Why is the Digitone clicking?

I had a faulty one that crashed a lot, I got it replaced right away and the new one I have for a couple years now has never done this.
I’m not on the latest firmware, so maybe that has something to do with it, cause it seems I’m reading more about these crashes lately.
I also don’t use a lot of parameter locks, but I am always running at 170BPM+.
Maybe this helps to narrow it down.

I do get some occasional clicking on busy patterns, but locking tracks to voices avoids most of that.

How small?

I have noticed it needs minimum of 8 on the attack parameter to go past the ‘transient’ like snap of the envelope.

Digital pops can also come from overloading the reverb, and gain staging.

I’ve never had any high pitch of doom (?) And never crashed it.

Ive also never had any issues with clicking. It clicks if I make it click.

Thanks guys…I’m pretty sure it’s not an envelope issue as I’ve gone through every single trig. The clicks aren’t in the same place at the same time but can be very consistent (enough to ruin a set). It ‘ feels ‘ like the cpu is being overloaded and I really wish the DN came with some kind of cpu meter. I’m going to try to purposefully make it happen but I’m not sure it’s any one thing other than that I’m pushing the machine to it’s limit.

That or I have a faulty unit.



I don’t think it’s faulty - it’s either some kind of voice stealing and/or phase reset, and/or other issues outlined in this handy tutorial!


Thanks! I’ve watched it and agree, it’s excellent. I’ll be going through my patch to see if there’s something hidden in there tbsure.



Revisiting my old-@$$ topic here for a minute. I’ve managed, overall, to limit the amount of clicking in my tracks using various methods posted here. The one place I have been unable to completely avoid them is in pattern changes with sound preset changes occurring. If I change a pattern where a track changes it’s sound, I’ll almost always get a click at the beginning of the pattern that is very audible, even with tons of other instruments from other devices going on. I really wish the DN had some sort of “hidden” voices that are only there to help with this sort of thing. Has anyone come up with a solution for this one?