Your Commitment to Releasing Something in 2022

I have a meeting with a spoken word artist next week, so I’m in for a minimum of;

  • EP release
  • single release
  • playing live

Great idea this @craig :+1:


What about « Popped »?


past tense: popped; past participle: popped

  1. make a light explosive sound.

“corks popped and glasses tinkled”

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I’m in:

I plan to release at least 60 minutes of sound art that could possibly, if you squint, pass for an album. In 2022. Most likely digital.

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Count me in. I’ll continue to release rough jams on my SoundCloud but I want to release an EP on Bandcamp too!

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Mom’s Spaget!

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take my head if i don’t put out my album that i’ve been mixing throughout the pandemic

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Just popping in to same I made the same NY resolution last year, and I’ve made it just in time yesterday, so it can be done!


What’s the benefit of Bandcamp over YouTube? Financial? For me YouTube allows me to quickly share and have my stuff accessible.


As a newbie this will be a challenge for me but I’m in! I’ll release at least a single on bandcamp :grimacing: :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to all the new recruits. I’m looking forward to hearing what you release over the coming year.


To me (personally), Bandcamp feels a bit more professional and a proper release. It’s bit more of a statement of intent for the music, and people can buy it and download it. YouTube can be anything. Chatting, jams, gear reviews, etc, plus it’s more of a visual medium compared to Bandcamp. But if you want to release solely on YouTube, go ahead. And why not release on Bandcamp, too, with links from your YouTube, for a best of both worlds?


Ahh yeah makes sense. I’m still very much learning so will check out Bandcamp more when I’m satisfied with tracks. For now it’s YouTube and soundcloud


This is what I do, reason being I do deep/lo-fi house and there are some really great youtube communities around that I want to be a part of (Slav, EELF, Houseum, etc.), but Bandcamp is where I drive lossless downloads, sales, etc. I hit a few other streaming services as well (Soundcloud and Audius) because I have small existing audiences there, so it’s worth it for me to make sure those audiences see my new stuff, one more place to put the bandcamp link.

The only one I feel is really over-hyped (at least for what I do) is Spotify. It feels like you have to jump through way more hoops than any of the other platforms I’ve discussed to get on there, and the return for me, after spending hours pitching to playlists, was to get 3 plays on one. To be fair, I don’t have a lot of listeners, but that’s still 1/10 what I’d expect from most of the other platforms. I’m sure it’s a powerful platform if it works for your genre, but my experience was that it’s by far the most expensive (in terms of money and time) with the least return.


Many on here know my thoughts on Spotify :slight_smile:


Stupidly (or hopefully not), I just bought a Syntrx. I now feel overwhelmed by noisy boxes, and the upcoming pressure of living up to this commitment. Plus I’ll miss working with the AR. I suspect I have a degree of ADD and sometimes benefit from some pressure, but I also know I need to take breaks. An e.p. per synth for 6 synths is a big ask for a hobby that’s “a few hours a week, most weeks”. Prepping for a short set at a friend’s party recently lead to me staying up way too late for a couple of weeks, affecting work and so on. I need to be more careful. I also want to DJ more in 2022 'cos I was enjoying that a lot in 2020 but let it slide this year.

So… I’m pulling back my commitment. It’s not gonna be 5 e.p.s (and def not 6 including the new beast). I will spend some time with each synth+OT setup. I will make some sketches for each one. But I suspect it’ll be more like 2-3 finished EPs, with some messy bits on the side.

I really like @your_lamp’s idea of contacts for accountability. I may be in touch…


One release fulfils your commitments here. Anything else is a bonus. Take it easy :wink:


Released three ep’s, singles, and remixes this year. An ep just dropped yesterday… Gonna take my time next year, really develop something. Maybe more ep’s or a full length, I’m not speaking for everyone but I feel like people don’t have the attention span for a full length anymore. I’ll figure it out


This is calling my name. I could learn from this attitude.



I’m committing hell or high water to release minimum 3 eps in 2022.

Eurorack GAS has held me back but my racks now full and committing to not starting another rack and getting the music done.


for me it’s the other way around