Your old music

I had this comp! Never knew this was you :smiley:

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hehe - man, when this came out I was on such an awesome roll. It started in 99 with a guest spot on a 10" on Apeman, then my first solo 7", 12" and this. I was absolutely certain that things were going to go in a very different direction to the one they ultimately took!


2013, its soon 10 years…oh the time flies

Jakob Juhkam · 03 - Jakob Juhkam - H
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Wasn’t expecting where that went when the bass crept in and the drums arrived!

I’ve just discogs’d you man, wicked catalog! So many recognisable names, labels etc. I remember Super Dense Child too they were getting rinsed on the Breezeblock back then.

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2 of my best mates and the reasons I started making beats in the first place! I can still remember lugging our turntables and mixers up to the university music studio (along with the Amiga and CRT monitor!) to record “Bedroom Twiddling”

We were all due to tour Australia the October after 9/11 happened, but everything got cancelled after that and the (/our) moment(s) past. Not difficult to have perspective about that whole period, though, obviously.

Oddly enough, a few months ago I finally bought the first hardware sampler I ever used - an Akai CD3000XL - which was thanks to that music studio at the university James Superdense was doing a music degree at.


Great memories to have man. Definitely more back breaking times! What sampler were you using for Bedroom Twiddling? Suuuper crunchy and aliasing :fire:

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Ha - we couldn’t get the sampler connection to work so it’s all coming straight off the Amiga (Paula chip)! I remember when they signed with Marble Bar, Paul Eve (Regal from Wiseguys/Bronx Dogs) was nuts for the sound of it and ended up raiding car boot sales for an old Amiga. We didn’t even know - we just liked it a lot better than the clean Akai rack sound, but other than that it was all we had so that’s what we used. The amount of time I spent trying to not attempt to read the alphanumeric strings on Octamed scrolling up the screen whilst monumentally red-eyed was ridiculous. Caused more than one whitey, no question!


Hahah! Oh man, yeah I thought it was a fantastic sound. I was massively into early Wiseguys (currently going through whosampled on the sources, great stuff!) and the Bronx Dogs. Ah takes me back :smiley:

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Just listened back to this one:

Well, not the oldest one. But I am quite satisfied with this EP after 10 years…

Likewise - we were nuts for the “Casino (Sans Pareil)” stuff and the whole ‘Executive Suite’ album so you can imagine how cool we thought it was for Nic and James to sign for Paul’s label! Not long after that I signed to Needlework with Jim 2Tall (aka Om Unit) and then the Lex thing happened with Tom. It was massive.

I was crushed when both labels folded and the whole vinyl indies stuff went down the drain but hindsight is a joy to have on your side sometimes. There’s a huge element of “better to have had it and lost it than never had it at all” these days. Me and Buddy Peace doing live MPC improv to a crowd of Sheffield beat lovers or us going back to back at Hip-Hop Kemp having just watched DJ Krush kill it on the neighboring stage. No, I never made much cash from it all, but I did make some amazing memories that’ll still make me grin ear-to-ear when I’m old(er) and grey(er) :wink:


I made a rough sketch of this track in the early 2000s, on my pal Jonny’s computer one afternoon. He found it, liked what I’d done, said he could ‘hear what I was getting at’.

He did some quality jiggery-pokery with it (you shoulda heard it before!) and we ended up with this…

Ah man yeah, I loved Casino Sans Pareil and that album.

I imagine it must have been a really tough time man but like you say some wicked memories. It’s all the internets fault! You’ve reminded me I need to check Buddy Peace too as I remember his name popping up back then too - in fact just seen found a megamix of your tunes by him so there’s a good place to start!

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Yeah, man, he’s a one off - one of my oldest friends, especially within music circles. Such a ridiculously talented guy who would be a household name if that kind of thing was based on skills and quality of output alone

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apparently this was 11, almost 12 years ago now…
surprisingly it’s still one of my favorites of my own stuff, and i remember feeling that way when i wrote it., but thought it might be a bit of a “honeymoon” feeling.