What's next for Elektron?

Dodecahedratrack, please.

Or an Icositetratrack: 8 tracks for sampling, 8 inputs, and 8 MIDI channels.


Oh this would be niiiice.

Though call me a pessimist but given the delay in sorting the battery pack handle, Iā€™m not sure if we could expect three whole model: units in one year!

I canā€™t remember if I mentioned this yet, but how about iOS and Android compatibility? Would be awesome to back up/load samples/etc via your phone or tablet.


Great idea. Or have one of the OB plug-ins running on a phone or tablet, with a simple recorder for taking stuff to be processed further by another app.

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Will the next box in the Model line up be white?

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After silver / black / grey / light grey / white > colors?
Starting with pastels colors logically.



Hopefully then grey, black etc :laughing:

Actually think just a different colour for the data knob would be a nice touch maybe?

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I think something similar to Peak or Jupiter Xm, with lots of voices and digital oscillators, possibly some analog, some digital filters, paired with the Elektron sequencer would fit the Zeitgeist and be fun to mess around with.

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-Elektron Model: Synth
-Elektron Model: Modular
-Elektron Model: Bass
-Elektron Model: Kick
-Elektron Model: Keys

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I like to have a granular hardware synth. I like what Tasty Chips did with the GR-1 and what the Waldorf Quantum can do with its granular engine. I would like to use it for textures, sound beds, to accompany my drum machine and synths.


My Elektron dream machine would feature:

  • Sampling
  • With Arranger / Song Mode (I miss it in Digitakt)
  • 8 Midi Tracks Out Ć  la Digitakt (I miss it in RYTM where midi out is limited still after update 2019)
  • Overbridge (I miss it very mucho in Octatrack)
  • Multi-Track-Recording over USB into DAW (I miss it in Octatrack)
  • And as a sweet supplement: Synth Engine

Let me know when you see one like these. .
Also it would be nice if it could melt cheese into swiss fondue with trig conditioning garlic patternsā€¦


Sounds like a rad machine. Just would like to add ā€œstereo samplingā€ to the pot.

Multi assignable Faders and knobs option like multi mapping in ableton This will be great :blush:

Octatrack with Overbridge, alone is good enough for me


Iā€™ll ride with your wish.
But I would add:
-Pitch shift/time stretch
-transposing sequences
-At least 4 inputs

Donā€™t forget polyphony, an envelope follower and, ummā€¦ Probably some other stuff too, I forget.

I canā€™t believe my above post has been flaggedā€¦
Sorry but itā€™s perfectly on topic even if presented in a humourous and ironic manner.

My wish is that bugfixes should be prioritized above anything else !

Iā€™ll stop here, what remains to say will deserve a red flag.


If weā€™re talking wishes rather than guesses, it would be great to see class-compliant audio across the board. Iā€™ve not yet played with Overbridge, but it looks super useful, but sometimes you just want to track audio in, and being able to do that on any device without an interface or extra software would be :ok_hand:


I usually look for the oldest gear to know what a company plan to do next, but many of the Elektron current units were released at about the same time. In that case I think a new Octatrack and/or Digitakt are the most interesting choices from the market standpoint.

Hmm, I could see a DT Mk2 being a possibility, especially as theyā€™ve said itā€™s near enough maxed out and was/is such a popular unit. OT seems like an end of life product that may follow the MD and MnM to the scrap heap eventually. A completely reworked version of it under a new name would be amazing, but a massive drain on resources, I would imagine. For me, I think they will do something with the model line next. A digital drum synth would be great, but a 4-voice mono or digital poly synth might suit the model:samples better. Kind of like DN being the ideal partner to DT. Whatever comes in 2020 will be exciting tho. For me, a combined MD and MnM with more tracks and all their machines and a few extras would be an instant buy. Fingers crossed :blush: