What's your funnest piece of gear?

For me it’s the OT. Sometimes I get curious on what I can make from nonmusical items. And spend hours turning coffee mugs into music.


ah the classic pick up two teacups song

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Sometimes when I’m sleep deprived, delirious and destroyed from work I’ll have an inclination to sample stupid things like bread. I have to check myself. “You can’t just sample things simply because you LIKE them. They have to make a sound”


The sound of silent affection…Highbrow stuff :wink:


Elektron gear A4 and Rytm but I’ve got a Mute 2 synth that I got from Sonar Festival last year :slight_smile: Always fun to mess around with!

By far the most simple fun are my Monotribes, the limitations prevent stagnation on going down the rabbit hole but the possibilities are still quite infinite especially when using a few together. Closely followed by Volcas and Pocket Operators but I feel that the Monotribe sounds much more alive/raw/soulful.

For studio fun pretty much all of it, I spent years getting the core aspects right for me, and my Elektron gear, vintage stuff, modular, boutiques, pyramid and QuPac all kind of work as one big interconnected fun machine.

@Ess - what is that next to the C64 DRM?

A couple of Bugbrand modules. :totes:

I must admit every one of my complex oscillators are a source of wonderment for hours

Might change my mind

Probably this:



OB-6 because it’s new for me and does some things unexpected.

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Now it’s the MD.

These things sure happen in phases.


I just got my MD(for the second time) after digging into the deep rhythms of the RYTM I’m very much digging the diverse higher register of MD. Soooo gooooood.

Then again, it could just be the endorphin release euphoria of GAS accomplished.


Just watched a video on the verbos complex oscillator, I can understand the fascination now!

My melodica; definitely fun. Would love the Suzuki Ande too, very silly and fun


Is it lame to say Cubase? Reason is that none of our records would be released without it.

Synths: The Microbrute - since it’s so simple…

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Analog Rytm through an OTO Biscuit!


OT through Sherman Filterbank (2).


@udenjoe - what does it do unexpected? I’m seeing it as a bread&butter modern oberheim/DSI poly, but very much a synthy synth

I’ve been thinking about this one; probably the one I have most fun with is a Chimera BC-8, especially in conjuntion with a Monotron Delay - the weird noises the two make together can consume hours easily.

But today fun has been had with a Monotribe and the Volca Bass; it really just varies from day to day.

Old Kenwood Cassette Deck with 20 to 30 year old cassettes, awesome for putting some dirt on your samples. It’s connected to my OT.