Your Favourite Vegan Dish

Not entirely vegan, but I loved pretty much everything they kept throwing at me at - for the kind of money that wouldn’t have bought me a burger in a chain restaurant at home.


I don’t wanna eat animals
I don’t wanna eat plants
I don’t wanna eat life at all
I wanna drink the sun like a shining solar panel
photosynthesize to feed every cell

Any vegan food is my favourite kind of food. :slight_smile:

Even if I was a Bambi fan as a kid, my favourite vegan dish is row deer; stewed.

Can’t recall the last time I ever had a vegan meal tbh. There’s always at least cheese somewhere.

vegan pancakes.

1cup of flour
1cup of vanilla soy milk
4 packs of vanilla sugar, 8g each here in germany
3 teaspoons of brown sugar
60gr of plant based margarine (melted)
bit of cinnamon if desired
egg substitude for 2 eggs. something like myey or similar.

vegan jihad!!!

this ^^^
I love Lentils Burgers, made with onion garlic and peppers, some seeds and some dust bread to stick all those.
Leave the lentils a few hours in water to make them smooth.
Then process the lentils in a crusher to make a smash.
Then add garlic, onions, peppers, carrots and any veggie ingredient to taste.
¡ cook them, fry them, whatever.

I also really like potato smasshed lentils pie.

Maybe a arugula with blue cheese and pears salad.

Everything from this book:

I don’t think I’ve tried all the recipes yet but so far I haven’t found one I didn’t love.


i´m not vegan, but mixed vegetables and rice is my favourite dish.
very simple, you just need good rice, good vegetables, good oils and good herbs/spices.
a friend of mine cooks excellent chili sin carne for her husband (the only vegetarian in the family) that´s a favourite too.
to all vegans: i hope you know that a lot of soya products cause a lot of bad things for environment. they don´t kill animals directly, but are often the reason they loose their habitat. a lot of soya products that try to be meat are a plain catastrophy.
just sayin´.
support small (biologic) farmers in your area, when possible !

that’s because 80% of the soy production is fed to the animals that are mass produced. if that would’t be the case then there would be no environmental catastrophy.
you’re right about the regional support, tho and soy isn’t the healthiest food around anyway.

Several Pints of Guinness + Dry Roasted Peanuts.

I can emulate a moog the following morning that few can discern aren’t genuine analog circuits. and any raw veggies and fruit you have in the house. I prefer carrots, maybe with some grapefuit or apples. Cheap and nutrient dense.

All day long energy. That blender is powerful enough to mulch anything and retains the vitamins from the skin and fiber.

Un anti-vegan Hymn:


that’s because 80% of the soy production is fed to the animals that are mass produced. if that would’t be the case then there would be no environmental catastrophy.
you’re right about the regional support, tho and soy isn’t the healthiest food around anyway.[/quote]
that´s one point, but the other point is that many vegan/soya/tofu stuff comes from “the other side of the planet”, is heavily processed with chemistry and packed in plastic, just like many other food. i don´t like that !

I’m a true blue carnivore, I’ve even eaten monkey on Siberut island in Indonesia (got the skull to prove it), and I’ve been to the Carnivore restaurant in Nairobi, but I do like my Thalis and Masala Dosas too - why limit yourself? That’s what I say! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s not about what you like tho. It’s about what dem animals probably don’t like and I got a strong feeling that might also include some dude running around with a skull trophy on his dick.
And you’re probably a frugivore like all the other human beings too.

right aboout that one. most of this stuff has about the ecological footprint of godzilla I suppose. opens a whole other box tho as this leads to a lot of non vegan subjects from child labor to plastic in general etc.

that’s because 80% of the soy production is fed to the animals that are mass produced. if that would’t be the case then there would be no environmental catastrophy.
you’re right about the regional support, tho and soy isn’t the healthiest food around anyway.[/quote]
that´s one point, but the other point is that many vegan/soya/tofu stuff comes from “the other side of the planet”, is heavily processed with chemistry and packed in plastic, just like many other food. i don´t like that !

Then get the versions that are local… or close to