What's your funnest piece of gear?

@complex_minimal It will behave in unexpected ways. Sometimes the pitch of an osc will change. Sometimes I don’t understand what a patch is doing when it modulates. The fact that you can use OSC 2 as an lfo. The harmonic resonance of the filter. The six voices triggering at every key press(I’m not used to analog polysynths). The modulation options seem limited but are not. I suppose it’s how the different sections of the synth and how they work together. It seems clever to me. It is unconventional compared to what I’m used to. This was not expected when I bought it.

Interest well & truly piqued! Im in the market for something lush with modern options. The deepmind is another one im looking at


Thanks for the heads up!

Love my Monotribe. I’m interested in the Volca Kick now though. It seems like it’s got some of that same bite/edge of the Monotribe but with Volca sequencing features (for those of us without modded Monotribes). I love that snarling Korg MS sound.

Also - changing my original answer. The Monomachine has brought me so so so so very much joy in the past few months. No synth nor drum machine has made me so happy.


Machine Drum

Seems like the change of seasons changes our gear selection? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My current machine of joy has been Rytm paired with random lfo’s sent from Live. Mostly affecting the performance pads for many happy accidents.


I introduce to you: the “Stalinorgel” (I am not a nazi, nein nein nein)

Build that thing yesterday, basically everything I don´t use that often plugged together (thats also why I am considering it “one” piece of gear). :grin:
Its a Timbre Wolf controlled by a Beatstep Pro. The Wolf sends his signal (mono) to the fuzz pedal (EHX Octavix, one of the better fuzz pedals) then it goes (still mono) into the Boss DD-500 (a digital delay, its relatively deep if you invest some time). The next device in the chain is a old Korg A2 (underneath the Timbre Wolf), the reverb on that thing is awesome, but its old and produces a lot of hum. From there the signal goes stereo into my mixer.
If I want to I can control that thing via the :elot:, but I don´t plan on recording it, because of all the noise and hum.
How does it sound? Like stoned Carpenter in space. With Fuzz.
The unplugged pedal on the right is a modded (more FUZZ) EHX Satisfaction.


I was going to say the Octatrack, but there is alot of work involved before you get the fun, which sometimes puts me off when I want a quick muck about jam.
So my Roland XV-2020 (or any good rompler) gets my vote.
Dial up a nice grand piano and play some cheasy 80’s theme songs. I just learnt the theme song to “Greatest American Hero”. Love it ! Or a nice Rhodes and bust out “Riders on the Storm” (pref when its stormy) mmmmm.
I’m no pianist but I am blessed with Relative pitch skills to be able to copy songs by ear.

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V-Synth XT is the only synth that has made me giggle in delight on multiple occasions. It’s great fun for a sampling newb like myself.


Analog Heat. It’s really working for me. Especially the envelope follower and LFO. Love creating distorted, filtered grooves with those.

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Nord drum 2, not only for percussions but also for abstract synth sound and MD.
Both changes my way to create music, both help me to understand that there is not only techno (that I love) there is not only TR (that I Iove too) but an infinite possibilities to create sounds and music.
With this gears I discover how drum machine or drum synth are not only for beats but are noise-sound generator to create what you can immagine.

In second place OT and Blofeld, good gears too.

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Do you sequence the ND from the OT? I’ve been tempted but then put off by the fact that OT sends CC info after notes, which I feel is going to mess with plocks.

Yes, I also drive ND2 with OT.
It a nice way to work, you can send CC and lock step by step creating complex sequence.
You can change wave in each step as example or change noise type-level-ecc.
And you can also sample some sounds so you can have a 8 (audio) + 6 (midi) channells ND2.

Hope to have help you.
Sorry for school english.

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This is true, and I’ve added my voice to the crowd of displeasure with this design choice, but in my actual experience of p-locking CCs (eg, to sequence CVs in my modular via a MIDI to CV interface) it’s not a perceptible problem. It might only be an issue if you’re trying to p-lock attack times, since the extremely brief delay will be occurring within the start of the envelope’s attack stage. Can’t speak to how the OT and ND fare together on this matter though

Critter and guitari organelle. It can be anything. Second is Nord Piano 2. Because I’m taking lessons and it’s fun to learn.


Normally, this guy:

But it’s going through one of its temperamental phases at the moment so my attentions are currently being swayed toward the Analog RYTM I bought earlier this month.


what is that thing?

It’s written VCS3 on it ^^


didn’t see that…thanks

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