When and how much?

I’m all for No multiple outs, no CV, No MIDI out if it will keep the price down.
If sample loading is only via USB for one shots, then obviously get rid of the audio ins as well…still holding hope for a bit more than one shots for sampling and audio ins would be great as long as the sampling features are worth it.

Multiple Outs on a drum machine is a must. 4 at the very least, 6 is preferable. I like to process my drum sounds independently. One thing i can’t stand is a bunch of drum sounds going through 2 damn outputs.

I hope it’s more than 1800 € and that elektron sells a lot of them! So they will have the money to do an update for the MD, which i’ll buy when the update is released.

LOL, so you’re interested in neither the current MD, nor the AR - but would jump on an MD with huge OS changes?

I reckon we’ll see 4 outs like on the OT. That way you’ll be able to have drums on 2 and synthy sounds on the other 2 (if you like, or any combo of course!). Just my gut feel.

Why would it be so much more expensive than say the analog four ? New to all of this.

Pads, more voices (8 versus 4), extra customization per type of voice (bass drum versus snare versus tom ,etc), maybe more outputs - I hope it’s only a little more expensive than A4, just like MD is over MnM.

I’m gonna guess $1649

I’m guessing it’s going to match the MDUW for price. I really think the 8 analog voices are going to be really stripped down from whats in the A4. i.e its not going to cost twice as much. If it really is 1500+ that would be pretty disappointing and probably put it out of my price range. We shall see though!

I was thinking 4 physical outs but of the stereo kind. The kind you use Y cables for.

you must be kidding.
You’re willing to give up these features just to save a couple of bucks?
I’d wait a month or two longer, save up some more cash and buy a machine which HAS features like this.

Ah, man, I hope it’s cheaper. Sold the Push and an effects unit now, still a way to go to reach that number! Hmmm, what to sell … :stuck_out_tongue:

you must be kidding.
You’re willing to give up these features just to save a couple of bucks?
I’d wait a month or two longer, save up some more cash and buy a machine which HAS features like this.

No joke homie! Don’t need those features and don’t want to have to eat my RYTM. Haha.

Ah, man, I hope it’s cheaper. Sold the Push and an effects unit now, still a way to go to reach that number! Hmmm, what to sell … :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]
I’m with you on that one haha.

It won’t have 8 A4-type voices. You can see from the # of knobs and buttons on the right that it will have about 2/3 as many adjustable parameters, more likely there will be particular drom models like on the MD, perhaps 1 analog and 1 sample per voice. Which would still be awesome. But it’s not going to be an A4 with pads.

It won’t have 8 A4-type voices. You can see from the # of knobs and buttons on the right that it will have about 2/3 as many adjustable parameters, more likely there will be particular drom models like on the MD, perhaps 1 analog and 1 sample per voice. Which would still be awesome. But it’s not going to be an A4 with pads.[/quote]
Yeah, I totally agree the voices won’t be the same as an A4 voice. What I really meant by customization, is what you mean by “drum models like on the MD”. In other words, there will be different types of analog machines available (bass/kick, snare, etc) - but this also means an increase in price for development of variations, compared to the uniform voices of an A4 (even if each AR variation is simpler than an A4 voice).

You might be surprised. A lot of the individual model things can be handled in software by the FPGA, which works like a an automatic switching patchbay on steroids routing signals between different sub-modules.

I’d make a small bet tht while the panel hardware is quite different the audio PCB that sits in the bottom of the box will be almost identical, except for the extra outputs and maybe some extra Flash ram for the samples. No sign of an SD/CF slot so probably samples uploaded via USB, maybe even via C6.

jesus… MD has been out 10+ years… it’s a mature product. it does whatever it’s gonna do. anything they add at this point will be a bonus.

^^^ this. If you expect to play live it’s essential the sound man gets some flexibility to mix the sounds to the room.

“Individual voice outputs”
