Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

Honestly, one of the best nights of my life started with the Vengaboys.

And ended in Tears For Fears?

I think your point about Prodigy crossing these boundaries to different groups is a good one. Being a clubbing teen in the Uk in the 90’s, I recall Prodigy being played and received fondly in anywhere from indie spots, raves, to Jungle dances etc… I’m struggling to think of another band at the time who did that.

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Prodigy was and is dope as fuck, the only thing I’ll criticize is that they “sold out” to the corporations by signing onto a major label. Had they stayed independent, less money and exposure but keeping it real I’d consider them to truly be as cool as hardcore bands of the 80s.

It’s a minor gripe, but I’m petty like that.

Memory’s a bit vague, but after shitmat came out of Cryogenesis, I saw Current Value and I vaguely remember DJ Donna Summer.

Best night of my life.

Always quality.


Sounds like your tying to sound clever … and failing in such a timeless way.

Now thats more like it :laughing:


There couldnt be a modernday equivilant of the Beatles they were a groundbreaking phenomenon of their time not just for the music but the way their storey played out through the media


Of course there could. On the surface the modern equivalent won’t look much like the Beatles, but if we’re comparing musical ability and media savviness (as well as acquiring a huge amount of filthy lucre), Kanye West comes to mind. Maybe The Neptunes, too?

This is the kind of thing I was looking for. I’m relatively new to electronic music (5-6 years) and grew up on classic rock, folk, etc.

Dylan and the Beatles are king of the mountain for me and countless others, incalculable influence on popular music. Whether someone likes them or not, I was just curious if there are obvious comparisons for them.

I’m being really simplistic choosing those two. They were influenced by absolute giants. And there are countless other besides them to use as starting points. I just thought it would be a fun conversation to have. Was surprised to open this thread up this morning with so many responses!!!

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Totaly agree with you … its to easy to divide by borders, colour, class much more difficult to sift the wheat from the chaff… people who want to improve their life and others against people who want inprove their life even at the cost to others


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Oh yes

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Saw them at Barbarellas in Birmingham never heard a drum machine through a PA before blew me away and the drum machines in those days couldnt be programmed but you could get two presets going at once.
Its taken years to get the drum machines that some of us were inventing wishing for in our heads

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I went to Barbarellas quite often Saw John Foxx at the Hummingbird and early Duran Duran at Faces on Broad Street. Ahhh. My beautiful cross dressing New Romantic Days.

Earlier i used to hang out with Black Sabbath in Witton.

Vampire Weekend tho.


God I hate that band :joy: