Well, I moan and complain, but I’ve also been a beta tester for music gear for 10+ years now, starting with the Andromeda. So, I’m very familiar with writing up bug reports, the steps needed to reproduce them, and any other details including manual corrections and creating patches suitable for inclusion in the factory set.

You don’t need to post responses in such a confrontational manner you know. Rise above the muck, don’t sink down into it.

I really enjoyed "Mantra’, nice work

Dust Ward, very much dug the music posted!

hey, thanks a lot, its been quite a while since we put that track together but if i’m not mistaken i think that all the droning/ looping stuff that makes up the main body of that track is a couple layers of my voice [chanting/ breathing/ etc.] processed to shit with the OT and a bunch of EFX pedals.
the snippet of spoken dialog that keeps looping is a sample from a college psychology lecture i came across on youtube or something and grabbed with my little handheld tascam recorder then looped at half speed.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

oh hey while i’m thinking of it, i didn’t manage to get a live recording at practice today. It was raining pretty hard when i left the house so i left my zoom recorder at home when i walked over to the practice spot.

It might be for the best cos I actually burnt two of my fingers on my fretting hand pretty badly a couple days ago taking a slice of leftover pizza out of the oven [don’t ask… it was really fucking stupid] and as a result i feel like i played pretty poorly today.

I’ll keep trying for a good one but it might take a little while.

I used to complain a lot about the OT, but a couple of months ago, I bit the bullet, and completely went OT…

Spent a lot of time with it, and now it’s the best music hardware I ever had, once everything clicked.

It’s a deep machine, definitely not for everybody…

@ dust ward:

Thanks man, but i am done with black metal since 1998. Still interested in the live recording of sludge and doom. PM me if you like

edit: sorry to hear about your hand. take your time, its slow music :wink: