What's next for Elektron?

I know. so am I. :wink:
thats why I say, imagine something in the line of it, but with dedicated premium effects

Oh yeah, same. My mockup was more of an alternate universe scenario :smiley: and really, straight ports of stuff that is already in Elektron machines doesnā€™t seem like something theyā€™d do anyway, but it was a fun exercise.

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Pretty sure they have listened to all complaints about OT being so difficult and replace Octatrack with Octabeat, perfect for all upcoming techno DJs:



Would buy

These modules look very convincing. Good job!

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lol. thatā€™s class! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I think the two pages are a little bit irritating. More than 16 steps per pattern is hard to grasp!


Yeah, 32 steps, what is this, IDM? Everyone knows all good techno patterns are only 4 steps long!


Too difficult to choose different DJ Effects.
But you made me smile :rofl:

True! Maybe pages work like patterns? I think thereā€™s a mistake and it should say ā€œPatternā€ instead :thinking::smile:

I would replace it with a spin-up button.
Every good DJ needs a spin-up every once a while!
That way you can get rid of that fader, itā€™s a bit intimidating with it.

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yes !

DigiFreq:fm drum machineā€¦8 tracks individual outs and arranger mode :nerd_face: https://www.instagram.com/p/B06iGMvhDXI/?igshid=6r2xts375g7p

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This! I want them to finish OB2, add a few more toys into the firmware, and leave me for a year or so while they work on something mature and fookin weird, I wouldnā€™t mind if it was SOMA-inspired.


I noticed the digitone keys teasers have been reposted yesterday on YouTube by Elektron.
why is that?

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Maybe they werenā€™t on YouTube before (just other social media) so probably just collecting them together


I just saw that! ???

We got got digitone keys and if Iā€™m not mistaken we got model samples early this year

Coming winter NAMM 2020.

Model:modular : semi modular monophonic synth with knob layout and sequencer just like model:samples but with cv i/o for each knob. The empty top panel OG the Model:samples screams cv connections to me.

Model:drum: 6 voice fm drum Machine with similar layout to Model:samples (would buy in a heartbeat)

Model:mono: analog monophonic synth with the same layout as Model:samples.

In other words they will complete the Model line.