Your Commitment to Releasing Something in 2022

You are very talented my friend. Congrats on the song. Sounds great.


Thank you very much! Coming from you (love your tracks and the quality of your mixes!) , thatā€™s a huge compliment :heavy_heart_exclamation: @Unifono


Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: Looking forward to your next releases

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Thank you!

I think thisā€™ll help me! I will publish 1 release for each of my (3) musical projects, and publish 1 AV project of any length.


Ok, I like this thread, and find it really inspiring.

Iā€™ll commit to release two tracks by end of December 2022. That might not sound much, but finding time to make music is a real struggle, as I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old and a full time job as a clinical trials manager. So, two tracks will be an achievement!

One track will be an acid techno track, on the TR-8S and some kind of acid box that I havenā€™t bought yet. The other will be something more inventive on the model:cycles.

Iā€™m also planning to sell the various bits of kit that I donā€™t use at all, mostly old guitar pedals that have been sitting on a shelf, and a mixer. That feels like a good spring clean to do, helps clear my mind.


Thatā€™s when aliases come in handy, if you like compartmentalization


Signed. Just one track, by end of the year, but stillā€¦


Nice. I think this is a good idea. Setting a challenge, great.

I remember having lots of anxiety around releasing something, and just that process of going through everything, creating, letting go, releasing, reflecting, and repeat, is a really good one. Just like any habit forming. So much to learn and enjoy.

My commitment is to release more music than the previous year, and also to help others release their music.

Good luck everyone, and if anyone needs some help, shout, happy to if i can in any way.



Hereā€™s A 3 Track EP that I put out last week!

Itā€™s actually part 1 of a 4 part EP, so a long term commitment :sweat_smile:

Made entirely with Digitakt, Analog Heat, and Microfreak no post processing!

I put out the project files for it also if anyone is interested! Granted it may sound a lilā€™ bit different without the heat on the output.


Afrer waiting too long to get enough similar materials to release multiple albums, I had to admit that I donā€™t have enough time for music to do that.
So I decided to release my only 8 finished tracks these last 2 years, together, even if very different genres.
Featuring 2 remixes of friends.
I already posted it in the forum, hope itā€™s not too much to post it here :slight_smile:


Nah, all good. I said in the original post that itā€™s fine to cross post in here as many of us will want to promote a release elsewhere on the forum. Posting here shows you have completed the challenge and it might get some more ears on your work at the same time :slight_smile:


When I signed up for this I had my doubts that Iā€™d be able to actually achieve this goal as Iā€™ve been wanting to put out an EP forever, but Iā€™m actually starting to make a bit of progress, so Iā€™m feeling surprisingly optimistic. Not sure how many tracks it will be yet, but Iā€™ve got a pretty clear vision for it now and most of one track down (that I actually really like).

My tracks tend to be quite short (sub 2-minutes) as I donā€™t like to let stuff get too repetitive. Iā€™m thinking Iā€™ll aim for at least 15 minutes of material, which sounds short, but thatā€™s like 7 tracks for me. :confused:

Iā€™ve also decided that I need to focus if Iā€™m going to actually achieve this, so Iā€™m going to try to avoid aimless noodling (which Iā€™ve been doing a lot of lately) and concentrate on two things musically this year: this project and occasional beat battles.

All of the tracks for the EP are going to be in a particular style and all original material, so Iā€™ll use the beat battles as a ā€œpalette cleanserā€ and way to experiment with other styles and techniques. The EP will go up on Bandcamp (which I just signed up for) and Iā€™ll put the beat battle tracks up on my YouTube/SoundCloud. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll post up the individual tracks for the EP until itā€™s final, or maybe Iā€™ll release little teasers to keep myself motivated.

Sorry, just thinking out loud.

I might need to figure out how to get some art done for it as if the material is original, I want the art to be original as well.


Itā€™s the only way to go. I have so many musical aliases I can barely keep track of them.


yeah, Iā€™m all for - no new gear in 2022 + release stuffā€¦ hopefully monthly, more realistically seasonally, if only 1 track per year, Iā€™d still be happy.

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So beyond Bandcamp, is the trick to getting on Spotify, iTunes et al still a service like CDBaby?

really digging this, ty for posting and congrats on the release!

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Been going through two years of material. A couple hundred things in various states of completion. Rethinking mixes, arrangements, elements, etc.
Hoping to find a ā€˜themeā€™ or ā€˜story arcā€™ of sorts within a week. Once the selections are made Iā€™ll spend a month or two tweaking everything and hopefully have it to my mastering guy no later than April. Looking good for a 2022 release :slight_smile:

There are many different services that will get you on all the streaming services if thatā€™s what you want. I went with AWAL in the past but thereā€™s also DistroKid and a bunch of others. Do your research.