack MkIII
Octatrack MkIII
Octatrack MkIII

Did it work? Something happened?


Somethingā€™s changed in the Matrixā€¦


Oh God please let this be true. This would make my life complete.

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Hoping for a midi synced looper with effects, eq, filters and mixer with the Digitakt / Digitone form factor. This is actually a market gap, there is no competition Iā€™m aware of in this size and all the performance oriented Elektron boxes are literally (ok, figuratively) begging for it.

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i find it strange that there doesnt seem to be any interest in elektrons take on a mixer, am i the only one who wants this?

Thereā€™s been plenty of wishes for an Elektron performance mixer, even from the mighty Cenk himself. Iā€™ve definitely asked for it and so have many others in various threads. Fingers crossed!


For sure, a mixer in a model form, with likely 2 stereo inputs for 2 channels (they keep it on a budget, again) and maybe a looper track.

Maybe a crossfader, maybe not :wink:

FX could be assigned to channels or looper track yet plockable on a per step basis.

Sort of like a mixer in a small form with thru machines and different effects assignable than the OT.

My guess.


Keeping the same Model format, the Pads could be used like Retrigs for gradually adding any of the six (to keep it Model consistent) freely assignable effects to different parts. Kinda like the AR performance features. Thatā€™d be quite cool imo

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I would buy a Digilooper immediately

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ah, this was my poor attempt at humour as it seems almost every other post here is about a mixer of some kind :sweat_smile:


Ah! My bad. Must have a problem with my humour chip today :smiley: