Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Those are the best ones.


I would love it if they increased the amount of tracks. I know it’s an “octa” track, but they could double the tracks and keep the same form factor if there was a button to switch from 1-8 to 9-16.

Also, additional sampling options could be cool. For example like the Bitwig sampler. The Bitwig sampler has 3 modes : Repitch (tape), Textures (granular), and Cycles (wavetable).
If they had those modes as different sampling “machines”, that would really expand what it could do. I know you can do things that sound granular, and you can load wavetables into it, but a real granular mode, and a proper way to load wavetables (especially with smooth interpolation between the cycles) would be very useful.


…oooooo…kaaay…googled ur comparison…
…and i guess, i can/must live with that…
…so, thanx for da kind of flowers… :wink:

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A new Octatrack would be amazing…here are some things I’d like to see in it.

If 16 channels Overbridge is too much then at the very least an internal offline stem bounce of arrangements (MIDI and Audio) would be clutch.

I would love the feature to be able to use other tracks’ LFOs as destinations for an LFO.

64 slices is too little. I would be stoked to double that to 128 slices.

A dedicated Master bus that doesn’t need to sacrifice the 8th track.

A proper “Tape” effect so that I don’t have to use all my LFOs to emulate wow and flutter.

Slide Trigs for MIDI!

A way to edit the start point of slices through automation.

A huge update to the timestretching algorithm. More control over how it sounds.

Crossfader automation!

I would like the ability to have the Neighbor machine include adding it’s voice to the polyphony of the previous track, or some kind of other implementation to allow voice stealing.

There’s more but I don’t want to bore you with fan fiction.


…well, sure they kind of have to…

long stereo samples via streaming in one way or the other remains a must…
slicing remains a must…
sliding into various scenes with individual status remains a must…
flex the hex, even down to a single cycle remains a must…
additional fx treatment beyond a few send fx standards remains a must…
some mix hub and midi sequencing for external gear option remains a must…

on the further improovement side of things…
that obvious whish for beyond 8 internal monophonic samplestreams in realtime…?..
not sure…
truu wavetable synth options beyond the hack/abuse options that are already given by nature…?..also not so sure…

but more straight forward sampling and realtime looping…quite possible…
next level fx algos…possible for sure…
maybe even some analog sum glue and colour bussing…that analog meets digital might become “their” thing…
and advanced ram capacities, some first +drive solution and a ob talk option will come with no doubt…

since they have to keep that scene sliding thing, no matter what, i tend to say, some horizontal ribbon strip will replace the physical cross fader and could then also shine bright for all kinds of grain treatment, which could be THE essential next step in ot evolution…

and last time i had access to solid insight when it comes to hard numbers, digitakt had their very best ratio in sales/profit at that point…that was mid 2019…
but given the fact that ot is STILL in the game, even starting out very very slow back then when brandnew, best selling statistics might have turned back to ot…while sales vs profit is often not that obvious…

no matter what…it’s their long term myst product number 1 and they will find a new concept to reinvent this in some way or the other…


Really? I think the cross fader is perfect.


None of them work for Elektron.

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…sure it’s perfect…who doesn’t love that fader…

but the chances are 50/50…
if they stick with a new conformity for square to be there digi form factors and final price under 1000 bux, any physical fader solution needs some suitable alternative…

if they stick to the old formfactor and risc a final pricetag over that one grant edge, that cross fader will see it’s return for sure…

i would also miss a crossfader…but on the other hand, if the solution would be some long vertical ribbon controler, which is cheaper in production and easier to service, i could imagine lot’s of further handling and function option advantages it would bring…

if i had to decide…i’d say…stick to the old formfactor, keep the fader and let it be a hi price segment product again…but as @Sugamo mentions, none of us worx for them and this is all nothing but speculation terretory… :wink:

I can fantasize about a “perfect” glide for the crossfader based on my experience with the mki, I’m sure there’s an improved feel available or at least possible outside of a top grade analog dj mixer!

But ribbon interfaces are… not good. And membrane style components are super annoying to me, both in feel and likelihood of breakdown.

I’d be interested in hearing what instruments handle a ribbon well though! I’m still a bit shy after my Yamaha SU-10 :stuck_out_tongue:

If they’re going to cut costs on the interface i hope that never comes to pass.

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I always wanted the crossfader to have a neutral (or Scene C) position in the middle with A and B variations on either side for more direct control with the fader and to avoid the awkward switching of scenes with two-button combos. But that’s just me.


the only thing they need to do to the crossfader is add curves and put it on the left side of the instrument, a ribbon might be a nice addition as well but they aren’t even the same thing like a mouse and a touchpad are not the same thing
definitely keep the crossfader

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I don’t think an OT MKIII would be as interesting as something new.
It would also be a bummer working on it, being stuck to a paradigm rather than exploring new possibilities.


Exactly this. The MKII Elektrons are just refinements and there’s always backwards compatibility to consider. Better to create something new rather than an incremental update.

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Same I think the xfader is a key part of the UI - but @reeloy is right about the cost impact - a good aftermarket mixer crossfader solution is the Innofader Pro 2, which costs £140 on its own - I bet it’s a surprisngly expensive part of the OT.

I don’t know if it really matters if it’s an OT MKIII or simply a successor to the OT - there will be something that steps into its place, eventually, whatever it’s called. When we reach 1k replies.

Yes. Black A4/AR/OT MKII could be almost be considered as MKIIIs…


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I find the structure and energy of your posts to be refreshing. Please don’t change a thing. The world has been sanitized enough.


Joystick with A B C D variations and neutral O center position.

Joystick takes less space


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It is a proof that you know how to type CAPITAL LETTERS ! :wink:
(As I already told you, it would be easier for me to read, BUT I’m afraid my main problem is that I really need glasses !)

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Octatrack mkIII relevant in 2023?


I like joysticks too, but still crossfaders are a different workflow… I’m actually on the hunt for a nice joystick controller right now :slight_smile:

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