Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

feels like the octatrack is living a revival at the moment, its crazy popular still…

also the more I use it, the more I love it… It can do so much, its crazy…

10yrs old and still running like at the first day…


If it wasn’t for the fact that the OT is completely bad ass, I personally think Elektron would have retired it like the MnM/MD already. There’s been enough hints and suggestions that there are gaps in the coding knowledge as well as the chip shortage so at what point do you call it a day and move on to the more modern stuff? There’s likely not much they could do for a Mk3 within the current constrains of the DSPs raw horsepower and a “hypothetical OT2” could be a right bitch to align with the OT’s ethos.

I’d love to see a brand spanking new/modern Octatrack v2 but for now, just glad folks are still rocking the thing and finding interesting ways to use them. Truly a legendary device IMO that will go down in history as one of the all time greats.

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It is already damn near perfect in every possible way. Nothing essential is missing, it’s all there.

Personally I love the filters and effects and think the new devices lack character in comparison, as good as they sound.

It IS the pro version.


But I think there is still room for improvement. If not in some workflow-optimizations, at least with the effects. Developing a mk3 would mean a new CPU (and with that rewriting everything, so it wont happen, but well, Songmode for the Digis ‘wont happen’ too.
And with a newer CPU, there is more processingpower. And with more processing power, there might be a bit more room for FX Improvements. Make the Filter not something that takes up an FX Slot for example. Or make it 4 Slots, so we can get rid of at least one iteration of neighbor-tracks etc.
There would be a lot possible without breaking the DNA of the OT.

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You can do stuff with the neighbor tracks that would never be possible without them tho.

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what like? i just use them (reluctantly) when i want delay + reverb

You can do more with recorder + flex, adding Playback and Amp control.
Track 1 Sample
Track 2 rec trig recording T1
Track 2 Flex plays recording 02 as a Neighbour if you turn Track one Level.


I really like to have the FX/neighbor tracks sequence length different than the source track.
This opens so many creative possibilities.

The comb filter is like an augmentation for any sound you use it with and really can produce incredible stuff with parameter locks and modulation.

Many of the effects sound interesting when you really push them to the limits, unlike most of the high-end effects I’ve tried.

It’s hard to fully agree or disagree if neighbor or another flex can do more bcs they allow such different kind of things, and also I’m not an OT wizard by any means, yet.

It’s really great that we have either or both at our disposal.


A recorder and a Flex can do exactly what Neighbor can do, but it can add pitch, timestretch, reverse, start, slices, loop, loop length, retrigs, trig counts, attack/hold/release…

Difficult to disagree imho…


Lol, you’re right. I’m very tired and my brain is not working anymore hehehe.

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Elektron made an iconic instrument in the Octatrack that a lot of people use. Seems to me like bad business to not follow up on that legacy and help carry that instrument deeper into the future. Look at what Akai has done with their MPC line for example.

It’s a no brainer, and for this reason, I’m convinced that Elektron will eventually deliver. They know what the people want. And it involves a crossfader. :drooling_face:


2 crossfaders ! :pl:


I’d like to see a kriskrossfader I’ll get me coat.

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I’d be thrilled. Improved time stretch, better FX with filter not taking a slot as mentioned above and reverb and delay as sends independent of the track fx. 6 note polyphony on midi, overbridge, and microSD. Battery would be awesome too.


Nice to dream.

All I know is that if Elektron made an Octatrack mk3, people would still complain :grin:

If they made it too similar to the mk1 and mk2, people would say it’s not enough of an improvement. If they made it too different, people would say they miss features from mk1 and mk2.


No one would miss the features, because people would still be using the MK1 :sunglasses:
people still use old MPC’s too of all generations

For sure – and the mk2 as well, since they have the same features. But I still think lots of people would complain… People really love to complain about this kind of stuff

If they were to announce a plan to discontinue the mk2 I might buy an extra one and keep it safe in its boxe, just to be sure I would still have an Octatrack if mine were to die one day :slight_smile:

Maybe not an Octatrack, but if they are not going to update to Rytm to at least have the same sample functionality of the DT, it is time for them to release a new flagship sampler.


And constantly complain about new MPCs not being as good as the mpc4000.

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