Your setups [ 10k Archive]

Nice! I was tempted by one of those once (the keyboard version), but decided I had enough gear at the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

My ‘no strings and keyboards’ corner.

Wow I have wanted one of those for so long. How are you triggering it?

No string but a lot of cable ! :smiley:

I love modular but I am afraid to start mine … There is always free space to fill with new module …

What’s that mixer you use there?[/quote]

Boss KM-60. Lovely little 6-channel mixer from the late 70’s I think. Small in features, large in sound!

Current incarnation of my studio:

2x Focal CMS65
Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro
Analog Four
Alesis 3630
Zoom 1201
Boss KM-60
Zoom H4n
An old Pioneer mixer that I use as a headphone amp, due to an issue the Boss has

This is my current setup.

[li]Shitty speakers[/li]
[li]Shitty headphones[/li]
[li]Korg Volca Keys[/li]
[li]Teenage Engineering OP-1[/li]
[li]Critter & Guitari Pocket Piano Midi[/li]
[li]Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion[/li]

I’m pretty satisfied with the setup, but I need to have a better place for it all. When I’m writing new music I prefer to sit down. With this setup I’ll just jam for hours but never really finish anything.

Here’s where it’s all going to end up:

I plan on adding a shelf of some sort to the corner and extending it outwards on the empty wall. Now I just need to come up with a way to hide all the ugly cables and power supplies. Weekend project here I come!

One year old setup.


Oh my! Is that a CS-80 in there?
Pretty astonishing array of synths you have.

here is my prox 15 euro elektron stands :slight_smile: … i had to get 1 pipe cut the other parts were in stock! …

I also bought fish tank sand to fill the pipes in order to make them heavier, but works quite allright… machines don’t slide around because the angle is quite steep …

big thanks to all elektron folks who inspired me with their builds or links

off course will take the price tags off and maybe spray paint them black … happy turning knobs and pipe fitting



Very nice !!!

I trig it with the GND-Im machine from MD
It sends pulse trigs and you can vary the length of them and that way achieve flams, dbl.trigs and what not… Great fun…excellent combo… I am considering to let the MD go and spend the money on Analog Rytm…that would be so sweet

brilliant, i like your style :wink:

I have a tight setup which is also mobile, meaning it can be put into a custom flight case in one lift :slight_smile:

You can see it here

Notice the compressor which is often set to side chained BD from the MD

Just had a move around so might as well post up a pic or two.

Here is my computerless setup. Pieced together for a particular project. This is the current state of my room, it seems to be ever-changing…

Not my whole setup, but…

Monomachine Cat!

She’s seriously always into my gear, or me, or both lol. I used to have a K5000S she’d sleep on while I played.

My Push has a decksaver plastic cover on it -_- She doesn’t walk on the Elektrons.

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Recently moved and just finished setting everything up in my new space. Most everything in view should be easily recognizable. Off screen to the left is the mixer (lm32), a space echo (re150), korg ms2000R, various other rack components, and my computer / monitor. The right side lower shelve corner is a mess of filterbank2, 3volcas, and a kp3. Slightly off to the right: ion and jd800.

Moving the monitors today as I’m not liking this placement.