What's the point of the Digitakt if I have all 5 Elektron boxes?

I was looking at the Digitakt and was looking at the specs and watching vids and everything and I’m wondering is there any point in having one (other than gear lust) if I already have all 5 main Elektron boxes?


Something more portable for the road?

Different workflow/inspiration?
Use a smart phone as a field recorder + 1/8" to 1/4" cable to sample into DT.


If you’re an OT master, probably nothing. But the DT seems like a more streamlined method of live sampling. Also editing the sample seems more intuitive as the different view on the sample screen to view the the changes as you adjust your sample.

You can also P-lock the loop

Midi sequencing you can send conditional trigs to the OT, and like the OT you can use the sequencing as a sorta cheat code to your other gear with workflow workarounds.

It’s up to you to determine how valuable that is to your flow


Hmm true interesting input thanks guys, I’ve got about $700-800 to buy a new piece of gear so I’m trying to see what will be a good addition to my studio right now I have:
DSI pro2
Twisted electronics Acid8
9U of eurorack
Analog four
Analog rytm
An novation remote 37 that controls both the monomachine and the analog four and helps keep the whole midi chain going
A couple of the pocket operators
MS20 mini
Bassstation 2
Zoom portable recorder
Some mics (an avantone CK1, a Shure shotgun mic I forget the name of it and a couple of piezo mics)
Pro modded game boy with LSDJ
Pro modded C64 with MSSiAH
A Safire pro24 audio interface (which should be probably be upgraded but $700 isn’t going to get me what I should have)
And ableton 9 controlled by a novation remote SL zero for transport, levels etc and a novation launch pad

In addition to making music I also do sound design for a few companies.

So with all that out there do you guys think the Digitakt would really add anything of substance, I use the OT and ableton to prep, create and mangle samples and all my gear runs through it before it hits the computer for FXs if applicable.

What do you guys think? Digitakt or no digitakt?

Other gear suggestions?
(The analog heat doesn’t interest me much)


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i hope you have insurance.

mfb club ?
sherman filter bank 2
lots of cheap fx boxes?
0-coast ?
meeblip anode ?
mam mb33 retro
therapsid mk2 ?
system 8 ? (get rid of ju06,jp08 , gain a 101 plugout)

but overall it really depends on what type of music you make (presumably dancey glitchy synthy stuff).
ive got lots of gear but ive started to look into old school fx … quadraverb , se50 , fx500 , kaos pad.
every response on here might be different , you already have a good setup

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Do you need it? No.
Do you want it? Yes.
Need vs want.


I doubt it would add significant value. Given your park, you’re covered with versions of high end stuff.

Go for the Volca Sample. The sound designer part of you will be surprised and love you for it.


Eventide stompboxes.


How is your room treatment?

Tbh I dont think it will do much for you. There is so much potential in that setup already. I know that you dont want to hear this but maybe invest in some utilities i.e. room treatment, decent speaker, comfy chair, lava lamp and some plants.


Maybe a Jomox Moonwind?

How about a Deepmind 12 module(that’s what I would(do) want)

Hate to say it, but I think your bases are covered :confused:

You’re done, kid. Save the money like a responsible adult. Or buy a top of the line set of headphones/good monitors


Alume: Good point I’ve neglected a lot of that in favor of gear especially room treatment. I have pretty decent monitors but not the quality I should really have.

Ryan: When are you ever done!? Lol especially with modular I’ll be adding to that bad boy for the rest of my life! But yes I see your point while building my studio I thought a lot about covering all the bases without too much overlap but still I want I’ll always want more gear.

Idk if being a responsible adult and being a musician/hardware fiend is possible I’m still trying to figure that one out lol

Also a word about the Roland system plug out the 101 was one of my favorite synths that I owned years ago and stupidly sold but idk about the whole plug out thing when I buy gear I like to think about owning it for years and years without worrying about computers and companies not supporting the software anymore etc

And no incredibly I have not invested in gear insurance thus far…I know I know that’s insane. Partially because I don’t even know where to even start looking where I can find a place that does that (besides random stuff I’ve googled)

Everyone else: excellent suggestions​ and all other suggestions very much welcome keep em coming if you’ve got more.

Sounds like a nice setup. I had a similar setup but recently got rid of almost everything (lots of hardware synths and outboard effects including op-1, moogs, guitars, tons of korg stuff, mpc, etc.). I found myself tweaking and maintaining more than making actual music. I did keep the AR and OT but like you, I’m wondering about the Digitakt. It seems like the sampling process is much easier but at the same time, seems like overkill. Check out the Korg KP3. If you like delay pedals, try the Source Audio Nemesis Delay. Or what about a guitar?

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It’s small, new and shiny.
The biggest advantage is the new OLED display.
The other units displays are sub standard.

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Get it, sampling really easy and the 8 midi tracks with P-locks / conditional trigs, four note poly. I think I might sell the NOV Circuit as the Digitakt is really portable too.

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I’ve got it! I know what you should get:


FM is a category all its own and a hardware version of it is essential


I hadn’t even heard of the PreenFM2 but the thought of a dedicated FM synth sounds good I’ll check it out.

Joeyfivecents: I agree I do sometimes spend too much time keeping everything synced up, especially my midi chain which is ridiculously complicated since I don’t have a dedicated unit for that and then adding in all the CV from the A4 to the modular and pro2 (and back) keeping everything clocked but after using software for so long then migrating to pretty much all hardware it’s just so much more expressive and creative I literally only use ableton to record and then mix no soft synths or anything I don’t think I could ever go back to a software set up.

I appreciate all the suggestions I really want to get something that either makes my studio more ‘professional’, something that promotes creativity for starting tracks or a really fun and interesting synth that adds to my sound pallette both for production and sound design projects.

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DT’s sick

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As I also have a rytm and OT, I decided to buy a Stam audio SSL bus compressor instead of the digitakt. Almost the same price (599$ with preorder). Or what about the analog heat?

Personally I am not seeing alot of point in the DT if one already has a rytm & OT. DT has conditrigs, perhaps, but no song mode, no 3 MIDI LFOs per track, no arp, no analogue filters, no indiouts… the kit/pattern structure is different, which is another consideration… OLED? Is that seriously a good reason? however YMMV as always…

I heavily recommend buying acoustic treatment materials too. Send mail with pics and dimensions of your room to GIK acoustics, let them know your budget and ask some recommendations. I’ve dealt with them in the past and their advice (and soffit traps) have helped ALOT.

Lastly, if your monitors are on a table, I can recommend the Isoacoustic speaker stands. Good bang for the buck!


I’d suggest a good old fashioned polyphonic rompler like a fantom or integra AND a kordbot https://m.facebook.com/islainstruments/

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