1.30 Mega thread

indeed and lead too, 3 voices !!! … there are quite a few machines where the core osc is default tuned to a C for easy chromatic playing - but please note - the osc tuning is in quarter tones, so you need +24 to gain an octave - really ballsy as a bass synth with those wave shapes

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Can’t wait to try the new update tonight.

On another note, if calibration is necessary, shouldn’t this be mentioned in the readme/documentation of 1.3? Otherwise there can be potentially be a lot of users unaware about this and be getting bad sounds?

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The calibration message is a bit confusing; should I calibrate immediately after updating, or should I first keep the RYTM turned on for two hours before I run the calibration as the message seems to suggest?

I wouldn’t - it’s super critical for the Plastic to do it properly[/quote]
Ok, 2 hours means 2 continuous hours? Have to go in 1 hour so I can’t make it right today? When I’ll turn on again have to wait again 2 hours? Thank You.

indeed and lead too, 3 voices !!! … there are quite a few machines where the core osc is default tuned to a C for easy chromatic playing - but please note - the osc tuning is in quarter tones, so you need +24 to gain an octave - really ballsy as a bass synth with those wave shapes[/quote]

Duly noted. Wow! I think this has killed off any need I felt for the Analog Four.

I’m one of the few who actually print out the manual. I walk around with it and need to feel the paper.

When there are updates, is there a way to get only the new/altered pages? I would prefer to just print the new ones. I know the page numbers might not match up, but yeah .

Can’t wait to hear these new machines. I was expecting like two or three, but this is like a second machine!


No, but the OS update notes contain a list of the changed functions and bug fixes including, in this instance descriptions of the parameters for the new machines, as well as jaunty descriptions that do not appear in the manual itself.

They do some of the same stuff, but both do it so differently, no real overlap, but the AR has a tiny tiny subset of the configurability of the AF, but it has a heart - meaty deep ‘synth’ bass is a nice option because it can be locked/played in a way you couldn’t dream of with a sample
the AF does mighty drums too and the CV was the pull for me

I’m sure 2 hours has a lot of bandwidth to it to cover all user scenarios, but if you’re in a nice warm environment it’s not gonna be so important - absolutely no harm in doing it at all, but if first impressions matter, just keep in mind that this is an essential calibration (run it again another day and judge it then) - if you can wait, then do it and enjoy it as it’s meant to be - I’m sure you’d be fine doing it right now

wait prescribed time after os upgrade and keep it on for interim exploring for sure - some machines will not be affected, but for some, you could get the wrong impression until it’s calibrated properly

Thank you for the excellent demo patterns Simon!
Really looking forward to switch the AR on later in the studio!

Just logged in to say thanks and congratulations to the development team for this massive software release!

It is not that requesting stuff is wrong or anything, it is how. Personally I found some of those post super agressive, even insulting.


What a fucking surprise to wake up to today, better than Christmas, let me tell ya!

Just… wow.

Rytm has surpassed my previously favorite drum synth, the A4 (which became my favorite synth+sequencer with the previous linear FM/probability trig update).

Elektron is killing it. The Rytm dream machine reigns supreme.

I wonder if Plastic BD is the evolution of the mythical ring mod BD. It seems like a far more interesting kick than a simple ring mod. Well worth the wait.

Absolutely killer. Both machine updates and OB went without a hitch. Beautiful sounding new machines. Gorgeous GUI updates in OB.

Thank you so much Elektron!

The end of the work day seems like years away - can’t wait to get this loaded up!


Just saw this in the manual, I am confused

Added option to completely disable synthesis for a track by selecting DISABLE in the synthesis models list. When this is selected, there will be no parameters on the synth page and the Sound is made accessible, for loading and Sound Locking, on any of the individual voices of the RYTM, regardless of their particular oscillator configuration.

Does this mean that when you turn off a voice, it allows you to do a CTRL-8 type setup like in the MachineDrum?

Also, how does the calibration routine happen?

  1. Turn the Rytm on for two hours, OS update, calibrate
  2. Turn the Rytm on for two hours, calibrate, OS update
  3. OS update, leave Rytm on for two hours, then calibrate

1 - Update
2 - Play with Rytm with AR during two hour at least :smiley:
3 - Calibrate
4 - Quit working and play the rytm 24/7.

Thank you for this awesome update. This is exactly how I feel :

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3, I believe.