Why is the Digitone clicking?

Hey guys, got my dn for a few days now and only slowly treading on the wondrous world of FM synthesis now made available to the non scientist-musician thanks to the friendly interface that digitone provides.

I encountered quite a lot of clicks in my earlier patch making and had read up about it on this forum, saw that slow attack values + resetting of cycles should prevent too many clicks from happening and even if it does you can always lowpass filter around that. This is fine and understandable. However I did notice when using the LFO with random wave on approx 1/16th note speed on for example the algorithm destination, (i think on other complicated destinations too) I do start hearing a lot of pops and clicks… Is this due to the amount of calculating the synth has to do on every step? Any way of smoothing this out? Because if possible without clicks the potential is immense. Thank you in advance!

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You would expect clicks when switching whole algorithms with an lfo, it’s probably just from the sound completely changing might be better plocking algorithm changes to avoid clicking.
Clicks normally come from envelopes to fast or voice stealing…

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Not at all, see the many qualifying posts by Ess and read the thread - this thought touching on clicking was mentioned recently

Clicking related to envelopes is not the issue here. That is just too obvious and you would get it on any Synth and VST and can actually be intended for your sound patch.

The Digitone clicking issue is clearly related to Voice stealing and the Digitone handling it terribly and not in very graceful way like on my Analog Four Mk2.
I have ZERO clicking issues on my Analog Four Mk2 and that one has half the polyphony of the Digitone.

When I tested the Digitone keys in the store couple weeks ago and going through factory preset patches, I immediately ran into the noise clicking issue by just playing notes/chords in quick succession, especially with a patch that has a lot of FX (reverb/delay) or long(er) sustain.
So it feels like the Digitone is killing the notes very abruptly when running out of voices, no matter the poly config setting. Even if its a tail of a long reverb or delay. Bit hard to describe, but that’s how it feels like.

This should be fixable in firmware and I think Ess said this already it’s something they can look into.


The guy asking the question said he’s putting an lfo on the algorithm and getting clicks.
You do get clicks from voice stealing I also said that

yes, exactly. I’m aware of the voice stealing / snappyness of envelopes and it’s actually very useful to have envelopes that can go this fast. Just was wondering if changing algorithms could be smoothed out while using an LFO to mod them, but I suppose your p lock alternative is a fair workaround, thanks!

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I also figure that using a random waveform that snaps from one value to the next creates a non smooth transition possibly resulting in a click.

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I really hope so, once I have one or two tracks doing some mono sounds + a third track with a bit longer attack / release settings for a pad, almost always clicks start to appear that are significantly louder than the total sound image. It’s quite a pity

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I’ve noticed many sounds will sound clicky or otherwise a bit off when sequenced that don’t sound that way when played by hand on the trigger keys at roughly the same speed. Seems like it’s treating each track as mono even when it’s in poly mode in the settings. It can be incredibly annoying when you have a great sound that no longer works once sequenced. What’s the deal?


Nope, not resetting LFO either. I can compensate on this particular patch be reducing the attack but I feel like I am frequently playing this game of having to compensate in the patches for something that is odd about the way Elektron implemented their sequencing. I’ve seen other complaints like this about the digitone but I thought the poly mode was supposed to be the fix.

Could you attach a sample? I am interested to hear what you are finding there.

Make sure envelope reset is off.
Operator reset OFF
The amp env and filter env are very snappy and tight so allow enough shape so you have a smooth front end, and smooth release.

Play mode to poly, voices to cycle. That should be it.

Remember its only an 8 voice synth, pretty easy run out of voices and get clicks due to over lapping envelopes.


On the track I am working on I’ve adjusted enough settings to stop the clicking but the changes also impacted the sound of the patch. The fact that I can play the same patch with the trigger keys at roughly the same speed and it doesn’t behave the same way as it does when sequenced is the behavior that bothers me the most. This tells me it’s less about the synth patch and more to do with how the sequencing and voice stealing is implemented.

I’ll see about posting an example.

Is REUSE in the voice menu disabled? REUSE Selects if the same note played twice should reuse the same voice, or cycle to use another free voice.


I’m also experiencing clicking under certain conditions, I now found a simple way to reproduce this and I’m pretty sure that in my case it has little to do with voice stealing or too short attack times.

Here’s the repro (OS 1.30A):
-Create a new project
-Make the following adjustments to the T1 and T2 (init) sounds:
T1: Filter: LP4, freq 66, reso 127, on Trig page set note length to 1/32th
T2: Filter: LP4, freq 110, reso 127, on Trig page set note length to 1/32th
(the only difference between T1 and T2 sounds is the filter frequency)
-On the scale page make sure that there are 4 pages (64/64) to enter the sequence below:
page 1: 8 trigs of T1, all odd steps, same (default) note
page 2: 8 trigs of T1, all odd steps, same (default) note
page 3: 8 trigs of T2, all odd steps, same (default) note
page 4: 8 trigs of T2, all odd steps, same (default) note
(there may be a more efficient way to get the same sequence of well separated notes)
-Press play and pay attention to the beginning of each note…

I expected that the 16 notes from T1 (page 1 and 2) would all sound the same, but this is not the case; the first 8 notes (page 1) sound identical to each other but different from the 8 notes on page 2. And with the first 8 notes of T2 (page 3) I can hear a distinct click that I don’t hear with the following 8 notes of the same sound (T2, page 4).

After some experimentation and checking the voice page, I noticed that if a voice is first used by T1, then by T2, the first note of the T2 sound will start with an audible click, at least with these sound settings. Also when going from T2 to T1 on the same voice, the first T1 note will sound different than the next (all following notes). One work-around is to prevent that voices are used by different tracks, or use an LP2 filter instead of LP4.

It may perhaps look silly to apply these (or any) filter settings to a sine, I was just looking for the simplest way to reproduce this by starting off with the init sound, and the above filter settings were all it took. I’m not sure if these filter settings are actually causing this, or just accentuating something else. But it doesn’t occur with LP2 or HP. I didn’t record it yet to check what the wave looks like…

Hope some of you can reproduce this, or perhaps even have a logical explanation for this…


How is PHRT set on an init patch? If phase reset is off it will click from time to time, because the operators don’t start at 0 when triggered.

When it clicks depends then on the frequency the operators are running at and the exact timing of the trigs (tempo, spacing etc.pp.).

Hi tnussb,
PHRT is set to ALL, so the phase of all operators is reset with a new note… Also ATRG, ARST, BTRG, BRST are all ON

The clicking also doesn’t cycle, at least not in that way, it really only seems to happen if the same voice (dot in the voice menu/page) is first used by one track (sound), then by the next.

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Hi everyone,

I’ve read all the posts here about this but I’m still not getting any joy. All my AENRs are set correctly, small fades on all my envelopes, doing my best to manage voice stealing etc but still getting really bad digital pops intermittently in some of my sets. Feels like the processor/ram is getting overwhelmed? And of course, I get the High Pitch of Doom and eventual crash.

Has anyone else made any progress with this?

Thanks in advance,
