Yamaha qy70 controlled by digitakt

I’ve been researching this device!
It seems like a very affordable and utility rich companion to the digitakt.
I’ve found the midi implementation and usage guide in the manuals a little confusing.

The “list book” provides midi info

Anyone use a qy70? ESP. W/ the DT?
I know the sounds are initially very 90’s/00’s and can be cheesy, but I’m groovy with that, boss.
Also, the portability of this unit and the opportunity to transfer melodies and patterns made outside my home with the qy70 into the digitakt sounds pretty great to me.

What does everyone think?

the QY series from yamaha are almost like trackers in that you’re basically dealing with lists of numbers when sequencing with it. it’s also kind of set up to do intro verse chorus verse outro structures… not that you can’t work around that but it’s worth mentioning if you’re considering integrating it w/other stuff by moving midi files around or recording midi from one place to another.

there’s probably some youtube video somewhere that shows the interface in action. squarepusher used (uses?) the qy series sequencers… or at least the qy70 and qy700.

you might also want to look at the pma5

i guess
i hadn’t realized
I wasn’t plan on using the qy70 interface when connected to the digitakt.
i do
think though
that the qy70 might be more fun (read: funner) out in the desert with my partner and battery powered amp
than the pma5

i think the pma5 sounds better though

I tried using the qy70’s sequencer but it never really clicked with me… and I’ve been a tracker user for over 20 years. I much preferred just using it as a sound module, controlled either live or by something like seq24… or yeah, an Elektron sequencer.

As for the sound, I think it sounds better than the PMA5, but only once you start going beyond the “general MIDI” style sounds. It has a pretty great filter per sound, and the effects are better than the PMA5—the distortions can get pretty brutal, reverbs super lush etc.

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i wasn’t really planning on using the sequencer; i’d use it mostly as a module for the DT to control

Oh! In that case it’s very good as a sound module. But considering you won’t be using the sequencer, you might be better off with something like the MU15 or equivalent? That said, the QY70 is probably around the same price anyway…



I use it with Octatrack. It’s great. Just get the slightly unintuitive route to the mixer page down as muscle memory for all the important controls per channel. Like, turn the reverb down! You can press down and the hold the up key to quickly go to zero


Hey I’m trying to get my sequences off of my qy70 onto my digitakt so I can then sequence the qy70 with the digitakt and make use of all the conditional trigs and cc encoder capabilities. I have been able to transfer the sequences semi effectively with live recording but when I try to control the qy70 with the digitakt afterwards it plays the pattern as a whole with the individual sounds but also every sequence in the pattern but with whatever channel sound the qy70 cursor is on while it plays. And if I move the cursor off of a channel into the top of the screen it does stays playing all the sequences in the pattern with whatever channel’s sound it was last on… any idea why this is happening or what I can do about it?
Thanks in advance :pray:t3:

I have the QY100 (very similar to QY70) and the DT, but I don’t understand your problem. Could you explain differently?

Edit : you’re in QY pattern mode ? You can play each channel separately with QY song mode.

If you want to be in pattern mode to use it as arranger, there is a midi monitoring option, with “rec monitor” or something as default.

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Yes I believe there is a setting to turn this off. (It’s a common convenience thing like the auto channel on Octatrack - means you can leave your controller keyboard on one channel and just hop between active tracks). Anyway like @sezare56 says look in the midi options.

Otherwise have a track that’s set to silent and leave the cursor there

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@Spaded, I had no idea the QY70 could be used as a multitimbral sound module!

Also like @sezare56, it is not clear to me what your exact problem is.

With the DT playing some midi sequences, program change and p-locks on a QY70 empty song, I noticed the QY70 did not respond well on a program change when switching to an other empty song.
I noticed the QY70 did set program change right after a pattern change on the DT.

(A Blofeld does not have these program change issues on an empty Init Multi.)

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@Clancy @sezare and Paleosonic (users can only mention 2 users apparently)

So I was able to live record the midi of the pattern section (main A on QY70) of a song in pattern mode off the qy70 onto the digitakt midi channels. After that I hook the digitakt midi out to the qy70 midi in to control the qy70 with the pattern I just recorded into the digitakt but instead of playing all the channels individually simultaneously with their respective sounds and midi sequences, it plays all the sequences on one channel with whatever instrument is assigned to the channel the cursor in the qy70 is on (or was last on if I go to the area of the screen that has no tracks).
The weird part is the midi channels on the digitakt should be sending their midi info only to their respective assigned channels on the qy70 (1-8) because thats how i have the channel routing on the digitakt set up. But somehow all of that midi info is being funneled to whatever my cursor is or was on…
Really weird and annoying bc I’ve looked through the midi settings menu on both and haven’t been able to figure out what to do/ everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked


I should get a chance to get out the qy70’ this weekend and will try with midi from Octatrack on several channels


Thanks @Clancy any insight would be greatly appreciated!

From song page press [MENU] then UTILITY then MIDI.

ECHO BACK Off or Thru, not RecMontr

I have used the qy100 with the DT that was quite funny. Better than expected with the 8 midi track of the DT.
Replace the internal CR2032 if you plan to use it extensively they can die and after that the QY is unable to boot.

I have not dig the midi implementation to see if filter and envelopes can be controled on each QY track, but quite convinced that some sound can be used today if used properly as a sound module.

Mine is dead, but I can boot. I load/save from the smartmedia card.

Possible with CCs. Standard general midi control.

For other parameters there are also SYSEX, NRPN maybe…

Mute tracks via midi is not simple iirc.

Yes. There’s an additional manual full of that stuff

The filter per voice can be fun - cutoff and resonance - but I just tweak manually (button presses!) and sample

It is a great sounding rompler. As the latest Bad Gear episode shows, the more advanced sample-based gear from that era now sound more dated than the cheaper cute-sounding stuff like the QYs

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