What's next for Elektron?

Analog Heat underwear mate.


Ok now we need Elektron condoms! :smile:




Id love if they made UW versions of their current machines. Be able to use any track for UW style live resampling & re-sequencing.

A4 UW.

That would be well decent imo.

[i mean, perhaps they should jus make somink new. but them current machines would be transformed by a bit o uw magic. It should be a mandatory inclusion on every elektron imo :wink: ]


Trigless Trigs :wink:


live resampling, like MD & OT

Iā€™m not sure there is a need for something new. You can already do everything you want with a lot of fun with all elektron box. maybe just a firmware improvement is enough.
Or maybe we want something old, like this classic 303 made by berhinger that everyone is talking about. Electronic music technologies is mature enough. Just make music now.

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A master control box with 16 midi tracks that acts like a tracker to create linear song structures would be amazing. Throw in 8 stereo or 16 mono inputs and 16 effects tracks (with all of the different effects from the whole Elektron line) for sequencing them. One box to control them all, essentially, and being able to get all the tracks into a DAW via OB would be the icing on the cake.


including circuit bend voice transformer :slight_smile:

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Classic machinedrum vsti

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the only new product that makes any sense for Elektron at this point in time:
an eight-voice dynamically-allocated rompler (mono/polyphonic) with analog distortion and filter.


I probably shouldnā€™t say how long I spent mocking this upā€¦ but consider it wishful thinking:

(man that sequencer was a pain to fit into that spaceā€¦ massive respect to panel designers!)


With so much sonic territory already covered by existing machines, there are only two things I could think of that could tickle my fancy at this point: a polyphonic sampler with analog filters and a high quality bit crushing algorithm and a completely redesigned sequencer.

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Are you typing in your accent? I did not know that was a thing and I love it :laughing:

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yea i do, I guess. forcive habit :smile:

forcive? is that a word? I thought it was but predictive text is like ā€œwha?ā€

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I would be very surprised if they went Euro. More Euro integration maybe, but full on xU compatibleā€¦I donā€™t see that happening.

I think the two things in which theyā€™re ā€œfalling behindā€ (using it liberally) is granular and sequencing.

Granular needs no explanation.

Now donā€™t get me wrong their sequencing within stand alone hardware is bar none. Absolutely singular. But even with conditional trigs and polymetrics itā€™s still a fixed grid. I would like to see more Euro like freedom implemented.

Oh and they need a proper looper.

I love eurorack, own too much of it, and work at a synth shop that sells mostly eurorack. I would love to see this, just not yet. I NEED MORE BOXES! Anyway, they probably are gonna do another Model: Samples style machine next, that is my guess at least.

well yeah, kind of. but imagine it with premium effects. and maybe multiple engines and multiple ins/out

I was referring to Octatrack, which be can a powerful fx sequencer. :wink:

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