What's your TECHNO setup

There’s something really satisfying about watching someone with a complete mastery of a drum machine performing live with it. That’s why he reminds me so much of Jeff Mills, at least in terms of skill if not sound.

You’re right though, it’s as if he’s talking to it with his hands.


I sold my TR-8 to get a TR-8S - I don’t regret that decision but I do sometimes miss the extreme immediacy and simplicity of that box. It sounds great. All you have to do is set the channel gain so you can slam the faders up when you want to bring an instrument in. Then just run it through some distortion, zero faff.


You sold it to me.
I loved it, but I let it go last Christmas to fund other things.
I do kinda regret selling it a bit, but they’re so cheap second hand I could always get another.
The sliders are great for performing live.

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My TR-8S has been asleep while I worked on other stuff. ( been busy pulling synths apart and fiddling with their innards) But I think its coming out again this week. Totally underated drum machine. I’m more of a use-the-faders-to-create-an evolving-dynamic-mix-more-than-slam-them sort of dude.

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Ha, I forgot! Yeah, they’re affordable and barely any more expensive than the much more limited and less playable 808/909 boutiques. Future classic when people realise how well they work.


It’s much easier to mute tracks on the TR-8S. On the TR-8 you have to be in a certain mode so it’s often easier to just use the sliders.

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Haha yeah! Normaly we go with out small camper can, and all I would have taken, is the Deluge. This time (due to COVID) we took a vacation-home. That way I can take more music stuff with me.
Due to newly earned space during vacation, we also bring a grill, a pizza oven and some other cooking stuff.
Finally time for music, good food and long lasting walks at the coast after months of staying at home with way to much work…


That’s your first mistake, you don’t ask and hope you can sneak it in without her knowing. I’d say it’s a safe estimate that 3 out of 5 married couples are guilty of it, so you know…majority rules


Tuck In Techno 2


I had a TR8 but traded it for a scooper as the scooper fetches higher resale. I could just repurchase a TR8 with the 707, and 606 add ons for less than I could probably sell this Scooper. Pissed me off to no end that the 606/707 add on never went on sale, even after being out for a couple of years. I did like using it, but the feel of it was a little uninviting. I so wish they had used the 909 buttons on it, as well as a different color scheme. I don’t know why they made it aerodynamic. I like the music boxes blocky like the MK1s.


Not sure if I could sneak in an iridium without her knowing the bank account had gone to zero !!! :grinning:


A friend and I reignited our live project Roam over a few days in Brittany, I brought my modular and we jammed a little, here’s a spontaneous recording of the first session, nothing too planned, apart from a couple iphones and a gopro. The ableton clock drifted at 42min so we had to stop, next time we’ll definitely use something else. Pretty happy about the whole thing if I’m being honest !


Sounds great, love the track around the 24’ mark

Yeah man! Just hit the 20 minute mark… boss! Thats a serious high frequency hihat too…

Thanks a lot ! It’s hardly a track… we had prepared a few things on our own and then improvised, it’s more fun that way :slight_smile:

@Microtribe thanks a lot, glad you liked it. That hihat might have been the tip top 808 clone.

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Hi Rob (and other MPC users). What is the workflow like with the MPC and your elektron boxes? I’m looking for a midi sequencer for a couple of synths that will work well alongside my elektron boxes and I’ve never used an MPC before. I’m mostly interested in the midi sequencing capabilities and workflow, but a bit of sampling wouldn’t go amiss. I’m trying to stay away from the computer and DAW.

Which MPC were you considering?

I have the MPC X but the others are great too it just depends what features you need.

I was looking at the one or live 2. I mostly want it for midi sequencing external gear (Nord lead, minilogue) and to sync well with my rytm and A4.

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For the weekend…


Yes the OTO machines are very good

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