Where have the boys from Boards of Canada gone?

What obligation? They haven’t left Warp and they’re not really under pressure for yearly releases given their track record. But maybe the keywords here are ‘feels like’? Anyway, it’s a matter of taste. I like it a lot but I also like guitar music so that could have influenced things.

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I dunno, it’s just a feeling not a fact
I don’t know what agreements they have made. But all I know is, for me, that album feels like it didn’t get the attention any of the others did

It’s not the guitar…it’s the flow. It’s just feels weird, in a bad way.

I can’t listen to it. I can only get part way, I get frustrated and have to turn it off.

Stuff like Oscar See Through Red Eye…that track sound as tho is was taken from the cutting room floor of Geogaddi and was just stuck in there for track count. [I DO like that one quite a bit tho :slight_smile: ]

NOTE: all opinion, which I am entitled to, and don’t have to be agreed with. I know I hugely in the minority on this.


I hear you. It is an anomaly, for sure. Just one I (personally) happen to enjoy. At the same time, if it wasn’t considered canon any more, there wouldn’t be a gapping hole in their discography.

They definitely slow roll.
I wonder if they’ll ever do a full release again.


Yeah, hopefully there will be something else coming in the next couple of years. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


I don’t want to change your opinion but i’m very sure they only release music that they like. I wasn’t a big fan of the Campfire Headphase and Tomorrow’s Harvest first and now i love them. I feel like BoC are true artists who change their style a bit every now and then. Just my 2 cents.


I can dig that.

For me, they all hit like a spiked bat right out the gate. But after a few listens Headphase felt flat. It’s impact waned. Harvest was like listening to a movie. So good…still good.

The ONLY time it took me time to get into an album of theirs was Music…believe it or not.
I was hardcore into Ae at the time. I picked up Music cuz I heard Happy Cycling and thought, that’s kinda cool. But I wanted the Peel session cuz it was slightly diff, with the “I miss you” bit. But my buddy grabbed it and I got stuck with Music. So I was immediately disappointed when I listened and noticed it was diff. I waited in anticipation for the “I miss you”.
So listening to the record, I found it soft in comparison to Ae. And I just couldn’t get into it. Then, one nite sitting in my car waiting for my laundry, Pete Standing comes on [I’m giving the album it’s fair share of spins before I abandon], and these little percussive sounds i hadn’t noticed stand out. Then, that crazy breakdown near the end fucked my head. All the different kicks used…I was tripping out. Was there more subtle shit i wasn’t hearing!? And that was it. I was fucking digging around everywhere for every little bit I could find/hear. I was so hooked.

Anyways. I keep going back to Headphase trying to find out why I don’t like it, and waiting for that, “oh shit this is actually really good”…but after Oscar See Through Red Eye [which I really like], I gotta turn that album off. I’m so frustrated at that point. And the closing tracks after Oscar, to me, just don’t have anything. Like I GOTTA take it off. As if there is something embedded in there that just agitates me. I still today give it it’s fair due. But…I just can’t get thru it.

im writing too much shit


Thanks for sharing! I don’t think you wrote too much shit. :slight_smile: It was a good read for me.

At first Headphase was too happy sounding for me. But a few years ago i started enjoying more warm, happy, uplifting (for lack of better words) music. And i was using some tracks from Headphase for a weekly “relaxing session” at the after school project i work at. The kids loved it and i started getting more into the album. Simple, dreamy, lovely (for lack of better words:) melodies and chord progressions, no dark, twisted sounds or weird breakbeats. A bit tame though.

Tommorows Harvest is still a bit puzzling to me. Especially one or two tracks where a beat with great drums and groove comes in and then it just ends suddenly. I don’t get it. But there are also some wonderfully distopian moods that would scare the shit out of me at night in the woods but give me a very good feeling at home. :slight_smile:

If i had to choose only one BoC album to listen to it would probably be Geogaddi. I don’t like all of it but it’s still the most interesting for me.


I just repurchased Geogaddi the other day to replace a stolen copy and add it to my FLAC collection

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Campfire Headphase is my favorite


Unsure if this was out before / after boc
Or maybe they just use same sample source

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Spotted the lads on the road the other day


I had this fucked up experience with Geo. I put music on when I go to sleep. And Geo was still new…I hadn’t heard a bunch of bits in the music yet.

So I’m fading out, half dream state and I hear “but you may be dead…maybe dead”
That woke me up and fucked with my head so bad. While half asleep I’m trying to find where that was…and at that moment I couldn’t. It freaked out out pretty bad. :rofl:

Dawn Chorus


I’m a fan of BoC as well but I am curious, what is it that makes them stand out? There is a ton of interesting electronic music out there but these guys seem to hold a special place for a lot of music fans - why is that? This is a question I have been questioning a lot lately in general and it certainly applies with BoC. Is it just that they were early to the game and built a fan base when there were relatively few electronic acts? Is there just some special sauce they have that others do not? I am becoming acutely aware in my own music as of late that being good and being great is a game of inches. What do you see as the extra qualities that make them special?

It’s my favourite as well!

Also, it’s the album I was able to get my dad into BOC with because of the guitars. Now he likes the rest of their music as well.


I think the mystery behind how they work and the attention to detail plays into this a lot. They take ages to release stuff and I think that’s because they put so much effort into everything. Plus, there’s all of the hidden meaning stuff and the Easter eggs that they put into both the work and the promotion. This long ‘documentary’ has plenty of examples:


I think they are one of the most anonymous groups ever. Like Led Zeppelin they dont do interviews and hate the media

Those are my fav albums from them. Many ppl seem to dislike them for some reason.


What makes them stand out from other artists imo:

-beautiful melodies and chord progressions
-carefully crafted song arrangements
-interesting and great sounding drum programming
-sequences are often 5 or 6 bars instead of 4
-experimental sampling techniques
-grimy sound textures

And i think they’re great instrumentalists too. Some people tried to emulate their sound but nobody comes close when it comes to creating atmospheres imo. It’s a sum of all these techniques and years of experimenting with sound and recording music.


Prices in music, less in Cinema but still, are warning signs.