Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

I don’t disagree with you. I’m not saying he’s perfect. But he does care (at least a bit) and did when they were hopeful.



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Hey, everyone cares a bit. Most people don’t care enough to dedicate their lives for making us a better future, and that’s the problem. At least according to Adam Curtis, and he did make a compelling case.

But isn’t there a huge elephant in this room? The simple question: What are YOU doing?

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I’m no different than anyone, dude. I’m doing fuck all because I can’t imagine anything except this fake reality of constant growth and global hypercapitalism. I’m content with my small life: my family, my job, my gear and my little corner of the internet. Yet at the same time the rich are stealing all the money, the planet is going to shit and Google knows what I watch from PornHub. I have no excuses.

I hear you, and I’m the same. So the question is for all of us.

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With God as my witness - I agreed before the PornHub part :wink:

Yeah, the claim was specifically that NO ONE has any hope for the future, there’s only stagnation. We wish things stay as they are, or are as they were in a mythical past. No change, no hope. Change is poison for capitalism, and they’ve sold this worldview to us.

Don’t kid yourself man, they KNOW.

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It’s hard. You have to do it in groups. No one person can do it alone.

And, by twist of fate and joy of coincidence, working in groups is likely part of the solution.

It is looking pretty bleak, but I still feel hope when I observe my kids. They have an enormous potential for change, we just haven’t cracked the code yet.

It’s kind of funny, and I have no statistics or anything to prove this, but I feel like survivalism is a bigger movement in the western world than anticapitalism or any anti-capitalist ideology. So preparing for a world after the world ends seems more sensible to people than working to change the system, or to build a new system. I think it shows pretty clearly how much faith we have for the future.

And then at the same time I don’t think it’s gonna be that bleak, it just shows how, as Adam Curtis said, we’ve just lost any alternate view for the future than what we’re living in now. A change is bound to come at some point, nothing lasts forever but we’re pretty ill prepared for it.

This reminds me, I need to join the Elektronauts record label team…

I’m deliberately consuming mostly post-capitalist, futurist media now, rather than news or historical media. It’s part of move to get me forward looking, dreaming of better systems.

Someone recently invited me to apply for a job at their friend’s start-up. They’re looking to help with the issue Elektron faces: funding ongoing fixes/development when your core product is hardware sold on a hardware model. Rather than say yes or no, I pointed out that it sits at a funny intersection we have right now: on the one hand, such a tool helps entrench John Dear/Apple/car-maker style anti-repairability; but if you tweak the model slightly, it could become really helpful tooling for a maker-user coop or syndicate. When you talk like that to capitalists, it rules you out of their job/candidate pool. But more importantly to me, it flexes my mental muscle around better futures.

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I’ve done enough.
I’ll do more when my kids have grown up a bit.

Thank you for your effort.

I don’t do it for the thanks, I do it for the cocaine and sex workers. Neither of which have been forthcoming, unfortunately.

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My thanks will have to do, as the coke is long gone, and I’m sure you would refrain from having me do any kind of sexual work on you.

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My first thought when I read this was Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy. Obviously his stage performances are more theatrical and rely less on actual human bodily fluids, but the mess is there. Some of the early COUM Transmissions performances offered more of the real deal.


You’re on an electronic music making forum. If you’re going to question everything you deem “weird” you’re going to waste a lot of time.

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If I was concerned about ‘wasting time’, I probably wouldn’t be here in the first place. But thanks, I guess.

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Dylan Fans : ‘music for middle-aged white men’ ‘music for boomer’ etc . The things I read on this forum sometime make me just sad.