Does it come with pots and pans?[/quote]
unfortunately, no.
but there is a revolving wine rack and a self cleaning oven.

What the fuck are you even saying

Heā€™s saying without his help weā€™re all screwed, and heā€™s tired of keeping the world from falling apart, but he has a plan, and itā€™s gonna be 10x better.

I cant wait.

Does it come with pots and pans?[/quote]
unfortunately, no.
but there is a revolving wine rack and a self cleaning oven. [/quote]
but the cabinetry is luvely!

That video is about Jam Session #6 - Pickup machine project, just to clarify. Going live with that video perhaps could have been timed a little better, IMNSHO. Might have stopped the confusion.

Itā€™s a sad indictment of consumer must have now mentality and business models forced to turn a profit annually at the expense of the very product thatā€™s intended to sell. Go figure.

Pickup machines work just fine for meā€¦ dudes in the video seem to make it work too.

I wish I could hear how shit is fucking up for you guys and offer a solution cos I use the Octarack and the MD UW+ for live looping three or four times a week at band practice with no problems.

Theyā€™re not very robust, user friendly & lack finesse. Thereā€™s a load of threads and comments to attest to this fact. Sure, you can find a subset of conditions that play ball, but itā€™s clearly an area that needs a bit of polishing. Iā€™ve found all sorts of slave master gremlins, even leading to tracks labelled as both master and slave. Coming to PU machines from the perspective of looper devices, they have not really delivered on usability. Itā€™s discussed plenty in the forums, they just need to be made more robust to a variety of usage conditions and the loop point fade method doesnā€™t lend itself well to drones unlike other looping devices which fade in a different way. Clicks are not always welcomeā€¦ Slaving loopers has worked well for many many years!

imoushon, 1 post.
Kahvinheitin, 5 posts.

I wonder if they even own an OTā€¦

Due to my pickup experiences Iā€™d love to know if that latest Live Jam was done on the first take!

Pickups do lack polish when in master mode but functioned ok for me. Problem for me is that I somehow get quite a reliable clock out of Live (well, reliable enough for me to be happy) and want that to be the master - it makes more sense for how I have things set up - but as we all know Slave mode is a complete no no for pickups.

Iā€™m sure that with practice and thought I can get what Iā€™m looking for using flex machines though.

Elektron is a rather small company, with a few core developers. They canā€™t do everything at once. Until they have a simple product, that requires no updates, that appeal to every freaking indie band in the whole world (like the microKORG), that can fund the whole company for years, there wonā€™t be resources to employ different teams that can work on different products, and stay with the products, updating them. Elektron is not making consumer mass appeal products. Theyā€™re making very complex music electronic machines, for especially demanding people, like us. Like @wascal said. Itā€™s pretty tough stuff, programming this machine. I bet the OT is their most complicated product, in terms of the level of programming required.

The only thing we can assume is that when thereā€™s a down period of updates, theyā€™re busy working on something else.

I report bugs and issues because I love these products, and I care about them. Sometimes I get upset too, but wtf. Gotta show some peace and understanding mate.

That video is about Jam Session #6 - Pickup machine project, just to clarify. Going live with that video perhaps could have been timed a little better, IMNSHO. Might have stopped the confusion.[/quote]
No, I believe the video is to let people know the most popular Elektron device ever made is back in stock. The jam session video is just like any other-to show what you can do with a few Elektron instruments.

Were people waiting a year for the Octatrack, or were they waiting for another jam session video?

Everyone has heard of pick-up machines-nothing new about it.

-Just to clarifyā€¦

Loving my MDUW hereā€¦ Just sayinā€¦

Marble countertopsā€¦ Just sayinā€™

ItĀ“s funny but somehow I saw this coming a long time agoā€¦
So many Posts about Feature request, 2 cents, Wish lists, Imposible and extremely personalized hardware/software changesā€¦ Somehow dilutes the real problems or ā€œfixable thingsā€.

I thought that it wasnt a good thing, because 1st it was a Huge list of ā€œpetitionsā€ā€¦ Second this has created a lot of expectation, and now frustation for those who thought a new OS full of changes and new machines was comingā€¦

In my personal workflow, I dont find any issues performing with the OT, in fact Ive been performing in big internationall gigs since day one with it, Beta OS 0.99 had issuesā€¦ after OS 1 I didnt have issuesā€¦ Limitations, yes but like many say here, you must find workarounds. All machines have limitations, some Support better than others but still an OS Bug fix is great.

This forum is a good example of people who have made their work arounds and share it with the rest of users. Single Cycle waveforms chainsā€¦ Transition tricksā€¦ Monolithā€¦ Granular tricksā€¦ Oktakontrolā€¦ USB-Hostsā€¦ MIDI Palsā€¦

At the end of the day is down to each persons approach and patience.

Care to show us?

Does it come with pots and pans?[/quote]
unfortunately, no.
but there is a revolving wine rack and a self cleaning oven. [/quote]
sounds like beta crap.

sure thing, is there a specific thing youā€™re having trouble doing or like a particular use case you want to see work or do you just want me to jam a bit?
a lot of the stuff i do is pretty low bpm/ drone/ ambient/ sludgy doom metal stuff but if you need something different than that let me know.
if a recording of anything is fine the metal band i play bass and electronics in is jamming tonight and iā€™ll try to get a recording, fair warning the recording may be a little raw/ lo-fi so if youā€™ve got a golden ear maybe brace for that in advanceā€¦
We play super slow, heavy industrial metal along the lines of Godflesh or Old Man Gloom with harsh but pretty ambient/ electronic interludes somewhat along the lines of Tim Hecker or Ben Frost.

Sounds great, please provide me a link to the recording!

hey man,
the sludge metal band I play in started just a couple months ago and hasnā€™t done any studio recordings yet but the guitarist [my wife] and I have recorded several dark ambient/ blackmetal/ noise albums under the name ā€œTeeth Engraved With the Names of the Deadā€ that can be checked out here:

and here:

we used a lot of the OTā€™s pickup machines on ā€œStarving the Firesā€
Iā€™ll check back in once I have a live recording of the new band worth showing off.