Who should Elektron hire to demo products?

Hector was the best when the products were better :+1:


ah, ezbot!


Elektron signing up their new demo person…



I’d take Hector. At any rate information on product explanation and product performance can be quite different.


If you “can take any new electronic instrument and have it making excellent sounds with a nice groove in a matter of moments” it probably won’t take you very much time to record a few videos and upload them to YouTube.


something they did when the Analogs / Overbridge launched was this kind of sound battle within this forum, which also got someone some elektrons as a present.

they should concentrate on their actual line up and expand it with their knowledge of the past.

the sequencer isn’t the #1 tricky combination of sequencers out there and that has also been the case when TE launched their OP-Z a few years ago, tho.

the YT movement should somehow consider to address the foundation of elektrons (more sequencer tricks)
tracker inspired rolls / flams / stretchy things / robotic irregular behavior / machinery

if it’s the Ricky Tinez, he should stop the Elektron Coop by simply loading up a workflow video of the differences between the machines and the things which are weird.

normally that’s what I like about his “iam a bit tooo lazy to understand certain things” stoner type attitude.

i vote Dave Mech =]


Baseck it should be

Techno elektron demos should be banned :clown_face:
End of 2022 it’s forecast that every possible techno permutation has already been written.

Far prefer hearing more bohemian efforts … each to their own of course.


@sezare56 @Jeanne @Voltagectrlr and many other forum members whose handles escape me have always and consistently impressed me more than any synth youtuber surface scratchers or flavour of the month artists.

I think it is because they are more invested because they actually parted with money and invested the time.


Why not? I second that @DaveMech :+1:

I don’t understand why this was removed … what’s going on ?

They could hire someone who’s not an influencer - someone with no baggage

And someone who’s honest when something is beta / broken or not functioning when they market / demo something and it’s launching to market. ( yes I’m going back to digitakt launch of a barely functioning digitakt midi … things have been much better since )

Someone with talent ( I won’t comment any further or I’ll get banned )


Year 2023 will be “the year of sound packs”. There is no need for people to demo these. And if yes, I vote for Ave Mcree vs Benn Jordan online show.

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The Elektron Demos are often strange plink plonk sounds. But every Techno live Act I know uses Elektron products. OT is the GOAT for your live Setup


I guess in many ways every elektron box using YouTuber Instagrammer or even Elektronaut is free advertising for Elektron anyway, whether they get officially promoted or not. It’s a gold mine really if you think about it.

I don’t have any ideas about who should be hired or what, but I think Elektron could do more ‘Octatrack + Syntakt’ ‘Analog 4 + Analog Rytm’ type videos. How many of us are owners of multiple Elektron machines? How many of us could be but are too intimidated by MIDI sync or recording trigs?


Please. #2


In alphabetical order:


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Imo Elektron shouldn’t hire anyone to showcase their devices. Everybody does it for free already, myself included. And most of the times the unpaid videos are better than the official marketing stuff. Except Cenk’s demos. I don’t like all of his music but he shows a lot of what can be done in a musical way and a short amount of time without talking too much.


Davemech and Voltage Ctrl are a close second and third choice for me
But Ezbot has by far the best production setup (mics and cameras) on top of just being really clear and detailed with explaining the given topic.