Zoom Ms-70 CDR

stereo in and out?? wow cool! thanks for the tip!

Not only that. Completely independent L/R distortion channels and wet/dry mix editable by smartphone.


i finally managed to inject distortion and amps into the ms70! yuhu!!

aftershock sounds pretty good, well i need to sell of some gear to afford on. hopefully in a near future!

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Nice! Does this require any specialist hardware or is it a software only thing?

it’s works with software under pc.

just go to the link above, go to issues, then go to this issue, MultiStomps not displaying injected effects, scroll to find ZoomFirmwareEditor_0.99.5.zip and use that the extract effects from the MS50 updater. This you can download from zoom itself. After extracting the effects then you will have to open the firmware of the MS70 (also downloaded from zoom itself) then inject the extract effects into the firmware.

There’s 1 particular file FLST_SEQ.ZDT that you also need to inject into your MS70 updater firmware. You can find that FLST_SEQ.ZDT file in either the updater from zoom (i think). This file is the file list for the MS. (I fiddle around a bit, so I can’t really remember which steps I took. I tried whatever was on that chat and when I use version 0.99.5, it worked. So if when you just try with that version, see if that FLST_SEQ.ZDT file is there. if yes, then just update your zoom.)

After inject what you needed, save and you will have a new modified updated. Use that then to update your MS70 or whichever one that you have. MS50 bass effects doesn’t seem to work but you can use G1On or B1On effects. Just follow the same procedure.

hopefully this helps anyone who wants to try this out.


Nice, thank you so much for the detailed instructions! I’d had a quick look at the site and I thought it said you needed some special cable, so it’s great to know I can try it out :slight_smile:

Here is where I did mine simple app, just add and remove.


I see many people are using this pedal combined with a Volca Keys. How does it compare to routing the Volca Keys through a DN and applying its effects to it?

Recently, I bought some volcas (@vasidudu is to blame) and I’m trying different effects on them: DN and Heat. But, as the Ms-70 CDR is quite inexpensive, I’m considering it as well.

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DN won’t give you things like Particle Reverb , Shimmer, and a ton of other fx that the Zoom pedals have. You can also stack fx on the Zoom. I prefer using fx units on mono timbral synths personally though, as to not muddy things up on a synth that has many different sounds playing all at once (bass, melody, lead, percussion)


MS70CDR is a great tool for synths.
For the price, I would not consider anything else :slight_smile:
Ordered a second one as my first is being used with MicroFreak.
Second one for aux send on my Midas.
Very happy with it. Thousands of free patches everywhere, some of them stunning.


i just ordered this pedal and briefly googled about its MIDI capabilities.

it uses SysEx for editing all parameters, so a controller capable of sending SysEx would possibly work. what comes to mind first is old Novation Remote SL series.

since Remote SL is, to put it mildly, not the most compact gear on earth, i’m going to build Axoloti-based solution. appears to be totally feasible, since i already have unfinished, but working one for Roland HandSonic HPD-15 which is also SysEx-controlled.


How does the Zoom MS-70 CDR, particularly the reverbs handle low end? Prone to distortion?

Have been using it as an insert on MicroFreak as well as Aux Send on Midas 160.
I suppose the dac cannot be the most pristine but reverb wise, I have come across some serious algorithms and always been able to dampen low end / avoid distortion.


just jot a working prototype of Axoloti object that translates incoming CC message from external MIDI controller to MS-70CDR-specific SysEx.
so, parameter knob on MS-70CDR screen moves when i twist external controller knob.


well, in general, „debug version“ works.
i mean, incoming CC messages from external MIDI controller are translated to SysEx, and all parameters of all effects respond to them.
will now start making more performance-optimized production version.
not sure about setting tempo at the moment.



Good stuff - looking forward to the results you get.

interested to see how this works out and if lfos etc in the axo track into the zoom

that’s the main reason why i’m working on it — to modulate parameters without twisting knobs on the pedal, or to set them from external sequencer.
in live situation, i’m too busy to do it manually :grin:


@chaocrator so, are you hooking the MS70CDR to the Axo via USB?