What's next for Elektron?

Any chance of something new at NAMM?

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Maybe. But I doubt weā€™ll have any idea until the little video teasers appear

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Maybe a clone of behringer gear ? :slight_smile:


Iā€™m a latecomer Elektron consumer. Do they usually release the video teaser near the announcement or they tease it earlier?

I bet the next thing could be an octatrack successor (not a mk3 performance sampler, but a mix/fx unit perhaps?)

Or something like a synth/perc duo like:


Both would make sense - Iā€™m not sure about the model: rangeā€¦ if it were that successfull we would see more of that kind of boxes. But maybe we see a digital synth in the model: range? Everything is possible.

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Before. Always cryptic as fuck tho. Look at the nonsense they released for the Digitone Keys for example:


Man, I forgot about that one. But that was pretty close to Superbooth, right?

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I hope for a return to former form factor :wink:

The silvers and dark trinity size boxes were just about perfect I think, the Digi series whilst undoubtedly very nice are a little less appealing and the large style mkII cases look very nice but a tad large and irregular in shape. Truth be told I think the mkII Octatrack seems like the best of both, modern design and extra buttons with legacy form factor.

Whatever they come up with next Iā€™m pretty sure it will be unexpected and probably something that we didnā€™t realise we needed. :smile:


And then we realise we do.


I canā€™t remember if it was tied to a trade show or not. To be honest, I donā€™t think a company of Elektronā€™s stature even need a trade show anymore. If I was working in their marketing department, I would advise avoiding them in case it gets lost. The music tech media and Elektron fans would still go mad for it even if it came out of the blue with a social media campaign.

I hope it will be hyperphonic or at least multiphonic :joy:

Iā€™m sure either way itā€™ll be polySonic :smiley:

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Iā€™m sure whatever it is, will come with some neat new sequencer tricks

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There are three things I would like to see from Elektron:

  1. Machinedrum MK3 all digital, big form factor, modern FX 16 tracks of digital machines.
  2. Polymachine -again big form factor, 6 tracks of mixed VA synthesis types all polyphonic capable
  3. Quadraloop - 4 track looper with hands on controls for easy looping, dubbing and mash up FX

Ideally all 3 will have midi and CV out.


MD Mk3 - THIS!


I agree with this complete post, completely :point_up_2:


Iā€™d love to see something like this, maybe in the Digi/Heat formatā€¦

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The Gigatrack - which is the Octa, Rytm and A4 in one box, with, say, 8 tracks per ā€œunitā€. :slight_smile:


Octatrackā€™s four outs into that bad boy with a Heat on the final outs would be :ok_hand:

Haha I disagree. The latest A4/AR mk2 form factor from ergonomic pov works much better for me.

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