What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 2)

That blue bag looks like this bag in the movie Lucy.


I know your secret now.


I got an HS8S to pair with the HS5’s I’ve had for years. No picture, because it’s just a cube with feet and a Yamaha light.

Intentions: be sad about how bad the bass sounds in all my mixes.


And be happy that you can now fix it :wink:

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Whoops, yeah - falling back on my ‘self-deprecating is funny’ comfort zone!

Yes, I am finally making smarter purchasing decisions and this has been quite eye opening. Thanks NGNY, which I’ve taken more as More Conscious New Gear New Year. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to making new stuff with all this new information!

Dumb question, but how do you hook up your HS 8s with your HS5’s?

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The HS8s is a Subwoofer. You have Inputs and Outputs on the Sub. The Sub receives your sound source, than you fix the crossover frequency and the sub distributes the high frequencies to the monitors (HS5).


I went for it. I intend to explore its depths and be amazed. It’s been very interesting and very fun so far. I’ve only used internal sequencing at this point, trying to get familiar with it, but I’m looking forward to midi integration with the OT and/or the M8.


Planet Earth added.


After thinking about one on and mostly off for several years, I finally came back to it and decided to pick up a Toraiz AS-1. Have some thoughts, but overall good grief does it sound good. I can live with the issues, quirks and shortcomings, so it’ll have a long life here.

Intention: Enjoying more DSI goodness.


Erogenous Tones Structure + case and video conversion- / capture-devices.

Goal: combining audio- and video-synthesis :face_with_monocle:



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CFG CF-80 Wireless system

I bought it out of curiosity when I saw it advertised on discount. Tested on electric violin and guitar.

Seems to work best when the receiver is plugged directly into the guitar amp instead of into the Line 6 HX Stomp XL. Something about the HX Stomp XL seems to make the CF-80 more susceptible to tremolo-like audio dropouts/latency.

I do like it enough to continue using it for home practicing/playing. Should save some wear and tear on the instrument cable, and I’m less likely to trip over the cable or accidentally pull it out with my foot.

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just bought an EHX PLATFORM and it really breathed some life into (or out of) my OT.

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I just picked one up for the third time… I’d sell it thinking I wanted a “megamono” like a Pro-3 or a B2600 but I always want to go back to it. The combination of sound quality and footprint are pretty impossible to beat. Minitaur/Sirin are close, but you can go a lot more places synthesis-wise on the AS-1.


Oh my.

Purchased a SSL Fusion to free up rack space in one of my studio areas. The Fusion, in conjunction with an inserted bus compressor, will serve as a primary stereo mixdown setup.


What bus compressor are you thinking about using?

Yep, I totally feel this. It’s a fantastic machine and that’s coming from someone who already has a Pro-3. I get the complaints, but I’m fine with it.

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I am considering the following compressors:

  • Solid State Logic Bus+
  • API 2500+
  • Daking Comp IIT
  • Elysia Xpressor
  • Heritage Audio Successor
  • Drawmer 1978

The Bus+ is the most likely option at this time. In my meantime, I will use a Warm Audio Bus-Comp or another compressor.


Sound & modulation :grinning: