When and how much?

If it’s more than $1300, it’s out of my network.

I hope it has 8 tracks (8 analogue voices) plus at least 2 digitals tracks (2 sample voices).
I hope it hasn’t a total number of 8 tracks, so if you want to use samples you have to sacrifice an analogue track.

12 pads could mean 8 analog voices + 4 samples (which hopefully have an analog filter and distortion too).

Not impossible to cram all that into an Elektron sized box imo. A4 has 12 analog oscillators and 8 filters. Rytm could have a similar amount of oscillators, if each analog voice is tailored to make a specific drum sound, as not all drum sounds need several oscillators. Probably no double filters, so it’d be 12 filters total, just slightly more.

It’d be a bit strange if it has 8 voices total, what would the extra 4 pads be for?

Well, as far as I can see, it’s an 8 voice drum machine.
On a sampler, sample playback is one voice.
It doesn’t say “8 analog voices and you get some extra sample voices as well.”
Mind you, if it has dynamic allocation to tracks ala OT and A4 then 8 voices is plenty, really.
It may have an analog and digital filter per voice? Digital noise generator to layer on drum sounds.
I think the 12 pads is because… How can you offer chromatic playability if you only offer 8 pads. Think about it, just because there are 12 pads it doesn’t mean that there will be 12 voices. It’s 8 voices, just as it says in the video, no?


I must say though, how do I know? It could totally be 12 voice and hey we’ll all be happier for it. Only works if it has 12 filters though…

But if that is the case they would have missed a big marketing opportunity, because I’d be saying from the outset 12 VOICES: 8 analog and 4 sample based, and I can’t see any company in this industry missing that one…

It’d be great to see sample layer capability inside a single track and if possible dreaming some kind of mod ability/FX between analog and sampled sound sources…

I hope “sample support” does not just mean ableton integration. :frowning: the colours?
Of course, that would be odd for elektron so I’m sure it wouldn’t be.

I agree with the above that this will likely be 8 voices at any one time though the pads can trigger 12 in total. An A4 sort of dynamic voice allocation thing between samples and analogue voices.

I can’t imagine it’s sample capabilities will be much beyond that of the MD. Sample support sounds like playback based to me which isn’t a bad thing. Will be interested to see if it has an audio input - if aiming to price this in the range of the current boxes then something has to give.

I can’t quite remember what the teaser said about the FX - I got the impression it was master FX rather than FX per track (other than 1 filter and distortion per voice)? So that’s another limitation that will keep the cost down (hopefully!).

And yes, I know there is only a few days left till we find out but who cares! I like to speculate!

I think to get the price point they’re after there will be

  • No proper MIDI out implementation beyond clock/sync
  • 1 dedicated master FX track with send options per voice ala MD
  • no A/D conversion (no sampling ability)
  • 8 tracks with dynamic voice allocation

And you know what, that’s totally fine by me :slight_smile:

Though it’d be amazing to have an arp in there, even though it’s drum orientated synthesis… the first video from Berlin still intrigues me - it’s capable of more than lame honky beats for sure!

Got to agree with KOTARE on this one: the 8 voices must be comprehensive, including any sample based voices. Or they would have distinctly marketed this as a 12 voice drum computer, with 8 analog and 4 sample based voices, or whatever combo is beyond the 8 voices that we know of…

I would really like delay and reverb per track. I find myself wishing for the option on the MD. But, I doubt it. I’d be very surprised if there is not a set of stereo ins to sacrifice a voice or two for processing through the filter, distortion, and master effects. I don’t think it will create samples, just playback.

Master out plus four stereo outs configurable to pre-effects individual out or cv trig per track.

Will it have an OT or A4 style individual track length/multiplier & pattern switching?

pretty sure the sound in the Berlin video was from an AK demo unit.
I can totally see them doing a super-minimal “sample support”. Very limited space, lo-fi, transfer via good ol’ c6 / SDS :slight_smile:
(SDS will be much faster than on the MDUW via the USB port)

and tbh I’m hoping for a more stripped down instrument which I might be able to afford at some point… no way I can ever justify this if it’s north of 1300… to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t even mind if it didn’t have individual outputs. Yes, a lot of people would be disappointed by that… but if it BANGS via the main outs, it will be good.

well let’s see… when does NAMM start anyway, is it today?

Hi - no I mean the first video of the AR wrapped up in the box with the lights flashing.

I think the price point will be low. I’m hoping 1350 or under for pre order.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there are no audio inputs. I think they might want you to go buy another different Elektron unit for such “luxuries”

I think they can’t go back from individual pattern lengths. I’d like to smash that tom in 3s against a 4/4 thing.


yes, the vine video that got posted from Night of Machines in Berlin on November 23?
The flashing box was set up behind the 2 AK units on display, one of which was connected to the PA.

That’s the one. The first time we saw the flashing lights.
That video had some decent sounds happening and no kick drum (brilliant)

I thought it was all the unit in the box. Was that not the case?

no… I was there, and the box was flashing happily all the time, while one had a chance to play with the Analog Keys…

Im sure this guy can help you out:

Ah, the AR was making no noise? That was all AK?

It seemed to be in time with the flashing lights…

I don’t see the point in them putting inputs on this thing as you can guarantee that the reverb/delay and possibly the filter setup will be the same or similar as the A4.
I personally would like it to be just a really functional drum machine with no bells and whistles. Individual outs would be cool though but it’s not the end of the world as they would probably bypass the master effects anyway.

I prefer keeping the price in check: no external inputs, 1 or maybe 2 stereo outs like the OT - 8 outs would certainly drive the price up. Just consider the whole unit as your drum bus - mix internally, apply some channel/bus FX, and output to your recording device. Of course, it would be great if they had 8 outs…but I don’t think we’ll see that.

Surely it will have an out per voice? almost every time getting slammed for lack of outs I think this time they will nail it and oh well we will have to save a touch more or wait for a used one… Essential for me at least as I don’t like mixing in the machine and prefer to process individual sounds externally as well as using the internal fx… On the fly. I end up with too many routing headaches otherwise.

The AK was given individual outs as (I assume) they realised it was needed/wanted by lots of users. Plus if there after taking on tempest and its users which is kind of obvious there gonna need individual outs. I M P O :+1: :+1:

EDIT - surely down the line maximum flexibility is more important than a couple of hundred quid save in the short term. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

EDIT 2 - I say slammed course I’m overstating slightly and of course not by everyone. :wink: