[ltr]after all this time waiting… doing lists of wishes… reporting bugs… making discussion in their forums… helping them to grow… designing new tools for gide them to give us what we want… doing their job… hoping this machine become something better (WAKE UP really need it!)… elektron give us this os upgrade ? WTH? what happend with us? does elektron take care about us? if they dont listen, why make us loose our time, they dont respect us, THIS IS A FAKE-YOU. if we make a company and put all of our ideas in a box… this thing will be 10x better than any elektron gear. [/ltr]

  • 1000 @ title!

They solved some minor bugs to promote a big headline.

Curious are you going to sell your OT now that it has no value as a musical tool and many alternatives to accomplish the same things?

What are you going to go with instead? We should make a list of all the things the 'business Elektron owes us. Bug fixes of advertised features… yea. Though very common in the musical complex hardware/software world i.e. DAWs, other drum machines, etc. F it, we should just pile up some of our spare millions and do it ourselves… … then we would have a tool that really works.

So: a bunch of random forum whiners are going to create something 10x better than any Elektron gear? I hope you have enough disgruntled circuit designers, electrical engineers, dsp programmers and algorithm specialists, OS real/time specialists, UI designers, etc, to do this. Good luck with that! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Who the hell are you talking to!?
The point here is:
Making suggestive teasers, and releasing “Look! It’s f***ing nothing!” is annoying.

Who the hell are you talking to!?
The point here is:
Making suggestive teasers, and releasing “Look! It’s f***ing nothing!” is annoying.

Nice meme dude.

Honestly you people are insufferable. You’re talking about the 15 second graffiti video of the word Octatrack right? Because that’s honestly nothing. You’re the one who got super worked up, meanwhile people will use this gear and make great music with it whether or not you think its worthwhile. Please sell your OT and make a company. Sell the OT for $300 to me, I’ll buy it. I mean it’s such a piece of shit anyways right?

This has become a meme on this forum, to complain about the OT. When I had the OT I literally had zero issues with it and I used it live multiple times in non-traditional scenarios with live pick up modes. Is it perfect? No. But you people are just going way overboard

Who the hell are you talking to!?
The point here is:
Making suggestive teasers, and releasing “Look! It’s f***ing nothing!” is annoying.

I sure as hell wasn’t talking to you!
And if it isn’t obvious, let me spell it out for you: I was talking to the OP dude who, with a ragtag team of forum members, is going to create something 10x better than the best piece of gear EleKtron has put out so far…


THIS IS A FAKE-YOU. if we make a company and put all of our ideas in a box… this thing will be 10x better than any elektron gear.

Who the hell are you talking to!?
The point here is:
Making suggestive teasers, and releasing “Look! It’s f***ing nothing!” is annoying.

I sure as hell wasn’t talking to you!
And if it isn’t obvious, let me spell it out for you: I was talking to the OP dude who, with a ragtag team of forum members, is going to create something 10x better than the best piece of gear EleKtron has put out so far…


THIS IS A FAKE-YOU. if we make a company and put all of our ideas in a box… this thing will be 10x better than any elektron gear.

I knew, what you meant, and that is off topic in this topic.
And no need to get THAT defensive, when people are expressing their frustration of getting hyped for “F***ing nothing”.
A tip for getting less frustrated response:
when you are going to announce a minor bug fix, don’t make a trailer for it.
Or at least include a hint that creates appropriate perspective for the expectations.
Otherwise you need the defenders, that make the forum look like an uninviting fan boy church.

1 Like

No, just stop.

Completely irrelevant. Y so bitter? The point was just to express frustration of the vain hype.

THEY were the ones making a hype video for working up people. Make a trailer, and some people are definitely going to get hyped. You defenders can take the “oh, build a bloody synth then” -rhetoric back into the fan boy chapel;
It is the meaning of a trailer to excite people. So the people are not to blame here.
The people, that got annoyed just didn’t expect Elektron pulling a f***ing Roland here.

You defenders are overboard with your off topic accusations.

Where are these ‘teasers’ regarding an Octatrack OS update?

The video is there to let everyone know that Octatracks are back in stock.

I don’t recall seeing any info from Elektron saying a new OS is coming.

:smiley: This!

come on guys, calm down.

Wow… This is getting to be a bit too much.

I’m one of those who was a bit disappointed by the scope of the update, but I really believe in being constructive. Nobody’s getting anywhere with accusations and by starting countless threads about how “we” are “let down” by Elektron.

Just for the record, I do think that Elektron could make a lot of the discontentment go away by being a bit more open with communications to their customers… No – their fans. There are ways to be more transparent without committing to an impossible number of new features for each machine.

Ok,… I was dissapointed too…but now I start to wonder which I dislike more.

-Elektron for not taking the octatrack to the level of their other instruments and realising their own marketing promises?

-Haters because they hate?

-Fanboys because they always keep defending some company?

Is there a poll?

I really hope their next video is a 5 minute clip showing what a complete and utter pain in the ass it is to program a DSP chip in assembly code so that 8 streams of audio i/o can be manipulated in a complex fashion.

Who needs a kitchen?

Does it come with pots and pans?

Just buy, sell or stfu. The consumer has all the power.

If you’re seduced by smoke and mirrors its your own fault.

I can’t seem to find any info on exactly what changes OS 1.25C brings.

List of changes from Octatrack DPS-1 OS 1.25B to 1.25C
Bug fixes
Fixed error in SPP calculation that would make it skip one position at 343.1.1.
Fixed undesired click sound that sometimes occured at the playback direction change in ping pong loop
Fixed the problem in DELAY CONTROL mode where the settings would get stuck if leaving the mode
without releasing the [GRID] keys first.
Fixed the problem that tempo could not be set with the [FUNCTION] key pressed when the tempo
window was open on top of the scale setup window.
Using offset in the Arranger could lead to incorrect looping of tracks. Fixed.
Thru Machines would not go silent properly when changing to a pattern with START SILENT set. Fixed.

Thanks, musicmagus.
Yeah, those bugs were not at the top of my list of necessary fixes.
At least it is a sign that they have not forgotten (given up) about the OT entirely.