Xone 96 Mixer

60$ to ship 2day. Shipping from the US to me is more expensive (and slower even sitting in customs) than that cause im not CONUS

import would be ~10% if i get hit, so still i’d be netting 300+ savings…

I’ve only been hit twice with taxes on items over 3000$ (never under), and i’ve gotten it waived each time with a weeks patience of it sitting at the post office while they sort it. Just had to prove they were for personal and not resale or commercial use.

they give you an estimate for your wait?

Do you know how the Thomann warranty works for buyers in the US? The site is vague on this. Their three year warranty is attractive unless I have to ship it back to EU. Worse if I have to pay for that.

Interesting about the import tax, I’ve always gotten hit for items over $800 and I didn’t know you could fight it.

Approximately in April, but its been out of stock for months.

I’ve never had to do warranty. Also never cared.

There was no formal paperwork I did to get it waived. I just asked nicely. 1st time I said that I was under the understanding that since its for personal use they didn’t tax it. I read this somewhere eons ago on the web, and could have been true then. They called me a week later to come pick it up and that was that. 1 item was a cirklon w/ extras in 2014 and the last one was a used synth (4500$) in 2018. But I get all sorts of stuff in the sub 1500 range sent all the time, no taxes. Might be different this time. I’ll update here fer sher.

That being said, I have seen the same post office worker now for 25+ years. She could have just be doing me a solid then.

I’m suprised it went through, because I recall trying this a couple years ago and got the “Allen and Heath won’t let us ship to the US…buy local” prompt at checkout, so I’m kinda expecting a “sorry…cannot do this” order cancelled email. (I get this for some items….like RME stuff that massively cheaper there).

Edit: Thomman confirmed there is no longer a block on shipping A&H from .eu to .us I’ll update again if I get clubbed for the import tax for others interested at this price point…

was it approximately Feb back in nov/dec? :upside_down_face:

I know you’re all on the edge of your seats, so here goes…I found a brand new Xone 96 for $2150 so I went for it. Thanks for all your thoughts and debate on this thread. Looking forward to it!

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Unsure. My name was added to the list this year, after a phase of piqued interest in rotary mixers. But, its not a must-have-now purchase, and delays would not concern to me. Based on prior experience with other companies, I assumed the Radius 4V would be available later in June.

could be worse, could be a cirklon, lol

Other than the headphone 3rd aux trick, are there any other methods anyone uses for routing? Mainly passing things between sound cards?
Anyone using a midi controlled patchbay like a MorningStar ML10X for on the fly routings? Any veteran users see any use cases?

Awww…how cute….

Hi guys,
I have read through this topic quickly and searched the topic and the site but…

Using my laptop (thunderbolt USB so it will not be connection speed limited on the laptop side + 32g RAM and a i7. Not class leading but should be enough) as a DAW and running say: Valhalla verb on send A and a short delay on send B.

How much latency should I expect from each send?
For both together?

Finally, if I use a software compressor on the master send how much latency would that introduce?
& how much would you guesstimate for all three?

anyway thanks in advance…

I am interested in the mixer but I do some drumming on pads and wouldn’t want my timing to get too far out of sequence.

With a buffer of 64 samples you can expect below 5ms of roundtrip latency. 32 samples will lower it a bit more but not by much.

Regarding master send: there is no master send through usb. There’s a physical master insert :slight_smile:

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Thanks Dave, that is just what I wanted to hear :smiley:

There have been a few mentions of heat in this thread. Anything to watch out for or avoid?
My plan is to run a drumpad, sampler, a couple of synths all with line level HW fx + the 2 USB sends and comp on the master, and a mic for when things get out of control is a bonus… I do live in a warm temperate climate but do not plan on trying to shoehorn 9 channels through the mixer.

It can get warm because it’s filled with analog hardware. Nothing to worry about :slight_smile:

One other thing to keep in mind is that you can indeed send sends 1 and 2 to USB. Send 2 uses USB input 11/12. You can switch between using the master out and send 2 for that input. So if you use send 2 you won’t be able to record the master output in your daw (easily solved by using an external recorder of course).

Also good to know: you can use one or both of the cue outputs as a 3rd/4th hw send :slight_smile:

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Thanks again Dave :smiley:

My general aim is to play not record… so the master output record architecture thing is no real issue. Besides compression can easily and probably be better applied after the fact to a recording with enough headroom if I want and it ends up that way anyhow.

I’ll keep that in mind when I do step up and get one. I’ll play around with the configuration to see what gives me the best signal/playability. I already have midi control over my rack hw fx though and like to tune them to each line.

anyway thanks for your help Dave.

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What’s everyone using to angle the mixer up a bit? I guess that’s a generic DJ mixer question but I have a 96 now so here I am.

Ebay and Reverb have a myriad of 3d printed designs specific to various models but they all price up to around $100 in my currency inc postage to my location.
Using a generic laptop stand from Amazon is a also a option but I tend to just cut and sand a wedge off of a piece of timber offcut (free from my local hardware store)… maybe spray paint it black… if it needs to be stable = velcro… done.

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Also worth noting if you are using master send (over usb) it is pre master insert Jack’s.

A little annoying as i cant record my rmx effects over the mixers usb. I just use a portable recorder to record the master bus connected to output jacks…


Yeh…mines warms up but as dave says nothing to worry about…nature of analogue.