Xone 96 Mixer

  1. Nice! Gotta try that. For some reason i never tried activating more than 2 at a time…

  2. Well duh… those filters are for filtering :wink:

I wander if that’s mod-able or firmware-able??

Can you select all 3 filter modes at same time?. Didnt know or think that would be an option. Id think that youd hear nothing. eg - knob at min position then LPF would take everything out, knob at max HPF does the same.

Will need to try. I have used crunch on its own by keeping filter knob in the uneffected region for filter type and playing with the crunch knob.

Sure works. Sweeping just HP+LP gives a nice phasing effect too.

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Yes, it works great.
If you boost the Res with all 3 bands activated it’s acting like a sweepable EQ (sweep with the Freq control).
I also noticed that the Res control is neutral at 12 o’clock in this ‘all on’ mode. Above 12 boosts the freq set by the Freq control, below 12 on the Res and it cuts the freq.
Try it out, it’s cool. :v:


Thnx for tip yall will try this out.

Woah, I had no idea I could use all 3 filters at the same time, I read the manual and for some reason had the impression it could have at most 2 of them! It’s fucking awesome with all active, very nice sweeps.


Agree, with 3 filters on it works well as a saturator and with crunch position past 12 o’clock you’ll be entering a decent distortion territory without loosing much low end.

Works almost like the infamous Martin Stimming Instant Mastering :grin:


Also try activating HPF and LPF and turn down the resonance. This gives you a very nice notch filter or phasing effect which is very nice on noisy pad sounds.

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What do you think about this:

I play with turntables (real records) and always kept the shorting plugs connected to the free LINE inputs. I knew they should prevent bleeding / interferences but didn’t know they were just for the phono inputs and anyway never noticed worsening in audio quality keeping them in Line inputs

I’m thinking about the Xone 96 for my setup, to replace Ableton and my audio interface, but I’m having some doubts:

  1. I would use channels 1-4 with AR, DT, A4 and DN, and these would be sent to the OT via sends. The kick would come from AR into input channel A, and the OT in input B. Is it possible?

  2. It seems no input channel can be assigned to the X-fader, is there any way to assign the OT to the X, and the 4 main channels to the Y?

  3. Can this routing to the OT and back generate too much latency?

  4. Could I use a sidechain compressor box with the kick and OT signal and have this in channel B with acceptable latency? Maybe I’d have to duplicate the kick signal.

  5. Which can be the best way to send audio to the AR and DT for sampling?

  1. Yes.
  2. Only channels 1-4 can be routed to xfader. Not A and B. You could use A,B,1 ,2 for your AR, DT, A4 and DN then use 3 and 4 for the OTs. But then you would only have OT plus 2 boxes on fader
  3. Unsure how much latency but probably very low.
  4. Possible , youd have to look more into it.
  5. Depends what you want to sample. you could sample the master of mixer by using record/booth out.
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Thanks @s3kn0tr0n1c.

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Does anyone use their Xone 96 for djing ? I’m using mine for a live setup but also a DJ setup mainly using vinyl. I know we have a separate thread for pedals but is anyone using pedals with their xone in a DJ setup? I am looking at picking up a Strymon big sky and Stymon Dig dual digital delay and wondering is anyone using these two pedals for djing rather than live.the boss delay and reverb pedal seem to be the go-to for most DJs but id like to aim a little higher and get something that could be used in a live and DJ setup

I just received the mixer and plugged everything in, but I hadn’t notice that only send 1 can be pre fader, not send 2…

The idea was using send 1 to OT’s AB inputs and sends 2 to CD, so mixing before going to the OT and this coming into a return, like a master. But now I’m seeing that I can’t separate the OT from the others, the sound is duplicated.

Any idea?

I use kaoss pads on my sends and they work great. I would imagine they will be ok too…long as stereo in/out and can be used as sends(as opposed to in line)

I didn’t realise the 96 differed to the 92 in this respect. Both sends on the 92 can be pre or post

I’ll have to think about a workaround, maybe using the OT as a master insert? Or maybe I’ll have to send the four tracks to send 1.

I used to own a Kp3 and think I have a kp2 somewhere around.i suppose my question was more around has anyone used either pedal in DJ setup and how did they find it against other pedals.i probably should have been a bit clearer.Thanks for the response though

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Why not try what you were going to do. Have send 1 as pre and send 2 as post though. Setup input from post send on OT to not play dry signal if possible. Then you will only get fx returned and avoid layering 2 dry.

It may work out great as a lot of limitations/workarounds end up doing :wink: