Xone 96 Mixer


Damn, this is slick. Who made this?

MC Audio Solutions. Not a kit yet, but posted a few months ago on their Facebook apparently.

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So I’m trying to sort some timing issues and took some measurements. Thought I’d post results cause ‘inquiring minds wanna know’

Test device:
IiPad Mini 6 iOS15.7.2


  • Sent from iPad on usb 1 Ch 1

  • Cue 2 headphone out to Ch 1 line in (3rd aux send trick)

  • Sent back to iPad SendA, prefader

(so yes, these results are round trip latency tests)

All these results are pretty solid and run multiple times. Occasionally they would very by .1ms, but no test ever varied more than that (prolly clicked the button a hundred times or so)

32 buffer settings for 44.1 and 96:

Zip file of all buffer settings in 44.1 and 96:
Xone96LatencyTests.zip (939.9 KB)

If you want a specific setting run, lemme know

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I’m probably missing something :slight_smile:, but wouldn’t that work by using both interfaces simultaneously? Using interface 1 as analog input to your DAW and using interface 2 as analog output from your DAW. When using Ableton you can select separate audio interfaces for input and output in the audio settings menu.

I think the ever wonderful Trovarsi is doing just that in this short tutorial video

Using the Allen & Heath XONE 96 - BOTH interfaces on the SAME computer in a Hybrid Setup!!! - YouTube"

That’s not what I meant though. The 96 takes the analog inputs through USB to your computer, not the channel (pre/post fader). Using both interfaces won’t solve that :). That only gives you more returns into your mixer that you can switch between. You can route input 1 to Ableton, through an fx chain and back to a xone channel.

The cool thing about db4 and big6 are that you can route something to your computer pre/post fader, then from computer back into another channel and back again to your computer etc. etc.

The only way to do this on the 96 is to use the sends. But then, you know, you have to give up the sends :wink: it’s just not as flexible.


Thanks, I see what you mean now.

That would be perfect for my use case, though :slight_smile:

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Nice :). Yeah that works great. And using send 1 (and 2 if you’re okay with giving up main out to usb) through an fx chain in Ableton is of course also very nice.

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@DaveMech have you figured out a way to route a signal from the 96’s filters back into the computer?
So ‘resampling’ through the filter… I know you can do it via the main output (USB11/12), but that sends the whole mix so you can’t ‘play’ the filter and catch it via the master, if you know what I mean.

There’s no way around that unfortunately since they are master filters. You route channels to the filter and the filter outputs its signal to the main out. There’s no way to change the routing since it’s all analog. Unless you are a complete expert in soldering of course :wink:

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Yes, I thought that was the case.
Obvs there are workarounds so it’s not the end of the world.
I love the filter section of the 96, it covers so much ground, and it’s stereo… I think there’s a market waiting for A&H to do a simple Analog Heat sized box like that… all analogue, EQ and that filter section.

Is it possible to send master out via usb and get in back to get some processing in Ableton for your master channel ? Or it’s only for separate channels

You can record the master channel into Ableton.

You can’t add Ableton fx to the Xone 96 master channel, like insert fx you can place on the master channel within Ableton.

There are ways to do it if you sacrifice one of the main 6 channels on the Xone 96 and use it for the master channel return from Ableton… but I think it’s easier to either apply master fx later, or use a device on the master inserts of the Xone 96.

You could with a seperate audio interface.

Using master insert.

Master insert out>ableton in
Ableton chain out > master insert return.

Yes but if you want to also use the Xone96 interfaces then you’re dealing with aggregate devices. I’ve never had much luck with those but I know others have.

You could of course route to a separate computer or iPad for master insert processing. Or an old iPhone!

Edit: but then you have a whole other set of latency to deal with. Hmmmm

I could do it with my motu ultralite mk5.

I use this rather than my on board x96 audio card.

Just depends on number of channels your using.

I use 3 or 4 stereo outs to mixer. Leaves me 1 or 2 outs on motu.

10 ins so can be done.

Yes ther would be some round trip. But no different than if using x96

@s3kn0tr0n1c and anyone else that wants to join the fun

Do you mind describing your flow with the X96? I’ve just set mine up and I’m experimenting with different paths.


Hardware > patchbay 1 > Zoom L20-R as audio interface > Ableton > Xone 96 via USB

Xone 96 send 1 and 2 > patchbay > hardware FX chain 1 and FX chain 2 > Zoom L20-R > Ableton > Xone 96 returns via USB

Xone 96 master insert > Boum > X96 master return

Master out to Zoom L20-R > Ableton (to record the final mix/jam) - that track is muted as I’m monitoring directly from the X96

I’ve figured out a simple workaround that’s working for me, that I thought I’d share in case anyone else is wanting to do something similar.

An example scenario;
I have a Sub37 bass part in a project and I want to send it through the Xone 96’s filter and ‘play’ it (move the filter manually in time with the track) and re-record it into Ableton.

The problem is I can only record the 96’s filter output via the master (USB 11/12), and I need to monitor the rest of the track to get the timing.

My simple solution- use headphones and monitor the rest of the tracks via Cue and only have the Sub37 bass track fader up on the 96.
Set up a new Ableton track with inputs set to 11/12 (the Xone 96’s master), hit record and viola!

That’s it. Quite obvious now I think about it, but creatively/sonically liberating… I’ve just been recording my A4mk2 through my Big Sky with the Big Sky’s reverb hitting the 96’s filter in band pass with a load of crunch… it sounds great.


Normally I have this setup. Channels left to right

A- Analog Rytm
B - Analog 4,
1,2,3 - Traktor
4- Roland Tr8s

Send 1 -kaoss pad 3
Send 2 -kaoss pad quad

On Pc i run traktor and ableton linked. Send audio from traktor thru Motu ultralite mk5. Send audio clock pulse from ableton/erm plugin to Erm multiclock.

Midi from Erm mulitclock to hardware boxes.

Then I have pioneer rmx fx on master insert.

Just now im experimenting with only traktor and ableton all on xone96 soundcard. 3 channels each. Using Push 1 to control drum racks/ loops on ableton. Fx sends/master insert the same as above.

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I’m on Windows and didn’t find a good solution to use the ERM Multiclock withing Live (which needs its own audio output) while using the Xone as the soundcard. Have you?

Actually now I remember: I used another instance of Live using Link just for the Multi-clock. Works fine.

My setup is:
A- Out 1/2 from H90
B- OB6
C- out 3/4 from H90
1- Digitakt
2- Sub37
3- TR-8S
4 - Waldorf M/SP-404 (merged through my UCX sound card standalone) and DAW out.
Send A H90 1/2 inputs
Send B H90 3/4 inputs

I use the H90 either with Send A/ return A in dual mode, or as two discrete FX.

Alternatively, I use the Xone as the soundcard and use any of the unused tracks on the Xone as USB In.