Which monitors do you use?

Right. A switch shouldn’t do any attenuation at all. It’s only making physical connections.

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I‘ve the mackie big knob passive and it is working fine!

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I also got a Mackie Big Knob recently for Christmas and it’s great. So nice to have a central volume control and I can easily switch between my Genelecs and tascam speakers, dim the mix for a low volume listen, or switch it to mono. Haven’t noticed any issues with stereo image. Mixes sound identical to last week before I had it so it hasn’t affected my sound at all.
I already can’t imagine not having it, it’s a super useful utility.

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Same here, mine is set around there as well. :+1:

OK sorry I thought you were looking for volume control too, which is where the passive designs fall short - attenuation of both L & R channels precisely/ equally

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There’s this cheap one from China, god only knows what the quality’s like, but it’s only a switch right, so at least it should not affect sound quality. Worse that can happen is the switch or connectors break…

Where did you find the Nobsound one? In the UK they seem to be over a £100. Never mind

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Just to share this low budget sub that Presenus is about to launch. Sub 8 it’s called, and approx €200. I see it ready for preorder to be shipped around next month.

Superficial glance at the specs seem to be about the same as the Temblor T8. I’ve been looking at that, cause I need some low end monitoring, but am afraid of the loudness of bigger subs. Curious about first experiences when it starts being shipped. Especially if it’s somewhat less loud then many of the subs that people here tend to have at minimum volume. Or is that inherent to subs, that they can’t really work below certain volume?

Anyways, just thought I’d share. If it doesn’t get reviewed properly then I’ll probably go for the Temblor T8.

(Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, there’s so many around here, and I remembered this to be the latest active one, which was also discussing multiple sub+monitors combinations)

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For me a foot switch is a must with a sub. That’s the reason I would option temblor t10 or krk 10s2. Too many situations where you don’t want the sub to be on

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Yeah okay, maybe that’s advice / experience I should take to heart then. It’s 2,5 times the wattage though, in a small room. But then at least I can bring it in and out whenever I need.

Yeah, just imagine having to crawl down every time you want to shut it off. And then there is the question if the high pass is still active. If you can always leave the sub on then that doesn’t matter. For most people I think this is an important feature. I question why it’s not implemented in most subs

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I thought that the possibility to turn off the sub was going to be used all the time when i got my setup. Only time ive turned it off was to demonstrate that you could. Everything gets pretty boring when you are used to having the low end there.

Having a house with a dedicated studio room probably helps with that :yum:

I’d make sure to not overuse it here so that the neighbors stay off my back.


Hehe. It sure does. But if the neighbors can live with some 50-60hz noise, they can live with some 20-50hz too!


How much of this is tongue in cheek and how much of this is serious? (Asking for a friend;)

I have to account for my neighbors, so ideally I’ll find a solution either with an alway on smaller Sub (Sub8 or Temblor T8 ballpark); or the T10 with its switch. If the neigbours will have serious bass rumble with any sub, small or big, I’d rather get a big T10 with a switch. If the neigbour-noise isn’t thát big of a problem I might be better with choosing a smaller T8 and leave it always on…

My neighbors aren’t that bad, so sóme noise isn’t a problem. That indeed is also present with my current Presonus Eris E5’s. And they’re fine with that.

Little bit of both. Deep bass does “travel” further. But it does matter what kind of construction your house/apartment is made off. Our living room is just above my studio. At normal levels you can barely hear anything upstairs. (Approx 85-90db).

Most important thing is to talk to your neighbors and ask if you can hear how it is heard at their place. Then you can make a note at what levels it gets annoying for them. That is highly individual.

A buddy was into hifi back in the day. He asked his neighbor if he bothered them with loud playing. And she said it was fine. She couldn’t put glasses on the kitchen countertops because they slid off, she was fine with it. As long as he didn’t play that loud during dinner time. She deserved an award for her patience.


I am also a conga player, and some years ago, I had an old lady, recovering from cancer treatment, living in the apartment below mine. When I asked her whether she was disturbed by my drum practice, she answered: “not at all, your drums are accompanying me in my dreams” :slightly_smiling_face: (I did not play techno then…) - sorry, out of topic…


Waiting for a pair of iLoud MTMs. Any experience/advice around?


Been rocking a pair for about a couple weeks. For a bit of background, I have a pair of aging Mackie HR624 as well as JBL LSR306p mkII. I haven’t spent enough time with them to discuss hyper critical listening, but enough to say they are pretty phenomenal regarding their frequency range/accuracy. Straight out of the box they sounded great, and I’ve just started to use the calibration (so gonna remain silent on that for now).

They definitely can’t push air like my other monitors, but easily compete otherwise. They have less self noise than the JBLs and sound more cohesive. I think I prefer the Mackie’s dynamic response because they use passive radiator instead of a bass port, but that might change after I get more time using the MTMs.

Love the size of them, and they work extremely well for smaller rooms. As long as your not trying to fill up a huge room I think you’ll be extremely impressed with them.

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On Kali Audio LP-6s myself. Best value for money out there in the budget category in my book.

I just got the Alpha 80s and these speakers are really really nice

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