Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Probably all it will be.

They did with MKII, what’s missing ?

I think the scientists call this stockholm syndrome :joy:


Hahahaha :rofl:

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Gothenburg syndrome


Most importantly higher resolution sample start/end scrubbing. The Rytm does not have this and it stinks. Just tonight, for instance, I was trying to place the start head at the beginning of a vocal chop and could not get it at the beginning of the vocal, it was either too soon or too late. so I had to edit the sample on my computer and then import it back to Rytm. Shouldn’t have to do that. Ping/Pong playback. Again, anything the DT has as far as sampling abilities go, and there are many threads on this forum about these topics, should be on their “flagship” samplers as well because as of now the Rytm is stripped of very basic sampling features, especially for an expensive sampler.


The DT has that issue too once you’ve finished recording the sample - never understood why you’re not allowed to zoom in when in the sample section. Feels almost like a UI more than technical limitation. OT doesn’t have this issue.

Ah yes indeed. I guess they kept End instead of LENgth for older projects compatiblity, but it should be an option, I much prefer LENgth

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I bought an MPC1000 when it came out and everyone was griping because it “didnt sound as good as the 3000 or the 2000”, and well they were right about the 3000, that thing is super punchy, but the 1000 sounds great too and now is held on a pedestal by everyone. Akai has their shit down when it comes to what kind of audio comes out of their boxes. All MPC’s sound good. New and old.

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OT has no issue.
#Gothenberg syndrome :content:


Yep, but it doesn’t stop people from complaining!

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For some reason I’m seeing an unusual amount of Black OT’s on the second hand market here in NL. 1 month ago I had to buy via Reverb because there were no Octa’s!

I have a totally reliable source who’s 100% real but the thing is they live in Canada so you can’t meet them

Anyway, they said the OT MKIII is dropping next week and they finally made it sound good!

For the better and the worse, I think that the future of the Octatrack lies in the constant updates of the Digitakt. I expect that they keep on adding new fetures from that streamlined device until it becomes nearly as powerful as the Octatrack (but way easier). Then they might release a Digitakt 2.0 with extra connectivity and discontinue the OT. Might takes many years though…


That would be nice but I doubt it, as the Digitakt is already at the limits of what the hardware can handle (at least that was the messaging a while back).

I don’t think we’ll ever see a 1-to-1 bew version of the Octatrack, even though I’d buy one in a heartbeat — the OT is my favourite box of all.

But I think IF Elektron were to release a new flagship performance sampler, it would be based on a new design & UI logic and would maybe only send minor nods of acknowledgement & reference to its OT predecessor.

I base this view on nothing other than my own wild speculations and my firm belief that the OT is a miraculous unicorn that emerges only once in a lifetime. :slight_smile:


As Syntakt was the “successor” of MD/MM, a Super-Digitakt will be the heir of OT. Elektron switched from experimental/modular/lofi/clunky to elegant/reliable/hifi/straightforward and there is no point of return.


Yes. And if you want experimental/lofi/clunky, there’s always Gotharman…


Really? There is like two on Markplaats with a quick search :smiley: (I had this same feeling four/five month ago with grey OT mk2 so maybe).

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I don’t see what could be done besides making sampling easier. What would you change to warrant the mk3?

Overbridge. Would be so sick imo… Especially if the things you’d do with the fader were recorded as automation. And for me personally (please don’t roast me) I’d like the syntakt UX, with the UFO symbols and such. Very crisp.