Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

OT3 with builf in Digitone with 4 stereo in , 4 stereo Out including compressor and drive. Just more of the same while keeping it travel friendly. NVMe SSD of course, more ram. 8 gig + faders, group tracks, abelton link, pioneer link, allen and heath link.


OT2 might come sooner than you think.
And maybe more so a smart CPU based increment across several specs like the OP1 field rather than a fundamental new machine.

So physically, workflow and superficially nearly identical but FX, memory and lcd enhancements.


I don’t see a point in an MKIII when they could make something new.
Even two different machines.
Mixer, and FX box


elekton has always been about the instrument, even with octatrack as a central hub device, it’s playable, plastic, pliable, one brain stem slider to control arms and legs and wings and tails and claws. nothing else can do that, like that, with only one power cable.

for there to even be a justification for an OT2 i think elektron would have to venture into the territory that akai has done with integrating DAW functionality, going from MPC (what it was) to the MPC One/Live/X (what it is now), that means a whole whole lot of software UI, and the more complex it gets in production functionality the further it gets from being actually ‘playable’

no doubt Elektron would bring to the ever expanding “hardware DAW” world that needed missing new spin of functionality, like what Ableton Live brought to the actual DAW world with a computer based “playable” DAW, i don’t know if Elektron would ever want to get that far away from playable hardware. there are a lot of menus in OT but once you know where all the functions are it’s like reaching for a shaker on a table of percussion pieces, all laid out in front of you. the modern MPC is fast but it’s playability as an instrument is only in the pads, not the control of the performance


I agree on that fully, its what made me come back to the Octa, i tried the mpc stuff, and it has a lot of convienience in it, (scales) , midi pattern visibility, track count… its good for creating, but its lacking in the playing department, NI maschine has similar scene mode like an octatrack, but other problems.

To make it an instrument, it needs low latency controls, tapping on a screen and missing things, is not that control i want , when its hectic. Integrated control setups is where the sweetspot is. Rytm pressure controls, is offering such a tactile feedback, if electron would combine this in a maschine, like visible level conrol feedback through an rgb matrix pad that has switchable modes for modulation targets, that would further bolster their market position.



Why do you say that? There’s no sign of it.

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I already have the OT mk2. :slight_smile:

OT MK3 any day now … tapping foot


…that endless discussion again…

since this is all new elektron, of course the day will come, when we will see a new device that covers ot terretory…

but it won’t be a ot…by now, everthing must be reinvented from scratch…
it won’t be that uberuniversal timeless machine again…
and the “new” digi formfactor is their future basic design…
so don’t be frustrated if u see a new device next year, that’s also a square to be there…
it’s only practical and consistant design policiy…

and yes, catching a sample will be way easier…it will keep the feature of streaming long samples, it will add new fx terretories and all still features that mingle it all up to see what happens thing, but with a new approach…

and i’m also i’m pretty sure, it will add the only next level of sampling as main sound source option there is…grains…

not sure a crossfader will do, even if it would be the most obvious sign for “hey, here’s ur new ot”…and i aslo don’t see a return of a stick controler…
i bet, as a total freash take, it will come with a long, horizontal backlid ribbon strip…

a classic 16 trigs in one row, but realised with their small square buttuns this time and one large ribbon strip underneath it…let’s see…


Why don’t you write your posts with a normal sentence structure? I sometimes toil my way through your posts and I very often like what you write, but I do find it hard to read. Maybe I’m just being grumpy this morning. Sorry.


…also sorry…but that’s me,i’m afraid…

and what’s a “normal” sentence structure these days on the net anyways…
just read it as a train of thoughts…all those dots are nothing but a realtime flow thing…
not used as tension holds, like in classic punctuation, but as a realtime cc message thing with words… :wink:

meanwhile, morning grumpyness is a common thing, though…so, have a nice one… :vulcan_salute:


I hope you understand I’m just trying to provide constructive feedback.


For a bunch of people that have never designed an Octatrack, there’s a lot of experts in designing an Octatrack knocking about.


…yeah…but going there, would mean, no need for any discussion at all…
and all i’m speculating, is within reasonable logic of overall productdesign, actual possebilties and marketing options…no need to be a coder for this…i’m just a musician that saw this business from all sides of the curtain since three decades by now…


Reeloy is the Cormac McCarthy of Elektronauts


It reminds one of the Buadic way of writing, very ancient, very mysterious :slight_smile:


the question is will they incorporate the heart of what makes their most successful product to date into their next product?

I’ve said it before, if the MK3 would only feature a way to save track settings as user presets across projects then I’d buy it in a heartbeat.

A proper undo/redo function would be real neat, too.

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Octatrack 0.5.

  • eight channels of 12 bit samples @ 22kHz
  • 2GB RAM
  • analogue filter, overdrive/comp on each channel
  • BBD echo/chorus circuit as send effect
  • elektron sequencer
  • £600