Your Commitment to Releasing Something in 2023

I’ve composed last year an album ,some electronic stuff (jungle ,techno ,downtempo)but faced with some troubles with finding a label.So my main goal this year is to release it ,on label ,if I find it or by myself.
Maybe a short run of cassette tapes or cd :cd:.

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Like this?

Life is up in the air but I’ll commit to something this year again…sometime. (It’ll be nothing like the video above :joy:).


I just wanted to make my commitment…

It was a bit of a scramble at the end of last year ,to keep the 2022 commitment, but as I said i would, I was determined to get something out.

So, I’m in too… defo release something in 2023!


i had a record year last year with four releases… One had been in the pipeline for a while and one came from the unexpected beta testing of OP-1 Field.

I don´t plan on releasing 4 albums, but i intend to be more deliberate in my approach on making the album (albums?) with multitrack recording, clear intent and also way more vocals.

i commit to this being the year where i actually make songs with vocals again after a 10 year hiatus.


Wow! This seems to be a common sentiment.

Between you and I, also a decade+ long difference

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Speaking of songs with vocals, a couple of years ago I recorded two black metal songs, written entirely with synthesizers in place of guitars. At some point this year I’m going to write a couple more and put out an EP. Will it be groundbreaking music? Probably not. Do I enjoy writing something that isn’t “electronic music” and screaming? Yes.


I will commit to trying, does that count?

For years, I keep telling myself I’m going to do it “for real” this time - meaning, try a bit harder, consider the group of tracks as a whole with more intention, maybe make some tapes or some companion media, videos, animations, or reach out to small labels I like and see if they’re interested. Tell more than just a couple people about it, and feel proud doing so.

A couple nice people asked if I’d like to do a release on their labels over the past few years and I have more or less crippled under the imagined pressure of what that means though, so it’s a real challenge.

Instead I keep just collecting the best 10 or so tracks I made in the last creative stint and put them on Bandcamp. I have no qualms with other people doing that and in fact really appreciate @J1m0t’s sentiments above and find that way of working quite impressive as well, since the last thing I want is this process to be devoid of fun.


Apparently next solo release will be a CD. Two experimental releases on the pipeline, tapes but preferably one of them on CD. Band is going to the studio in two weeks, vinyl & CD release. Budget will be 5-10K depending on how the album comes out, I’m quite excited!


Great thread. I’ve never shared any musical creations before, but I recently completed my DAWless setup with an AK, DT, Volca Drums and a battered old Alesis mixer from my band days. I’m determined to share something, whether it be a fully-formed song or just a nice loop.


Thanks for the shout-out, buddy!

I didn’t set out with the intention to rid myself of ‘release anxiety’, but it has been an awesome side effect. I frequently listen to my own stuff on bandcamp to remind myself of cool ideas or sounds. I mostly put my jams online for my own benefit, so that I can easily listen to it wherever I am. I find it helpful relistening and noticing what works and what doesn’t.

I find it helps to dig a little deeper under my mind-made beliefs, as they’re very restrictive and often untrue or based on old fears. (I am a champion overthinker, so making myself create and release a song in one night was a big push for me.) For example: “If I upload this, people will laugh at me.” Is that true? Can I absolutely know that’s true? How did I behave when I believe that thought? How would I behave if I couldn’t believe that thought? Can I think of a stress-free reason to hold on to that thought? (That’s all from Byron Katie’s The Work.)

Anyway, that got a bit preachy :laughing: Enjoy making those sounds!


This is the 2nd release for 2023 (it’s an old track based on a live guitar/vocal recording):

and the 1st release was:

I did release many individual songs in 2022 so the plan for 2023 is to compile them into an album.
I’m thinking of these songs to join the above 2 (as I think they kinda share the same DNA):

still need 6 more to go… might need to wait until 2024 then…


Impressive stuff! lovely tunes, great production and artwork. Bring on the album! :heart:

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Thanks man!
I never released an album (too much pressure and knowing this will certainly go unnoticed, kinda soul destroying tbh ha) so I really need to feel it is worth putting it out there.

Might ask you all some feedback before the release (songs choice, order…)


I think self-doubt is part of the process, just make sure you are happy with the work and go for it, that is totally worth it, imo.

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I managed to get my mixing and mastering finished, and will be releasing my next album tomorrow! I’m super excited. I know that everyone says that their current release is their best ever, but I listened to my previous two albums over the last week and it struck me just how much better my songwriting is. It’s really cool to see the progress so blatantly.


If you put out an album, I would absolutely buy it. I’ve loved everything of yours that I’ve ever heard.


Thank you so much :pray:

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Committing to an EP in 2 months, getting there should be interesting and push me beyond my comfort zone!


Just released my album of nostalgic IDM. Injury put the mixing process on hold for the last half of last year, I’m ecstatic to be able to put it out into the world.

Juniper.Wave - Unmoored


Sounds really nice, will have a proper listen later tonight! Congrats on the release!

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