Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

That’s the UI part, not UX but otherwise I agree. Over bridge, and both UX/UI coming from the newer boxes. Meaning that one box should not have a different way of activating the FILL for example (UX) and the same visual way of displaying filters (UI). That being said, I don’t understand why these 2 things, without adding any further options/functions, could not be possible with the current hardware. And to be fair, I would love an OS update in that direction and would not care much about over bridge if they already do this. That would already be great


I don’t have any proofs nor links, but maybe the name Octatrack was inspired by the name of the OctaMED tracker. The next OT III can’t be called a OT if that was the case.

Yeah, saw that too. I had a weird brief moment where i thought about selling mine but saw that there were already a few on there discouraging from putting mine up for sale.

Thankfully, I am back to normal now and no OTs were hurt in the process.


Same lmao… the love hate flow


Mk3 needs a joystick :joystick:


what about a Nintendo Switch style Octatrack that allows two players


I would love a MIDI zapper gun so it would be possible to play duck hunt in the audio editor.


New FX plus 2 extra ins and outs would be great :blush:

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You could use the dual crossfaders to play pong!


power of the Octa
fun of the digitakt
workflow of the Model series


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I’m still sad my spouse + friends weren’t as interested in the Dato DUO after I bought it as they were playing with it at Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin.

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OT MKIII still under $2000… I hope it’s not too much to ask as a request feature.

oh that is a sad story!! you did a nice thing! some people are fools

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It’s not the first time my specific interests have fell flat with others!

Definitely be playing more live sets if friends and spouse were as interested in making noise as they are listening to electro though :wink:

Seriously? OK I’ll bite, purely off the top of my head:

  • Sampling RAM massively increased
  • Ideally a way to record to card, to record full and long mixes
  • Much better effects, able to use delay AND reverb (gosh!) on same track. Shared/send effects too
  • Couple more inputs
  • More than 64 steps on the sequencer (probably will never happen)
  • Fill mode from the Model:Blah
  • New machines, e.g. granular or one optimised for SCW

yes yes… but don’t forget about polyphony and better AD-DA converters.

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this + if it doesn’t hurt much - - - > poly granular machine !!!

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Oh, yeah, the effects limitation was a serious headache for me when I had one.

The thing is, looking at that list, the first thought that comes to my head is “where are ya gonna put all that??”. And a lot of the things people bring up make me think it’s more realistic for Elektron to look at the OT and make something that resembles an MPC while keeping the Scenes concept. It just doesn’t make sense to stuff more features into the thing, which was such a feature-packed nightmare for me that I let mine go, vowing to return once I became a smart enough greybeard.

Naturally such a device would give up some things to make room. I’m sure everyone would shudder to think what those sacrifices would be. But I just don’t think an OT3 is realistic. Would be interesting to be proven wrong, but, yeahhhh

cherry on top

I suppose I’m looking at the Mk3 as not really a Mk3 but a whole new model/device, yeah my bad I got carried away.

If I’m completely honest I think we’ll see neither, at least not for a very long time

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