Who should Elektron hire to demo products?

I really like Captain Pikant style.
Simple, good graphics, straightforward and very educational.


@HoldMyBeer Should do the demos.


Iā€™m flattered, but I really shouldnā€™t. Oh ok, I guess I will.


Enough with the synthfluencers. Iā€™d prefer whoeverā€™s the visionary behind each kit, warts and all, to just show up before the camera. My favourite Chase Bliss videos are the ones where Joelā€™s just telling us about whatever pedal heā€™s just released. The Thermae one is my favourite.


This guy!


A ghost?

This guy is a walking octatrack! Look what he can do just with breathing cuts! Magic!

my vote is cast


Voltage Ctrlr hands down


Paolo from SynthMania (one of the OG synth sites)

Mostly because I love his hilariously sarcastic response to gear questions which was approximately ā€œforget buying gear, LEARN TO PLAY AN INSTRUMENTā€

"Hello, Iā€™m Paolo form Synthmania. Today Iā€™m going to tell you why you should buy an Octatrack.

Actually, you shouldnā€™t. We made ItaloDisco on ancient Roland samplers back in the '80s and you should too. Also, take some music lessons. Ciao!"

Elektron: ā€œFIRED!ā€

Second choice: Florian from Bad Gear. Dude has a strong meme game and can create GAS for the worst gear out of thin air.


Coz he knows ā€œthis is Rock and Roll!ā€


iā€™m with this approach also.
one company that comes to mind is Akai.
they have a tendency to make ā€œhow toā€ video series when a new product is released.
also organized in a playlist which i can appreciate.

elektron on the other hand sort of does that but loosely.
in a way it was a how-to but also performance oriented.

so yeah, would be cool if elektron did a more thorough; video manual focused videos to go along with their marketing ones.

for me they are easier to understand/learn (visual + manual, obviously) than just a forum thread, marketing or rtfm.
happy & knowledgeable customer = returning customer.


Electron must sell electronic devices. And these are also often bought by groups of people who care about diversity and sustainability, for example. So, Elektron will likely choose a female influencer and/or someone with a diverse cultural background to appeal to current and future customers.

But, they may also have a sense of humour and hire someone like John Wayne, Sylvester Stallone, Celine Dion, or: ā€¦

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Fine fine. Iā€™ll do it


I really think they should check with the shamwow guy

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they need someone whoā€™s not shy likeā€¦

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Definitely Eaves


Dolph Lundgren would be the more appropriate choice

  1. Any/all of the Elektron staff, seriously; they could do this anonymously and LoFi-AF for all i care and just show the insights as the best prepared people to do so, anything else is a compromise

  2. The Undulations youtube channel dude - he wouldnā€™t post junk until he knew it inside out and even then heā€™d probably post some insight nobody else considered - zero hype guaranteed

  3. for a straight up no frills creative tour around the interesting sound design potential in a variety of styles @colectivo_triangular - if he canā€™t coax something sonically interesting out of a piece of gear it might be one to avoid

  4. WGAF. I donā€™t. The only thing iā€™d hope for is for the boundaries of the sound design potential to be explored to give a good picture of possibilities

  5. RDGAF ā€¦ not sure why thereā€™s so much interest around this aspect of the gear, itā€™s way removed from the creative process ā€¦ personalities and hype are implicitly bs - i canā€™t imagine any artists i admire having or caring about these ā€˜concernsā€™

  6. Each to their own, but thereā€™s gotta be more fun in using your gear than caring about who promotes it ā€¦

  7. @cupfungus ā€¦ because Glaswegian and you vicariously get to live within a truly messy studio space the owner isnā€™t bothered by for a while

  8. Nobody, because [ 1. ]

  9. Let Elektron decide ā€¦ move along !

  10. Wes Anderson or Laurie Anderson


Even though some synth manufacturers now outsource most of their promotional / instructive / introduction content to synthfluencers, I think Elektron should remain doing it in-house for certain purposes, especially the ā€œIā€™m here to announce our new ___________ā€