Ableton Note

Are there any other noteworthy clip launch sequencers available on iOS?

I think if you take Ableton Note for what it is, an Ableton user sketch pad in iOS, it’s pretty good.
It would be nice to think they have plans to open it up to the rest of the iOS app world, but that might prove tough to keep their iOS to desktop integration in place (although I’d be happy to just render third party apps to audio personally, which shouldn’t be that tough, right?).

Anyway, as an opening gambit and first step into the iOS world, I think Note is pretty slick.

I think LK was the first to do it. Atom 2 can do it too, to an extent, but I think the approach Drambo takes is my favourite.

I think its pretty slick. A lot of people complaining but maybe losing oversight that it is simply a “sketch pad” called Note. Im sure if will develop further and Tarekith hints at that also.

The cloud integration works great


do you need o pay when owning a license?

Yep. It’s an “add on”. (Ducks for cover)


Definitely going to check it out. Looks like a watered down version of what I’ve expected Ableton to move towards but it’ll develop and evolve over time. Surprised it’s taken them this long!

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meh :frowning:

A lot of the complaints I see here fall into that category.

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If you are an iOS music maker expecting it to connect with the existing ecosystem it will be a disappointment

If you are a Live user who wants to be able to make little sketches on their mobile device and send them back to Live to flesh out further, you’ll dig it

Might become something more useful to group 1 over time but group 2 is the only market they’re really targeting at present


The app is a good start, but at the moment only interesting for users who prefer finger drumming or realtime playing on touchscreens. No step sequencing or piano-roll editing. Not even the length of the recorded notes can be changed.

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Further sequencing options are coming, according to some guy on YouTube

Let’s face it they’re only going to flesh it out so much… if you could actually finish tracks on this thing you might not need Live

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I’m in neither group and, personally, I can see the value of an intentionally limited device (okay software device) that puts nothing in the way of just capturing a musical idea for later expansion.

Only reason I’m not using it right now is I’m in the middle of learning another device.


That’s a fair point. Personally I’m sort of in both groups so it works for me on a number of levels

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Yeah this is my thinking too, I’m seeing this as a driver for the desktop offerings and sell a few sample packs etc. But I want to be able to get 90% of the way there and finish up in Ableton, not get 10% done then have to spend even more hours at a desktop than I do when I’m finalizing an arrangement and mixing…

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Not the best surprise when I connected the Launchkey to the iPhone and was not recognised by the app…





Korg Gadget also has the clip launch paradigmn but can be unwieldy compared to the more streamlined apps.

I would like to see this integration in other music apps, i hope NI , Elektron, Akai does something similar, creating a sysex patch which we could download/sync to our hardware would be ace. Maybe even with browser midi - Faderfox has implemented a web tool to program their controllers - why not have some proxy sounds in the browser from Elektron, with setting /sequencer download for our devices.

No, you don’t need to pay for the cloud storage at all - but only 5 projects are allowed to be synched at a time. (you can have more on the device, just not synched.

The app itself is a one-time non-subscription payment whether you have an Ableton license or not.

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Here’s a track which i built up using a combination of Ableton Note and Drambo. Feel free to use it how you see fit:

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