Which monitors do you use?

I’ve had that sub since 2006 beneath my Genelec 8030As.
I only wish the model I have had an auto-off feature (I think some later models do).

But yea, it gets the job done. It’s the only KRK product I’ve ever liked.
The crossover on input is very useful.
I’ve used it in two different rooms. Get a decoupler/isolation riser for it, I use the “gramma” decoupler.


I ended up with some Genelec 8010As recently, did some comparisons against my buddies older 8020As and at the levels I listen at the 8010As hardly miss out on much. I do think that the 7040 sub might be a purchase next year for me though. I was a bit worried about a lack of low end but it really isn’t bad, it just is lacking the lower subs. I am thinking about maybe getting a cheaper sub… but the genelec stuff really seems like it is built to last forever, seems like it might be worth it in the long run.

I’m using a Fostex PM-SUBn with my Adam monitors and it’s great.

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i had some VXT4s and i still miss them. they were great sounding speakers. i mixed a lot of material on them, and they were very accurate.

i upgraded to some older V6s, which also sound great, and are a little bigger. i like them. they are accurate that’s for sure.

Thanks man, appreciate it. Getting an isolater is a good idea. Hope it also has the nice effect of not only helping the around, but minimizing what gets to the neighbors underneath.

You can use miniDSP in order to correct and align your subwoofer with your monitors and room.


However I‘ll change my setup from 2.1 into 3-way.

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Acoustically treat your room as best you can and buy Sonarworks.

Makes any monitors 100x better.

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hello all, i dont have any elektron device yet… but i thought i share my monitor setup, im using APS Aeons :slight_smile: currently upside down so the tweeter fires right to my ears, and acoustically it makes better in my room.

I use vxt4’s plus sub. I love them. I’ve even gone to the trouble of obtaining spare amp pcbs for them to keep them going for as long as I can.
The setup plus sonarworks (helps with a small 80hz peak I can’t get rid of) is great for relatively small room.

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I ordered a pair of KRK RP5 G4s yesterday. Read a lot of good things about them and really like my old pair of RP5s so I’m excited :slight_smile:

I’ve made up my mind that i’ll be keeping my Adam A7X + Sub10mk2 setup. Don’t really want to keep selling and buying.

I do agree that it’s kind of complicated to align the sub and monitors together as I myself am having trouble with it. Too much volume on the sub ends up sounding boomy and unpleasant to listen to. I have to turn my Sub Level all the way down to -50db.

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What cross over / lowpass freq did you setup on the sub10? Mine is around 75hz

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Yeah luckily my mixer sends all balanced outputs and has separate volumes for master, booth, headphones and a -6 db rec out. I used to work with a keyboard amp which was properly grounded but for some reason I always get noise when using it with a usb interface. Luckily the genelecs have had seeming no noise levels when hooked up to balanced cables.

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Product seek-

Minimalistic, high quality input switch for my monitors.

I have one set, i’d like to switch between my audio interface, my SSL SiX, and a dusty analog console.

This seems like something super simple that should exist cheap, why does it seem so hard to find? Computer monitor A/B/C switches exist!

3 stereo inputs, 1 stereo output, no unnecessary electronics, no USB audio interface to inflate the cost (I’m sure the Mackie BigKnob+ is a good product but i want high quality assembly and interconnects over bells and whistles useless for my need.)

Am i missing something? Is there like an existing DIY project i can tackle?


Edit: I know the simpler solution still is using my patchbay but i’m stubbornly hung up on turning a knob :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yamaha HS5 they work well and sound decent.

One day I want better ones once I have a larger studio.


Answered my own question- Nobsound 3-IN-1-OUT passive XLR switch!

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I looked into monitor controllers a while back and my conclusion was that they’re all shit, particularly the passive ones.

And that anything decent is way over 1K, or even 2K, so I decided against it.

The higher end SPLs are nice though…



I use cheap ass JBL 305p MK2’s, which I am pretty happy with. I also have sonarworks reference and scored old acoustic panels for some room treatment…

I think for the money I spent, it is a very good deal. If someday I buy expensive, good monitors. The sonarworks reference is still there to make them even better (for my room)

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have a look on the new Audient monitor controler. Also Heritage Audio makes one that should work great. Both are under 1k.

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Shit how?

If all I’m looking at is a knob A/B/C between balanced stereo ins and a single stereo out, how much is there to go wrong?

Or are you thinking about the ones that try to do too much and overcomplicate things? I’ll try my ~$50 solution first and figure out a better plan if there’s something critical I’m not considering.