Your old music

haha, nice story and track! Maybe these 1500£ would have been a good investment (i wouldnˋt have done it either). Thatˋs totally one of these times sound - like the prodigy.
How did you produce it? Did you fire off drumloops with the keyboard?

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I can’t remember most of the equipment used, as this wasn’t put together in my own studio. But an Akai sampler, midi sequenced with Cubase. There’s few synth sounds and a couple of loops, but mostly 1 shot samples.

But at home I only had an SK1 sampler and a Tascam Portastudio. I used those to test and layer the various loops and samples. I also remember doing a weird/basic tape pause button versions to try out different variations of sequences.

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First track was featured in future music magazine in 1998 and on the cover CD, it’s a bit dated now, equipment used was dx100, mc303, eps sampler, mmt8 and novation bass station

Second track was featured in computer music mag in 2002, and on the cover CD. I had sold all my gear and did this on the now defunct DAW Orion Pro

I’ve not released anything since


Side A from 12" released in 2009. Video felt like stepped over some lines of taste to me then and I would certainly be unlikely to go along with this concept now… but it was fun, and those were fun days. Both of these songs were just Ableton and VSTs and a couple samples.

Side B

The stuff I make now is nothing like these at all, though maybe not any better. These are both embarrassing but I also have a lot of fondness for them.

It’s interesting to hear people’s older recordings.

Here’s a few that made it online of mine, though there’s a few more sitting undigitised on cassette or otherwise in need of editing and potentially releasing into the aether:

From sometime around 1993, a one-off duo project using guitar, bass, Amiga samples and a Kawai K1 that basically recorded this and did a single live performance of mediocre quality 20-odd years later:

An album that came out on tape and a few CDs released through some friends’ microlabel in 1995; somehow copies occasionally demand silly prices on Discogs, though I doubt anyone pays them. Of course none of the samples are cleared, and once again the album was recorded mostly with various sampling drum machines, Octamed, bass guitar and a K1:

An Octamed dub piece from the '00s that got reworked about ten years ago:

I recall your band and quite probably saw you play live around that time, though if you can remember the '90s you were probably there but having too much fun to take comprehensive notes and keep them in order.

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:laughing: if you were at one of our gigs you were among a select few… what was it Spinal Tap said about having “selective appeal”?

Was reminiscing a few days ago with friends from that time about what we got up to back then and genuinely surprised everyone made it out alive and (moderately) functional

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Really good stuff. Slightly jealous/impressed that you managed to keep the project going through to the present day. Puts the rest of us early 90s wasters to shame!

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I definitely remember the band name, and I was a regular at places like the Underworld, the Venue and (later) the Sausage Machine in and around Camden, so it seems probable that I caught you live at some point. If not, I’ll have some flyers with the band name on!

There was most certainly a lot of hair and a lot of loud guitars in evidence at all those places.

I’ve got to know quite number of the '90s bands I used to go and see over the last 20+ years as many of them seemed to turn up living in the same part of London as me and our kids all ended up at the same schools! Most made it through, but there’s been a fair number of casualties, physical and mental, along the way too :frowning:

Thanks! It’s always been sporadic, but really got going again when I had a bit more time thanks to said child growing older. There were a lot of jam bands, collaborations and the occasional ridiculous national and international excursions, but very few proper recordings that ever sounded worth doing much with, though I’ve just discovered a whole load of CDrs and tapes, so some archiving might actually happen at some point.

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Nice thread; loads of variety. Here’s a couple of the first tracks I finished, posted to Soundclound page I don’t have access to. All mixed down in Cubase, pretty poor quality - didn’t have a mixing desk or any nice outboard fx, - but I humbly think there’s some nice sounds and melodies in them:

I used the Nord G2 to process guitar, including pitching down for bass on the first two.

Can’t remember the VST (in my old comp), but downloaded pitched up (many times) sounds of the sun from NASA, + Korg ER-1 put through the Nord.

Melodic Electro.

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Our manager (after we broke up) was the promoter at the Venue in the early 90s before it went to shit, and put on the likes of the Verve, Suede, Swervedriver, etc - probably the highpoint for that place. He went onto rather better things after that (but thats a different story). We played the Camden Falcon, Bull and Gate, ICA, Marquee, Subterannea, etc in our time. And post that period I ended up hanging out in the same sort of places watching shows, etc before parenthood, etc turned North London living into days at the Hampstead Heath kiddies playground rather than nights at the Underworld. Still edging towards getting what’s left of the original band back together, though if I do, I suspect I might not bother disinterring the bassist and drummer and use some Elektron boxes instead :rofl:

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Good thread! This is from 2006, a compilation of tracks I made between the ages of 17 and 22.

One of the first ever gigs I played was there (I think) as part of a guitar orchestra using a metal bass I’d finished welding together that afternoon - it was ridiculously ramshackle and a minimally attended show, of course. Another time we opened for Pram at one of the venues on Holloway Road, essentially playing one note for 30 minutes and daring anyone in the audience to object; someone said afterwards it sounded like how they imagined being on heroin would feel. We never played in that lineup again, but it was amusing to do so.

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Ha! All my music is old at the moment, but here’s a playlist with stuff from about 8-15 years ago: Oldies by Dead Men Gods by deadmengods | Free Listening on SoundCloud

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Made with Nanoloop on an old Gameboy (First generation) , no edits, no overdubs, no additional fx. About 20 years ago
Feel free to leave a comment!


1986 cassette album, how is that for old?


Just needs some Chaka Khan vocals and then we’re there !!

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She never returned my calls, damnit.

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Well, not the oldest but one of my favourites from the time. Over 10 years old now. I did the remix. It’s house music, minimal, Latin… Had potential to be much better but this is the best me from the past could do back then:

Lots of variety on this thread! You guys are super experimental :joy:

Now that is what live music is really about :smiley:

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20 years ago.

Same year I got married, as it goes.

The first time I got paid by Warp and the first (and only) time it was for producing music rather than DJing it (bigups Warp Films gigs at The Workstation).