Your Favourite Vegan Dish

As for the meal… Here is one of my favorites

I cook a pot of quinoa and while that is cooking, put olive oil in the skillet, heat it up… put in some cumin seeds and coriander and a bit of salt.

Slice up some tempeh and sizzle it in the pan until it is light brown. Cut up some shiitaki mushrooms and add them to the tempeh for a few minutes. Chop up some greens (mustard and/or chard) and put them in the skillet. Cook for 3-4 minutes.

Then slice a few kalamata olives and add them along with a bit of juice from the olives to the skillet. Turn of the heat and let sit for a minutes. Serve over the quinoa.

You made my day. I will check flight ticket prices to Dublin NOW

It’s not about what you like tho. It’s about what dem animals probably don’t like and I got a strong feeling that might also include some dude running around with a skull trophy on his dick.
And you’re probably a frugivore like all the other human beings too. [/quote]
Keep that dog on his leash there Bobby :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

By the way, interesting link - I do like fruit a lot and prefer that before sporting activities, so yeah maybe we’re all meant to be frugivores by nature.

Whenever I read/hear about vegans it immediately makes me think of Scott Pilgrim Vs the World.

Vegan Police: Freeze! Vegan Police!
Vegan Police: Vegan Police!
Vegan Police: Todd Ingram, you’re under arrest for Veganity Violation Code Number 827: imbibing of half-and-half.
Todd Ingram: That’s bullroar!
Vegan Police: No vegan diet, no vegan powers!
Todd Ingram: But-But this is only my first offense. Don’t I get three strikes? I mean…
Vegan Police: [to Policeman #2] Take it.
Vegan Police: [whips out notepad] 12:47 on February 1st: You knowingly ingested gelato.
Todd Ingram: Gelato isn’t vegan?
Vegan Police: It’s milk and eggs, bitch.
Vegan Police: [still reading] On April 4th, 7:30 pm, you partook of a plate of chicken Parmesan.
[Envy gasps, then glares at Todd]
Todd Ingram: [feeble] Chicken isn’t vegan?

Anyway, vegan food is genuinely like kryptonite to me. I hate veg! Other than chips which I count as veg…

I’ve eaten a vegetarian diet for about 12 years or so now, but have never been particularly interested in labelling myself “veggie” or otherwise. I get pretty excited about drilling down to the bottom of the foodchain and eating as many plants, seeds and nuts as I can, mainly because when combined skilfully I find them delicious and nutritious, leaving me feeling alert, energised and well fed.
I’m also aware that the principles which informed my eventual move away from meat, more or less stand for dairy products too. As such, you could say that I aspire to veganism (but it’s the cheese that gets me every time, something to do with casomorphins apparently - so says Gary Yourofsky, whose youtube clip I feel I ought to make a point of watching at least once a year, if only as an exercise in dietry mindfulness;

But more than anything, healthy food excites me and as such, I find well prepared, nutritionally balanced vegan tucker exciting.

French fries

1 potato
1 deep fryer
a lot of vegetable oil.

deep fry till golden then spinkle salt.

i forgot these (because i i´m just a part time veggie/vegan)

vegetable fast food:

take a baking plate, pour some oil on it:
take (good!) vegetables like potatoes, carrots, onion, zucchinis, whatever …
and maybe some fresh herbs when available.
just cut that stuff very rough (i don´t peel them normally) and but it on the plate.
put it in the oven for some time, salt and spices … et voila.

“wild herbs salad” (don´t know if thats the correct translation)

that normally means you have a trip into nature and collect stuff that can be eaten(just collect plants you have in mind for the salad)
nature really means nature, avoid farmers land and especially areas where chemicals have been put on. i usually take friends with me who know more about that and how to prepare a dish with that.
wild herbs salad is another favourite vegan dish i normally like to enjoy to a nice piece of meat grilled on a campfire :wink:

I agree with that last part- vegan dishes are best enjoyed alongside a nice piece of meat (local, sustainable, etc. of course)

Oh you know what we say:
“Being vegan is a big missed steak”

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“Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder”